St. 81 OF THE LC RF. Termination of employment contract on the initiative of the employer


2018-03-24 22:36:17




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The Legislation provides for the grounds on which an employer may terminate an employment contract. They are defined in article 81 of the LC RF. Consider the rule in more detail. article 81 of the LC RF


Dismissal under article 81 TK the Russian Federation is allowed if:

  1. The liquidation of the enterprise or termination of employment of an individual entrepreneur.
  2. Reduce staff/headcount entrepreneurs, organizations.
  3. The Mismatch of the citizen to the job or post occupied in connection with insufficient qualification, confirmed the certification.
  4. Changing the owner of the assets of the enterprise. This basis applies to chief accountant, the head and his deputies.
  5. Repeated non-performance of duties by the employee without good reason in the presence of a disciplinary action.
  6. Single gross violation committed by the employee.
  7. Any misconduct by the officer in charge of direct handling of cash or merchandise. The termination of the agreement in this case is carried out in the presence of bases loss of confidence in the employee by the employer.
  8. The Failure of the employee of the measures to resolve or avoid conflicts of interests, to which he acts, the failure to provide or provision of incomplete information about income/expenditure and obligations of property character property, available to him and his minor children and spouse, as well as the presence/opening of deposits/accounts, store cash and values in foreign banking organizations located abroad, possession/use of financial instruments of foreign origin employees, their relatives in the cases established TK, the normative acts of the government and the President. This basis applies if the specified actions are the cause of the loss of confidence in the employee on the part of the Director. article 81 paragraph 3 of the labour code
  9. The Commission employee performing educational functions, immoral act of nature, is incompatible with the continuation of the execution of the work.
  10. Acceptance of the unreasonable decision by the Director of the company (units), his Deputy, chief accountant, if it resulted in the violation of conservation of material values, illegal use of or brought other damage to the organization.
  11. Single gross violation by a Director of the company (office/branch) or his Deputy duties.
  12. The Submission by the employee to the employer of forged documents when applying for a job and signing the agreement.
  13. Other cases provided for in the agreement with the head of the organization's collegial Executive body of the Federal legislation and other normative acts.

Gross violation by the employee

Defined in paragraph 6 of article 81 of the LC RF. To gross violations by the employee of his duties include:

  1. Truancy. It is understood the absence of the subject in the workplace during the day/shift, or for four consecutive hours, regardless of their duration, without good reason.
  2. The Appearance of the employee in a state of intoxication. It can be not only alcohol, but also toxic and narcotic. In this case, the violation would be the appearance in such state, not only in the workplace but also in the territory of the enterprise or the entity where the citizen must perform his duties on behalf of the employer.
  3. Disclosure of information the confidentiality of which is protected by law. Speech, in particular, on state, official, commercial or other secret, as well as information concerning the identities of the other employees.
  4. The Committing of the theft (petty), embezzlement, willful damage or destruction of property at the place of execution of production functions, established by the judicial decision entered into force, the act of a person/body with the authority to review cases on administrative offences.
  5. Failure to comply with the employee protection requirements set by the Commission or official, if it has entailed heavy consequences or threat of their occurrence. 1 of article 81 of the LC RF


Termination upon liquidation and reduction under part 1 of article 81 TK the Russian Federation is permitted in the absence of the possibility to transfer the employee to other work available from the employer, with the written consent of the employee. This can be the position, relevant qualifications, lower-level or lower-paid position. This should take into account the health condition of the employee. The employer, in accordance with part 2 of article 81 TK the Russian Federation, is obliged to offer the employee all vacancies that meet the above requirements, are available in the area. The head needs to be offered a job in another country, if this right is established in the contract, collective agreement. Upon the termination of the activities of the departments of the enterprise located in a different location the contract is terminated in the manner provided for the liquidation of the organization.


