The company "Leroy Merlin": the employee reviews, features and working conditions


2020-05-03 14:00:19




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Choosing where to work is a responsible job. And sometimes to help decide numerous reviews about a particular employer. It is always important to know what awaits us in the workplace after employment. A potential boss is unlikely to "reveal all map" and will speak about all the subtleties that only could be waiting for us. Today we will learn what gets "Leroy Merlin" feedback from staff in terms of employment. If this is a good and fair employer? What are the conditions and requirements put forward against the applicants? Than satisfied or disappointed by people? All this will have to learn next. Otherwise, understand that the firm in front of us really hard.Leroy Merlin staff


The First thing you should pay attention to what exactly is involved in the Corporation. For many it plays a huge role. Especially for those who value the prestige of the organization. "Leroy Merlin" feedback from staff on the issue of its activities and receives extremely positive.

Why? No specifics or features here and never will be. We are dealing with the most common company that sells construction materials. Only, unlike competitors, "Leroy" is a French firm. She, apparently, will be allocated to their equipment and goods. In principle, it is.

In any case, the work in "Leroy Merlin" the staff at first gets good. No cheating, very clear and just what you will do. So, it is possible to trust firm.


Still, there's no rush. After all, the prestige of the company is not a guarantee of success and quality. There are some points that employees pay attention before employment. For example, an important role is played here by the proposed job.


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In principle, also no significant differences from the competition. Like any building material store, this organization is constantly in need of sales consultants. This can be attributed to more and storekeepers, porters, cashiers. Of course, a variety of merchandisers and cleaners are also appreciated.

That is not so bad as it seems. You have the opportunity to seek employment in the Corporation. For this "Leroy Merlin" feedback from employees (Moscow and other cities throughout Russia) earns good. After all, you can try yourself in the role of different personnel. The important thing is to contact the employer!work at home depot reviews employees

First meeting

A Huge role in our current issue is the so-called interview. This is the first meeting you and a potential employer. Sometimes during the carrying out thereof, it is possible to refuse employment. How are things here?

Work in "Leroy Merlin" feedback from employees (Moscow and other regions of Russia) earns positive in terms of the first meeting with a potential employer. Yes, something depends on the city you live, but in General, the situation is the same everywhere.

What is it? The interview will be held in the official representation, in a friendly environment. Sometimes, of course, can be seen a kind of arrogance in relation to potential employees, but it is very rare. And try to fight immediately.

"Leroy Merlin" staff (St. PETERSBURG, Moscow and other regions) is getting good. You can find all the information about certain jobs, and also to understand what challenges may be waiting for you in the workplace. These facts can not but rejoice. After all, few people agree, in principle, to talk in detail at the interview about different jobs. Turns out, so far there is nothing to fear. But is it really?Leroy Merlin staff Moscow


Opinions are divided on this issue. Please note that some applicants believe it is important a set schedule. And this is indeed the case. Because you always want to know what awaits in the workplace, as you need to work and at what wage. Maybe work and responsibility cash payments just did not add up. It is recommended not to be employed.

Fortunately, "Leroy Merlin" staff and plan work schedule gets good. At least when it comes to the promises of the employer. What you are offered? A lot depends on your jobs. But, in General, is considered shift work and 8-hour working day. You can register the contract after the interview, what kind of schedule you want. Often offers 2/2, 3/2, and 5/2. Given the fact that you will have to work only 8 hours, this kind of approach is extremely pleased with the applicants. They are happy with the proposals of the employer.

Terms and Conditions

What's next? Not so easy is to find a job in today's Corporation. Because it has its own peculiarities that have to be followed. The company "Leroy Merlin" feedback from employees of various directions gets in terms of labor conditions.

The Main difference from the competition there is great attention to corporate ethics. That is, after the employment you can prepare for diverse and numerous training, education, communication with other employees "Leroy". On the one hand, it's good. After communicating great effect on the team. On the other - some are much more important to fulfil theirjob duties, than to sit on any training that is not paid as a work day. So, the question is moot - good tactics of a Corporation or not.salary at home depot reviews employees

In General, no more features are not available. Gaining normally only adult people who are in good physical shape. And nothing more. Reluctant to in "Leroy Merlin" recruit women, except as merchandisers, cleaners and cashiers. Among the consultants of the "beautiful half" of society is hard to find. In principle, all true - not a woman's business, work with building materials.


Work Also in "Leroy Merlin" the staff gets good because with all the training. And, as practice shows, on an individual basis. It lasts not too long (up to a month max, usually 2 weeks), but, unfortunately, this period will not be paid. Rather, it is done to ensure that you could decide - whether to become part of the company.

No differences from the competition in this field is not available. Learning fast, will work with you the employee, which has long practiced in one area or another. You can always find out what awaits you in the workplace. Very happy about this fact. Because you can warn about some important features that an employer intentionally or by forgetfulness of his not reported previously.

At the end of training you will conduct a final interview. Or rather, testing. This inspection is carried out on almost all potential applicants. This establishes compliance with the requirements of the Corporation. Nothing suspicious. The next day after certification, you can officially get to at home depot reviews employees Moscow


It would Seem to us just the perfect Corporation. Then the prestige, and corporate ethics develops and normal conditions. But not so simple. Salary in "Leroy Merlin" the staff collects the already not so enthusiastic. Rather, they are even more negative than positive.

Why so? First, in the interview you will promise high profits. About 20-25 thousand rubles, on average, sometimes more (depending on your region of residence). But after employment and formalize it turns out that you cheated. And instead of the promised amount to you will only have about 10-15 thousand. It's pretty small, especially considering the liability that will be imposed on each employee.

In Addition, there are very often delays payments. Not always, but it happens. And this factor pushes. And already we were cheated out of wages, and paid it with delays! All it forces to think - and for our present employer?


Go ahead. The following negative features of which you very few people will tell you is the presence of fines in the Corporation. For her work in "Leroy Merlin" feedback from employees (Moscow and not only) earns not the best.Leroy Merlin employee reviews SPb

Guess why it is not particularly difficult. Because the employer likes to penalize their subordinates. And in "Leroy Merlin" takes place and corporate ethics. It is in this region plays a huge role. In General, the rule "one for all and all for one". That is, if a fine is imposed on someone, it applies to the entire shift of employees.

Write a variety of deductions constantly and for any mistake. Even if such was not actually the case. Given the low salaries at the end of the month you have all the earnings will be miserable. And there will be no significant sense of "work for peanuts".

Where you work

What's next? Now to look at another feature - is working condition. Initially you are promised comfort and a full benefits package. But in practice, "Leroy Merlin" is not the best way in these areas.

Why? All the facilities offered for work Corporation, do not differ a special quality. Yes, for visitors they seem very well made. But employees have a different opinion. Especially working in warehouses. It is very often cold, damp and impossible to work. The load is enormous, no time to rest, and a stimulus in the form of wages is not an incentive, and mockery. So, if you need a "cushy job", "Leroy Merlin" is not for you.Leroy Merlin Vostok staff


What turns out in the end? "Leroy Merlin Vostok" the staff gets mixed. Someone says that this is the best place for employment, but some refute this information. Why so?

Overall, our current employer violates the terms of the employment contract. And maliciously. Delay of wages, penalties, injustice and the constant processing without charge - is not the best way affects the prestige of the Corporation. So, it is from the competition is no different. Suitable "Leroy Merlin" for employment, if you just need a job. And nothing more. Conditions she offers are not the best. Some compare the employer with the slaveholder.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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