Coordination as a management function in management


2020-07-03 03:25:09




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The Conventional notion of management suggests that it represents a process for planning and making various Executive decisions and monitoring their implementation. However, there is another side of the management, it not infrequently acts as a coordinator to ensure that approval - coordination as a management function.

For these tasks the company created a separate division, or center, although often such focal points are integrated directly into the production structure.

Of Coordination as a management function refers to the establishment of an orderly hierarchical structure that aims to provide the distribution of tasks, resolving powers of leadership and responsibility in different processes, activities, and a clear structuring of all processes of production. Such processes are aimed primarily at creating and integrating an effective system of tasks facing the company.

Of Coordination as a management function is performed using the established rules common to the execution, although individual processes may be created separate rules. Therefore, the first is mostly associated the concept of organization, and with the latter, the concept of governance at an operational level.

Of Coordination as a management function is indispensable for structures that do repetitive tasks and processes. In this case there are, a set of General rules which prescribe the order of execution of these repetitive operations and activities.

Process And operational management is reflected in special instructions that relate to specific cases and manufacturing processes or cases which arise in atypical situations and circumstances. In this case, the overall structure of the organization of production can be simply not effective. In this case, regulation as a function of the control allows to coordinate the organization's processes and operational management, to identify objectives for units and managers, and to align General and special solutions depending on the situation.


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Of Coordination as a management function in the perspective of the organization of production may be due to two reasons:

First,  if the monotony of processes and technologies for a long period of time, this approach allows to develop a unified (General) solution that will allow future use without having to constantly make new ones that will cause the inefficiency and delay of administrative processes.

And the second reason could be more coherence (coordination) when performing work, which in turn contributes to the stability of production processes.

In addition, coordination in the context of the organization of production has several advantages:

- improving (capacity) management, which leads to significant simplification in the management;

- allows you to develop a great business structure that will have a clear division of labour and management;

- rational use of business processes in the enterprise.

However, the coordination as a management function can have some negative aspects, mainly a significant reduction in the flexibility of the structural units (since lost some of the powers).

These negative effects can occur as a result of:

- excessive schematization, in which all economic processes develop into routine execution.

- limit the adoption of individual decisions and free creativity in the management;

identification of management processes, which causes the substitution in the relations between staff that do not occur on the basis of their own authority, but only on the basis of “letter of a paragraph” regulations and laws.

If you encounter the last point of negative phenomena should pay attention to the process of social monitoring as a management function. Using this tool it is possible to identify the transition relations between staff from the normal to the impersonal and systemic.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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