Networking in education - what is it?


2018-03-18 18:11:16




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Networking in education is a complex mechanism, which is the involvement of several organisations in the educational or extracurricular process.

networking in education is


The efforts of different educational institutions to centralize resources. This algorithm has already proved its relevance and worth. Network interaction of educational institutions assumes a special social partnership, which means “bilateral utility”. Among all participants in such interactions arise with informal and formal contacts. Networking in the education system particularly developed in middle school and high school.

What is a network?

In teaching practice concepts such as partnership, network, are fairly common. A network is a set of institutions. Note firewall the nature of the formed system.

the problems of network interaction in education


Networking in education - is a mechanism that has certain parameters, such as:

  • Unity of purpose;
  • Certain resources to achieve them;
  • Total control.


Model of network interaction in education depend on what the resources would be shared. The main task of a full system is to achieve original targets. Depending on what problems of network cooperation in education selected as the main, to the system connect certain types of educational institutions. As the main management body mainly performs control of the district or city.


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networking for inclusive education


The Main problems of network interaction in education is associated with significant territorial remoteness of different educational institutions. To overcome such problems, apply computer technology.

network interaction of educational institutions

Inclusive education

Special attention is paid to work with children with serious health problems. Those students for medical reasons are unable to attend school, so for them the Ministry of education has established a special project. It implies network interaction in inclusive education. Teachers communicate with their wards through the latest computer technology and programs. Before the teacher is allowed to work with a sick child, he held a special course training. These courses are aimed at overcoming psychological problems regarding the installation contact with the sick student.

Coordinating relationships between students, parents, teachers, and educational institutions provides a special division for inclusive (remote) learning. What is the algorithm for such interaction? First, the school passed to the specialists of the Department information about the number of children in need in distance education, indicates the recommendation of pediatricians in the educational process. The data obtained are studied in the coordinating center, the information is entered into a special database. In the next stage to each child select a mentor.

The teacher who will work with a sick child, there are special requirements. In addition to professional competence, it needs to be a good psychologist to the process of communication with his players to help the child, to save him from the uncertainty in the forces, various complexes arising due to the limitations of communication with peers.

The third stage is the selection of the educational program, its approval by the coordinating centre.

This network interaction in education is a complex of measures aimed at conduct remote lessons with students who have disabilities. The coordinating center creates a network schedule in which for each of the child States the time of the lesson, working teacher. Teacher job in the school, which is attached to the child.

The Algorithm hiring remote teachers is similar to the regular employee in an educational institution. The school Director is a scanned copy of the original application, copies of award documents, proof of no criminal record, proof of passing a special course of training, the rate sheet. Head of school prepares the order on the hiring of part-time worker bringing it to the remote teacher. Once all the formalities are settled, starts to direct the educational process.

networking in professional education

This work suggests a serious and periodic reporting. At the end of each month the teacher sends to the coordinator a report on the conducted lessons. Developed a special form for setting marks in a quarter, half-year, be filled in by the teacher. All the report materials sent to the coordinating center, then overlap in an educational institution, which is the child. The law on education in networking reglementary the relationship between the remote mentor, the student's parents, representatives of the Ministry of education.

network cooperation in secondary education

Further education

Network communication in further education has certain parameters:

  • It is based on the joint activities of adults and children;
  • There is an indirect or direct impact of constituent entities of the process to each other, which allows you to set between them a full relationship;
  • There is a possibility of a real transformation in the emotional, volitional, cognitive, personal sphere;
  • Takes into account the personal characteristics of all participants in the development of their social skills;
  • Uses the principles of creativity and trust, cooperation and equality;
  • The interaction is based on trust, support, mutual partnership.

Network interaction of establishments of additional education brings together the efforts of various clubs, schools, sections, aimed at the education of harmoniously developed personality of a child. How to create such a system? What are its main goals and objectives? Given that networking in additional education aimed at creating a base for full-fledged child's personality formation, in regional centers and large cities were centres of additional education. In these organizations, children are offered a variety of sports clubs, music clubs, dance studios. When hit by such a center, the kid and his parents staff “baby city” lead the tour and tell about each area, are allowed to attend classes. After the child is made a conscious choice 2-3 sections or circles, lining up his schedule so that he had time to go to comprehensive school, to engage in the selected sections. Network interaction of establishments of additional education implies the adjustments to the schedule of extracurricular exercises subject to the timetables in the normal (secondary school).

networking in education

Communication Strategies

Modern science offers two basic systems of interaction: competition and cooperation. Consider their features, possibilities of application.

The Cooperative interaction implies a certain contribution of all participants in the overall task. As a means of uniting in such a situation, consider the relationship that emerged in the immediate process of mutual communication. As the main indicator of the density of cooperative interaction is the level of involvement in a common goal of all participants in the educational system.

The Competition involves a struggle for priority, vivid form, which is a conflict situation. It is not necessary that the conflict had only negative parameters, often through such situations there is a way out of a difficult situation, lining up a full and friendly relations between different participants of educational process. Network communication in General education is closely associated with such strategies. They define it in the simulation and subsequent development.

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What is networking in education? It is the ability to combine multiple separate educational institutions around strong schools, having sufficient material and human resources. Such educational institutions perform the function of “resource center”. In such a situation every educational institution in this group retains the right to ensure teaching...

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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