The development of speech of children of preschool age with the help of small folklore forms


2018-04-13 11:00:25




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Modern children are increasingly diagnosed developmental delays in speech, violations of pronunciation or complete lack of speaking in normal language development. Apparently, it has changed forms of communication between children and parents, reduced the number of personal communication has increased the possibility of obtaining information through technical means: TV, computer, radio. The kids don't see the pattern of formation of the sound and technique of his pronunciation, therefore, to develop the ability to speak it takes more time than before.

In order For the language development of children of preschool age is in accordance with the norm, should be in the period of carrying a child to converse with him, to read aloud, the rhythmic poems of home and sing lullaby songs. Clinical psychologists proved that the child begins to perceive sounds with four months of fetal development, and the singing of the mother, develops his hearing, soothes, creates a situation of “dialogue”, but so far no words from the child. The baby can respond to movement or, on the contrary, a relief to his mother's voice. Besides, building the passive vocabulary, which in the future need, and foster the development of speech of preschool children when their vocal apparatus is ready for speaking. Consider this in more detail.

The Development of preschool children – the process is continuous, so after the birth parents in addition to everyday communication to accompany its interaction with the child pregovorima about washing, brushing, walking and walking. They are pronounced clearly. Mom leans over the baby so that he saw her face, lips, tongue, when speaking. You can see the baby even without the music trying to copy her mother's movements with her lips. So is speech training, strengthening the muscles of the vocal apparatus.


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The Development of speech of preschool children begins with the first verbal games in which movement is matched with the word. The game “okay”, “Jay-beloboka” or “boy.” helps you to remember the meaning of the word, and frequent reproduction of the poetic text helps the child to repeat it over and over again in a greater volume. Incentive for pronunciation are positive emotions of the child, which he feels during the game.

The Development of speech of preschool children, and its improvement can be tracked by the number of spoken words a child as well as the ability to build phrases, sentences, and ask meaningful questions. If by the year the child uses speech only 8-10 for simple words, one and a half years, the vocabulary increases to 40, and the baby begins to ask, pointing to the subject: “What is it?”. Three years vocabulary increases sharply and reaches thousands of words that the little one while not everyone pronounces correctly, and the sound is often skipped or distorted. By age five preschool children, as a rule, clearly pronounces all sounds of the native language, build complex sentences, his speech is like a short story, a vocabulary of about 2,500 words, which the child can use in different cases with prepositions.

Language Development in kindergarten is not only in organized teacher courses, but in free communication kids when they organise action games, play theatrical performances. Based games and dramatizations primarily selected works of folklore: rhymes with short story, Petushki familiar from early childhood, when parents played with fingers and palms of a baby, as well as simple fairy tales: “Bun”, “tower”, “chicken” and others.

Small folklore forms – simple, rhythmic and child-friendly. Selected in accordance with age, they are a means for the perception and exercise of speech. They can a large range be used by parents and caregivers at any time: on the occupation, while preparing to sleep, when performing everyday tasks.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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