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The Termination of the contract on the grounds established in paragraphs 7 and 8 of part 1 of article 81 of the labour code, as a result of guilty actions of the company's management has lost confidence in the employee, the immoral act was committed outside of work or the place of its implementation, but is not associated withperforming duties, is allowed no later than 1 year from the date of discovery of the violation. Prohibited termination of the contract during the period of leave or stay on sick leave of the employee. Except in the cases of termination of the contract on the grounds specified in clause 1 of article 81 of the LC RF. CH 1 of article 81 of the LC RF

Liquidation of the company or the termination of the UI

This is a rescission of the contract provides in clause 1, article 81 of the LC RF. The law lacks an explanation of the concept of "liquidation". Accordingly, in the application of norms should be guided by the provisions of the civil code. In article 61, in particular, determines the order of liquidation. It involves the discontinuation without switching responsibilities and rights in order of succession to other persons. Except in the cases defined by law. Termination of contracts with employees is on the basis of a decision taken at a meeting of the company. For immediate dismissal important fact of liquidation of the enterprise. In the event of disputes, the recovery of employees on the job the proof of the valid termination of the organization's existence rests on the defendant. As for the individual entrepreneur, the decision may be taken by him, a court (in connection with the recognition of its insolvency). Termination the PI may also be conditional upon a refusal to extend permits for certain activities, expiration of the certificate of state registration.


Termination of relationships with employees on the grounds specified in clause 2, article 81 TK the Russian Federation permitted subject to a number of conditions. In particular:

  1. Reduction of staff was really implemented. This fact needed to ensure order and the new schedule. The last be approved before the start of the relevant activities for the reduction.
  2. The employee is no preferential right to left in the state.
  3. The Employee was warned of an impending reduction in less than 2 months. The notice must be in writing and be provided to the employee for review under the signature.
  4. In the process of addressing the issue of dismissal, participated election primary structure of the Union.
  5. There is no possibility of transfer of the employee to other place with his consent. 2 of article 81 of the LC RF

Upon termination of treaties on grounds specified in clause 2, article 81 of the LC RF, in determining the existence of pre-emptive rights the employee on leaving the company, takes into account the qualifications and productivity.

Mismatch of employee

St. 81, paragraph 3 of the labour code determines the cause of the impossibility of continuing the stay of a citizen in the state enterprises. The discrepancy of the worker implies a lack of qualification, which is confirmed by the results of the assessment. Evaluation of business qualities of an employee is carried out in conjunction with analyses of other evidence, with the participation of the representative body of employees of the enterprise. The order of carrying out certification activities are defined by Federal laws and other normative acts in the sphere of labor. Termination of the contract in accordance with paragraph third of article 81 TK the Russian Federation is allowed with the condition of impossibility of transfer of an employee to another position with his consent.

Changing the owner

The Termination of the contract under item 4 of article 81 TK the Russian Federation is allowed with a certain category of workers. These include, in particular, considers the head of the enterprise, his deputies and chief accountant. Other employees can't quit because of the change of ownership. However, note one caveat. The termination of the relationship under paragraph 4 of article 81 TK the Russian Federation is allowed if change of ownership has occurred in respect of property of the enterprise as a whole. With the officials mentioned above, it is impossible to terminate the contract if the jurisdiction/subordination of the enterprise without doing the main conditions. 6 article 81 of the LC RF

The Repeated failure

In case of multiple violations of discipline, the termination of the contract with the worker is allowed if it has a penalty for past offences. Sanctions are provided for the employee for failing to fulfil obligations established in the rules of conduct or the contract. In the event of disputes about dismissals for violations the head of the enterprise must prove that misconduct had been made and could be grounds for termination of the relationship. In this case, the employer is required to comply with the deadlines defined by article 193 of the labor.

A Single violation

Section 6 of the commented provision sets forth the cases in which a worker can terminate the contract when the Commission of gross misconduct once. The list of violations considered to be exhaustive. For some enterprises, the activities of personnel associated with confidential information. Dismissal for the disclosure is permitted under certain conditions. In particular, a corresponding obligation should be established in the contract, identifies the specific information not to be disclosed, the information was entrusted to employee in connection with the performance of his duties. dismissal under article 81 of the LC RF


The Dismissal of employees must be carried out exclusively on the grounds established by law. In this case, the employer is required to comply with rules and deadlines. In particular, the Director must notify staff about upcoming events in writing under the signature, to issue an order. Equally important is compliance with the requirements of the act relating to payments to employees.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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