The fascia is Fascia... man


2018-04-02 13:27:15




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Fascia — is something that does not show bright images in the pictures illustrating the muscles. Meanwhile, the tissue in the body the most. Sometimes forget about it, studying anatomy and working out at the gym. But its importance is so great that knowledge allows you to use the concept both in theory and in practice. The article will disclose, which means fascia is and how it works in the body.

fascia is a


Fascia — this ligament, and the pleura, and the diaphragm, and so on. All education data are derived from a certain rudiment or embryonic mesoderm from which the effected tissue called mesenchyme. It in all directions the mechanical activity in the embryonic period. The smallest displacement and movement occur throughout life. Fascia — this is what is present at each level of the human body, is a fundamental component of physiology, mainly thanks to its protection features.

The Fascia is in contact with the external environment before it interferes with the nervous system. At her level is the interaction between the space inside and outside of cells. So balance is achieved.

To handle the load, this structure forms a circuit, and when exceeding the critical level changes its properties. All injuries remain in memory.

fasciae of the neck

The Fascia is connective tissue, or rather, the mesoderm from the embryonic leaf. It turns out that cartilage and bone are also them, but in aggregated form. Making a single fabric, they, without interruption, followed by head to toe inside and out. Fascia connect the bones between themselves and inside themselves. Permeating all structures and layers, they form a matrix, starting from the inside to the surface layer.


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They are three levels:

  • Subcutaneous;
  • Deep;
  • Subserous.

Focus on them more.

Subcutaneous fascia

broad fascia

As the name implies, it is under the skin, being the main layers of fat, blood vessels, nerves and receptors. It is due to this connective tissue, the skin is able to move in different directions over layers of other structures.

In this space may accumulate fluid and metabolites. Due to the connection with the deep fascia, tissue changes here may be caused by processes going on inside, reflecting their dysfunction.

Deep fascia

This is a more dense structure compared to the previous one. It separates the muscles, nerves and vessels, internal organs and so on (for example, there may be fascia of the neck). Elements here are the pleura, pericardium and peritoneum. Due to its tight and stable properties can develop syndromes of different nature. So, as a result of injury to the lower limbs can be broken fascia of the thigh and diminished vessel nerve where damaged sensitivity.

fascia Lata

Subserous fascia

This substance covers the inner organs. It is characterized by porosity and is the basis for nerves and small vessels. This must be taken into account in those cases when used visceral therapy.


Fascias of the following functions.

  • First, they are a support for nerves and vessels.
  • Second, participate in the formation of muscles, ligaments and tendons.
  • Third, provide the sliding between organs and tissues.
  • Fourth, hold shape.
  • Fifth, are nourishing and lubricating component.
  • Sixth, reflexes provide the nervous system.
  • In the seventh, making the proprioception and nociception.
  • And finally, in eighth, are in the immune system.

They are closely associated with muscles. For example, fascia Lata, like others, covers his muscles. Therefore, she is actively involved in the process of lengthening — downsizing.


fascia Lata

Change the fascia become possible thanks to their elastic-viscous properties, provided that the ratio of the individual elements of the connective tissue. There are two types of elastic deformations:

  • Plastic;
  • Elastic.

The First is the acquisition of new forms in the result of the applied load (if the work was in tension, then we are talking about lengthening). The form that existed before the load is forgotten. It is easy to understand on the example of clay. It is especially plastic at a young age. Property arises due to the viscosity of the ground substance of the tissue. If she wasn't plastic, the shape of a man in a lifetime could change.

Elastic deformation under tension maintains the new length, while for this effort. But then the old length is returned. For example, a wide fascia can stretch and shortening up again. It can be compared to a rubber band, so as, unlike the previous type, she remembers “past”. Connective tissue has these elastic properties, thereby providing a constant shape and size. So, fasciae of the neck, though, and may slightly increase, but quite a bit. They remain the same size.


It Seems like you can get along two opposite qualities? This paradox will be easier to understand if you remember about the tissue hysteresis. It is known that the external and internalchanges in environment facilitate changes in properties of the fabric. If the temperature in the fascia increases, dominated by the plastic properties. At lower temperatures, on the contrary, more will become apparent elastic properties.

Remember the classes on stretching. It is known that in front of her, be sure to warm up the muscles. Then stretching will be more effective. The tensor of the broad fascia and the anterior, posterior group of muscles on the hips will elongate much better after an intense workout.

Internal and External environment are constantly changing. And after them, change the properties of the fabrics. Among the factors affecting this effect, you can select the time of day, heart rate, and respiratory rate.

Change the elastic properties of tissue called "hysteresis loop".

Fascia and injury

These structures are prone to microtraumatism. Reaction of fascia to overload divided in stages for the following types:

  • Reduced capacity for tension;
  • Repair with scarring;
  • Distortion of spatial perception.

the tensor of the broad fascia

So first, due to overload, they loosened, which could cause bleeding and inflammation. Then scars are formed, the sealing contracture, pain and, finally, changing proprioception and muscle tone.

Further changes to the system reactions. Formed pain. Along with the fact that fascia delimit bodies, provide slide, they are membranes — a transit area for vessels and nerves. The response characteristic of the vessels that nourish the nerves. So, at the stage of pathogenesis of muscle pain, but at the same time can be so-called "tunnel effect" when irritatie involved and other areas. Then there is the radiation. An example is the syndrome scalene muscles.


These structures are behind the fascia. They are divided into static and phasic. Of course, each has also one, and another function, but still some is dominant.

The First are more prone to shortening. At the bottom of these include, for example, straight hip, square, lumbar, calf and other muscles. At the top — ladder, wide back muscles, levator scapulae, and so on.

Dynamic muscles have a tendency to hypotension. Example of them are the gluteal, abdominal, deep neck flexors, extensors of the upper extremities.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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