Statistical methods - what is this? The application of statistical methods


2018-03-19 05:51:17




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Statistical methods of data analysis well covered in the literature. In the practice of Russian companies, meanwhile, are only some of them. Let us examine some Statistical treatment. statistical methods this

General information

In the practice of domestic enterprises mainly Statistical control methods. If we talk about the regulation of the technological process, it is rarely observed. Statistical methods provides that the company formed a group of professionals who are qualified.


According to the requirements of ISO ser. 9000, the supplier must identify the need for statistical methods that are used in the process of development, adjustment and check the capabilities of the production process and product specifications. The techniques used are based on probability theory and mathematical calculations. Statistical methods of data analysis can be implemented at any stage of the product life cycle. They provide assessment and taking into account the degree of heterogeneity of products or variability of its properties with respect to the prescribed nominal or desired values and also the variability of the process of its creation. Statistical methods – the techniques through which with a given accuracy and reliability to judge the condition of the phenomena which are investigated. They allow you to predict certain problems, develop optimal solutions based on the study of factual information, trends and patterns.


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The Main areas in which widespread Statistical methods

  1. Process control.
  2. Report as finished products. It uses statistical methods for quality.
  3. Study stability and accuracy of technological operations.
  4. Calculation of reliability and its test. statistical methods for data analysis

Practice in developed countries

Statistical methods – framework that ensures the creation of products with high consumer characteristics. These techniques are widely used in industrialized countries. Statistical methods are, in fact, guarantors of consumer products that meet the requirements. The effect of their use of proven practices of the industrial enterprises of Japan. They contributed to achieving the highest production level in the country. Years of experience of foreign countries shows how effective these techniques are. In particular, it is known that the company Hewlelt Packard, using statistical methods, were able to reduce in one case, the number of marriage per month from 9 000 to 45 units

Complexity implementation

In the domestic practice there are a number of barriers to use Statistical methods of study indices. Difficulties arise due to:

  1. The Lack of most of the specialists and managers adequately understand the essence and value of methods, the importance of reflection, transformation and use of information.
  2. Ignorance of statistical methods and their application.
  3. The Lack of most of the professionals experience of processing of empirical information.
  4. Distrust of the reliability of the results.
  5. Lack of clear, readable without attracting mathematical apparatus benefits. statistical methods of economic analysis are

Program Development

Needless to say, defining the needs in various statistical techniques in terms of quality, choice, mastering of specific teaching techniques is quite complicated and time-consuming work for any domestic enterprises. For effective implementation it is advisable to develop a special long-term program. It should provide formation services, which will include the organization and methodological guidance of the application of statistical methods. In the program we must provide the appropriate technical means, training of specialists, to determine the composition of production tasks that must be addressed using the selected techniques. Development is recommended to start with the most simple approaches. For example, it is possible to use a known elementary Statistical methods management Production. Subsequently, it is advisable to move on to other techniques. For example, it may be the analysis of variance, selective information processing, regulation of processes, planning studies and factorial experiments, etc.


Statistical methods of economic analysis are different methods. Is to say, there are quite a lot. However, a leading expert in the field of quality management in Japan by K. Ishikawa recommends using seven main methods:

  1. Pareto Chart.
  2. Grouping of information according to General characteristics.
  3. Checklists.
  4. Cause-and-effect diagram.
  5. Histogram.
  6. Control sheets.
  7. Scatter Chart.

Guided by their own experience in the field of management, Ishikawa contends that 95% of all issues and problems in the enterprise can be solved using these seven approaches. statistical methods in management

Pareto Chart

This Method statistics is based on a certain ratio. It was called the "Pareto principle". According to him, 20% of the causes appears 80% of the effects. Pareto chart in a clear and understandable form shows the relative impact of each circumstance on the General problem in descending order. This impact can be analyzed for the number of losses, defects, triggered by each cause. The relative impact is illustrated by the columns, the accumulated effects of the factors through the cumulative straight.

Cause-and-effect diagram

It studied the problem conventionally represented in the form of a horizontal straight arrows, and the conditions and factors that are indirectly or directly influencing it, as inclined. When you build to consider even seemingly insignificant circumstances. This is due to the fact that in practice often enough there are cases in which the solution of the problem is provided with the exception of a few, seemingly insignificant, factors. The reasons that affect the basic circumstances (first and following orders) is depicted in the diagram, the horizontal short arrows. Detailed diagram will take the form of a fish skeleton.  statistical methods of quality

Group information

This Economic-statistical method is used to organize a variety of indicators, which were obtained when estimating and measuring one or more parameters of the object. As a rule, such information is presented in the form of an unordered sequence of values. It may be the linear dimensions of the workpiece, melting temperature, material hardness, number of defects, and so on. On the basis of such system it is difficult to draw conclusions about the properties of the products or processes of its creation. The ordering is done using line graphs. They clearly show the variation in the observed parameters during a certain period.

Reference sheet

Typically, it presents in table form of the frequency distribution of occurrences of measured values of parameters of the object at the appropriate intervals. Tracking forms are prepared depending on the research objectives. The range of indicator values is divided into equal intervals. Their number is usually equal to the square root of the number of measurements. The form should be simple, to avoid problems when completing, reading, testing.


It is represented in the form of a stepped polygon. It illustrates the distribution of measurements. Range of set values is divided into equal intervals, which lay on the x-axis. To each interval a rectangle is constructed. Its height is equal to the frequency of occurrences of values in a given period.  the method statistics

Scatter Chart

They are used to test hypotheses about the relationship of two variables. The model is constructed as follows. On the x-axis postpone the amount of one argument, y – another key figure. The result appears on the chart point. These steps are repeated for all values of the variables. When the relationship field correlation is elongated, and the direction coincides with the direction of the y-axis. If a dependency is missing, it is parallel to one axis or will be in the form of a circle.


They are used in the evaluation process during a specific period. The formation of the control chart is based on the following provisions:

  1. All processes deviate from set parameters over time.
  2. Unstable course of the phenomenon are not changed accidentally. Are not accidental deviations, leaving...

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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