Adolf Galland: a biography and photos


2018-04-02 11:52:15




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Adolf Galland is considered one of the best pilots of the Second world war. German ACE rose to the rank of Lieutenant-General of the Luftwaffe, and was also acting President of the Association of fighter pilots. What was his fortune, and what he had to face on their path to reach the heights in his military career, you will learn from this article.

Adolf Galland

Boy, dreaming of the sky

Famous German pilot was born in Germany in 1912. The boy's parents were German Adolf Galland Felix French and Anna Schipper. The head of the family of Galandou, continuing the family tradition, in the County Vesterholt held two honorary positions – Treasurer and Manager, therefore, the fate of the boy, probably, has been predetermined.

However, little Adolf from a very early age dreamed of aviation. When the boy saw the soaring glider, he lost the rest. Adolf Galland saw himself as the only pilot, he literally raved about the sky.

Education in the family was very strict. Adolf was the second child of four, and each of the children the father gave a certain nickname that he had to respond. The hero of our story was called Kaffara. Two brothers, Adolf also later become pilots.

As in Germany, there was a ban on private air force, many of those who want to learn flying business started with the development of gliders that were resolved. Immediately after graduation the young pilot entered the flight courses, after graduating from which accomplished its first flight. Such a significant event happened in 1928. The father supported his son's passion for, and after his first flight gave him a new glider.


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So, Adolf Galland (see photo in article) became a pilot instructor gliding. In 1932 there was a new milestone in his career – he began working in commercial airline "Lufthansa".

The Threat of a successful career

January 1934 was marked by the fact that Adolf Galland was in the Luftwaffe, where, 9 months later received the rank of Lieutenant. Agreeing on service there, the young pilot has signed an agreement to participate in a secret military program.

It was at this time Adolf met with Hermann Goering-commander of the German air force.

Adolf Galland the first and the last

The Young pilot loved to take risks, and often practiced while flying aerobatics. In October 1934 with it happened a misfortune - during one of the flights while performing complicated figures he lost control and the biplane to speed crashed into the ground.

The Pilot received such severe injuries that the doctors verdict on the end of his career. Adolf was very badly damaged left eye, broken nose and skull, and these injuries were incompatible with his profession.

The Desire to fly Adolf Galland was so great that, despite the disappointing forecasts of doctors, he was able to recover and return to a favorite cause.

The First downed aircraft

In 1937, Adolf Galland at his own request moved to the Legion «Condor», which was used during the civil war that took place in Spain. The composition of this Legion he performed many combat sorties.

It was at this time there “business card" pilot. On all of their aircraft he drew Mickey mouse with a cigar in his mouth. Adolf admitted that he really likes this cartoon character, and he is a passionate admirer of cigars.

Adolf Galland growth weightThe Pilot was pretty impressive. Black sunglasses, podtribunnye helmet, a constant cigar in his mouth – that was the ACE of the German air force Adolf Galland. Height, weight of the pilot also came in all the parameters of the profession.

In may 1940 was the beginning of his military victories. Performing one of the combat missions in Belgium, he shot down his first enemy aircraft.

Aerial victory

Galland in the beginning of the Second world war has been an instructor of pilots. Later evolved into a fighter.

During the war, pilot Adolf Galland was visited in the fighting on almost all fronts. He shot down 103 enemy planes, for which he was repeatedly awarded the highest awards.

In December 1942, he was awarded the rank of major General and Adolf became the youngest military, which had such a high rank. Get a raise, Galland was dismissed from participation in the fighting, but despite the ban, he sometimes indulged in combat missions.

After 2 years of the pilot was expecting another increase on 1 December 1944 he was promoted Lieutenant-General.

Military awards

The First award which was awarded to pilot – Iron Cross II class. Continuing to fight and to shoot down enemy planes, he receives the same reward, but first class.

pilot Adolf Galland

When did the battle of Britain, Galland was awarded the Knight's cross. With a victory the pilot was awarded the Knight's cross with oak leaves, swords and diamonds.

Having finished his account of victories to number 56, it was considered the best pilot of the Luftwaffe.

Galland and Goering

The First meeting of these two military men were friendly, Goering liked Adolf. Increasingly, however, their views on the use of combat aircraft are different.

The Situation considerablyescalated when he began intensive bombing of Germany by allied forces. After the destruction of the cities of the country in 1945, Goering put all the responsibility on Galland, and soon, removing him from office, arrested.

Only the intervention of Hitler helped the pilot avoid danger.

Adolf Galland's personal lifeLife after the war

Until 28 April 1947, Galland was captured by the allies. Freed, the pilot chose to domicile Argentina. Here he lived until 1955, successfully performing the duties of adviser to the commander of the Argentine air force.

Adolf Galland, whose personal life was always turbulent, married three times. The first time, while still living in Argentina, it was combined by marriage with the Countess von Donhoff. This significant event happened in 1954.

Back in 1955 in Germany, the pilot became the owner of his own company. And in 1963 married a second time. His wife, Annelis, gave him two children - boy (1966) and a girl (1969).

For the third time as married, being in old age. When he was 72 years old, he's in 1984 was combined by marriage with Heidi horn.

Galland successfully ran her own business and was President of the Association of fighter pilots of Germany.

Adolf Died in 1996 in the city of Oberwinter in your own home.


In Addition to their victories in memory of his pilot left a memoir. Exploring materials written by Galland, it is possible to reconstruct a complete picture of all of the fighting that occurred on the Western front during the Second world war. The author has done a full analysis of the aircraft of all the warring parties, and also gave an assessment of strategic errors during the campaign.

Adolf Galland photo

Adolf Galland, “the First and the last. The German fighters on the Western front. 1941-1945" - this book was first published in Russia in 2004.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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