Introduction of report on practice: a description, guidance and examples


2018-04-13 11:10:34




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The proposed your attention the article we will try as much detail as possible to talk about how to write introduction of report on practice. We will consider all types of practical training: educational, industrial and predegree. In addition, we will consider the overall structure, which is important when writing the introduction. We will try to convey the essence and to simplify this tedious work.

In this work, we present small excerpts taken from the introduction of the report on an industrial practice. After careful consideration of the material presented you will not be difficult to write a unique introduction, which is different from the rest (i.e. without using clichés).

Educational practice

Before we talk about what should be in the introduction of the report of educational practice, we propose to consider this type of work in General terms.

the introduction of the practice report

Teaching practice – it is the lightest of the practical work of the student. It helps to prepare for more difficult stages. The structure should not cause much difficulty. The only difference from other works – the absence of a practical part (in some cases it's saved).

Information for this report is taken from the lectures during the collective sessions. Your task-to collect as much useful information to make a full report.

The Aim of this work – immersing the student in a working environment. Definitely want to mention this when writing the report. In the introduction and the conclusion need to leave their recommendations, but not to delve deeply into this work.


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Manufacturing practice

report on industrial practice introduction

How to write a report on industrial practice? The introduction and conclusion-this is the most time-consuming part, because there will have to summarize all the work to give any valuable advice. In General, industrial practice – the most hard work, if it is compared to training.

It is worth noting that the design must meet all the requirements specified in the guidelines of your institution. As a rule, it is the accepted norm. But there are cases where the institution sets its own requirements. Therefore, before writing the work is familiar with manuals that recommend a teacher.

Another is to draw attention to the fact that this stage is aimed at independent work of the student, his own reflection. It is therefore not necessary to forget the main point, which should be present in the report – your personal recommendation.


introduction to report production practice

In the introduction of the report on externship must be mentioned on the thesis. It is important to note that some universities require this in the conclusion. Externship is the most important stage of the training period. Now understand, why?

During the internship you must accurately determine the topic of the thesis, as they should be as close as possible. Be sure to write in the introduction that the topic resonates with your qualifications. This item is very important, because a well-chosen theme is guaranteed to pass on protection to WRC.

How to write a report?

Each of the three practices that will have to go to any high-school student has some its own characteristics. The first stage (teaching practice) is held on the second or third year of training, it does not imply immersion in the working environment. Consequently, the report is more like a summary.

Here manufacturing practice – this is a more important stage. Here the student already immersed in the working atmosphere, he is now a temporary employee of the organization who has to perform any professional duties (of course, under the guidance of his supervisor from the practice base). This is necessary because it will be easier to write a report on industrial practice. For the introduction it would only take one or two pages, where it is necessary to explain briefly the essence of the work carried out, identify the problem.

During the internship must show their good side. It is not only the guarantor of successful writing a report thesis, but also future employment. In addition, you will practice full-fledged employee of the company. The curator, as a rule, do not put.

practice report introduction example

Despite the fact that all kinds of practices differ from one another, the goals and objectives they have the same:

  • Summarize the educational process;
  • To consolidate knowledge from the lectures;
  • Master the skills;
  • To study the work of enterprises.

The Report is required to ensure that the teacher was able to assess the knowledge and skills which you got during practice, to draw a conclusion about the professional preparedness of his students. In order to write the report properly, you need to fully immerse yourself in the work process, to study the necessary documentation. The introduction should briefly tell about the company, tell about their achievements and make recommendations for improving workflow.

Where to begin?

When you are going to make a report, youto see the guidelines. These manuals should provide the University. In them you will find all the necessary information:

  • Structure (introduction of report on practice, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, conclusion and so on);
  • Tasks;
  • Writing;
  • Decoration and so on.

It is Important to remember that the basis of the report of the practice – it is a practice plan that should be prepared by your supervisor. It needs to contain at least three tasks.

For the competent writing of the report, you should carefully collect information about the work of the enterprise, analyze it, develop a plan to improve any workflow. If you do not understand something, then ask for help from one of his supervisors.

After gathering information proceed to the analysis. Only then – to the presentation. The text should be clear and readable, so go carefully structuring. The structure of the report, which will be discussed in the next section, is always the same, as it is common rules for all universities in our country. It is on the structure should be based, when you order the text of their work.


educational practice report introduction

Now consider briefly the structure:

  • Title page;
  • Content;
  • Introduction (for a report on manufacturing practices, training or pre-graduation, it looks like: it is necessary to reflect the goals, objectives, expected results);
  • Main part (contains theoretical and practical part, the exception – teaching practice);
  • Conclusion (conclusions, evaluation of own work, recommendations).


Introduction to the report for externship, academic or industrial, is an important part of the job. It is small in volume section, which has a clear structure and can summarize the main aspects:

  • Theme;
  • The urgency of the problem;
  • Purpose;
  • Tasks;
  • A brief description of each Chapter;
  • The exact number of drawings, diagrams, tables and so on;
  • Description of the literary sources.

The Aim of – familiarity with the problem, convinced him that the topic is important. In addition, the introduction of the report on practice it is necessary to correctly formulate goals and objectives. More about this will discuss in the next sections.

Goal Setting

To Determine the goals and objectives it is important to write the report. They must be not only clear, but also to stand in the General text. Many people confuse or combine the concept of “goal” and “challenge”. Please note that this is not the same.

introduction to the report on externship

The goal refers to the result you wish to achieve in the process. Here (excerpt) example of introduction of report on the practice where the purpose is formulated: the design needs to form an opinion about a company “B” as the reliable enterprise for customers. Another example: the design will provide partners comfortable and easy flow of information about all the activities of the company “D”.

Problem Statement

In the introduction of the practice report must be created in the task. Unlike objective task – this is one step that brings us closer to the goal.

If the thesis is devoted to the design of the magazine, we can distinguish the following tasks:

  • Develop a clear structure of information;
  • To determine the cover design;
  • Pick any content and so on.

Pay attention to the fact that the set tasks should those be addressed in the development process of this project.


introduction to externship in the report

Another important milestone – a brief description of the chapters. It should be mandatory, so the teacher will be able to understand what was going on without even reading the report itself. Here is an example of the description of the economic Chapter of the report: the economic part contains all the necessary calculations for the development of the design project.

Also pay attention to the authors whose work you use when writing. Briefly write about the issues that formed the basis of the writing project.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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