The change of essential working conditions: order, sample order


2018-03-20 04:06:17




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The Heads of some companies, choosing new ways of management immediately undertake to implement them. While the legal aspect of the implementation is often limited to issue an order that the payment system will now be so-and-so, and the regime – so-and-so. This is not enough. The fact that such actions affect the content of the employment contract. The change of essential working conditions – a process that requires a special approach, and one order is not enough. Consider the legal aspect of this procedure.Change of essential working conditions

General information

Change of essential conditions of labour in the Republic of Belarus, as, indeed, in Russia, is regulated by labour legislation. From a legal point of view, this process is considered as a variety of changes to the agreement of the employee and the employer. In this legal regime and its correction are between the translation and displacement. The difference between them is that in the first case, the consent of the employee, and the second – not.


Change of essential conditions of labour in the Republic of Belarus, Russia and some other CIS countries assumes:

  1. Execution of additional agreements. It will act as a Supplement to the contract. The agreement is drawn up in 2 copies.
  2. The Edition of the order about changes of working conditions (model of the document presented in the article).

Employee begins to perform production tasks according to the new rules from the moment of signing of additional agreement or on the date specified in it. Here we should note one important point. Even if the employee agrees to Change of essential working conditions, without executing the agreement and publication on the basis of the order he must not proceed with performance of duties.


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The leadership

Specifies 32 TC, the change of essential working conditions The employer is permitted, if the activities of the company were introduced to technological or organizational innovations. However, they must be documented and justified. Organizational change the essential working conditions Require adjustment of staffing, the schedule, the content of collective agreements. The company's management may decide to purchase new equipment or to move towards innovative technologies. Such changes are called, respectively, the technological. In such situations, the legislation establishes a procedure head. The employer shall issue a decree on the introduction of technological and organizational innovations. After that, it is for 1 month. prior to the entry of the latter into the force directs each employee to whom they relate, Notice of material changes in working conditions. RB, Russia and other CIS countries for breach of the rules provides for the responsibility. labor contract change of essential working conditions

Guarantees to workers

The Legislation includes a number of legal instruments protecting the interests of employees. So, having Notification of change of essential working conditions, the worker can give the answer within 1 month. It's quite a long period during which the employee can weigh the pros and cons of the upcoming changes. If a citizen decides to abandon the Significant changes in terms of labor, the employer is obliged to provide him with another similar work (position) in the same enterprise. If this is not possible (no free space, for example), the employee leaves on their own. It should be said that an employer may not make a Changes in significant labor conditions for 1 month., reserved for the decision of the employee. Otherwise, he will have to pay the employee compensation. Compensation is the amount of earnings for the specified month.

Causes of innovations

Significant changes of working conditions the Labour code requires to justify. The introduction of innovations is allowed due to operational, economic, and organizational need. Among the main reasons include the following:

  • New machine Installation.
  • The Introduction of new forms of organizing activities at the enterprise.
  • The Transition to the multi-shift mode.
  • Computerization (automation) of production.
  • Implementation of resource-saving working methods.
  • Conversion of production.

If the employer did not submit evidence (justification) Significant changes in working conditions, RF recognizes the dismissal, referred to above, illegal. Accordingly, it may come very adverse consequences for the employer. As a rule, the authority for the consideration of labour disputes imposes on the management company the obligation to restore the working environment that existed before. Moreover, the employer must pay the employee compensation for forced absence from work or the implementation of lower-paid production jobs. Justification of the innovation, thus, is the responsibility of the employer. Reasons why introduced certain changes specified in the In order to change the essential working conditions. With this document every personaffect change, should be acquainted under a list. order changes in material conditions of labour

What kind of work environment are considered significant?

The list is fixed by law. The list is not closed. To material conditions, depending on those or other circumstances, include:

  • The Right to benefit from pensions.
  • The Remoteness of the enterprise from the residence.
  • Ability to use company vehicles to travel to work.
  • The Implementation of activities in a specific organizational unit (workshop, Department, service), specified in the employment agreement.
  • The Ability to use holidays and weekends.

Performance qualification

In some cases in the list of essential conditions include discharge of the employee. This stipulates that index qualification can lead to the transfer of an employee. Meanwhile, such a condition is contrary to the requirements of the legislation. The employer cannot lower the discharge on the basis of the Labour code. The qualifications can act as one of the key points of the contract, for example, in the case of the introduction of 8-bit (instead of 6-bit) the qualification of the company as a whole. In this situation, you should apply by analogy the provisions of the law on the adjustment of job title, profession. It is impossible to regard as an essential (although undoubtedly important) the terms of the job function, employer and place of work. Adjustments recognized, as a General rule, transfer. Changing conditions on the workplace is considered to be moving.

Rename a position (profession)

It is in the case when a Single tariff-qualification list includes new features, and reference positions of the employees are changing names. Simply put, the old name no longer exist – they are replaced by new. significant change in the working conditions of the LC RF


If the position/profession not only renamed, but also changes in the volume of skills, knowledge, functions of the employee, his duties or rights, there is a transfer to other work. It can be done only with the consent of the employee. In the explanations of the Ministry of labor and social security has repeatedly emphasized that the renaming of the profession/position is made by specially authorized state administration body or the Government. Only on the basis of acts adopted by these structures, an employer changes names, not by their own discretion.

Rename specialties

In the law it is not a change of essential conditions. The specialty is defined within a particular profession. In this regard, should apply the rules for renaming it professions.

Go to the contract

Often, citizens went to work, conclude with the lessee a contract for an indefinite period. Over time there is a need to transition such employees on the contract. This process relates to a substantial condition of the contract. Typically, most of the key aspects of the professional activity of the worker is reflected in writing. This can be, in fact, an employment contract or order (order), issued at reception on the enterprise or subsequently. In such acts, in particular, negotiated salaries, especially of combination of occupations, production jobs in part-time day or at home (remotely), job title, etc. changes in the key conditions is carried out in the same order in which they were defined. First adjustments are made to the agreement or the decree of the head. However, there is a category of changes for which the order has not been issued. For example, the transition from a regular schedule (not fixed for a specific employee in the agreement) to removable enough familiarization of the employee with the new regime. TC significant change in working conditions

Notification of change of essential working conditions

As we have already mentioned, the employee should be warned about upcoming innovations. During the month allotted to him on the decision, he is obliged to continue to perform their work tasks. In case of evasion from them of the employee may be subject to disciplinary action, including dismissal. Latest faces, for example, for absenteeism without valid excuse, the systematic failure to perform duties, being on the enterprise intoxicated.

Notification Period

Minimum period is 1 month. The maximum period the law does not specify. Accordingly, the notification may be sent to the employee and at 1.5, 2 and more months. Calculation of the period is in calendar days.

Failure of the employee

It shall entail termination of the employment contract. If the employee is not sent to the Director's refusal, but was dismissed, then such actions are illegal and entail consequences. First employee reinstated at work. The disclaimer is in writing. The document should specify all the mandatory details (name of the company, Director, data on the applicant). In the text, we can restrict the phrase "From changes in the working conditions of refuse." In addition,allowed to put an appropriate note on the order about the changes. In this case, can be confined to one word "refuse." Note that the presence of failure of a separate document or the signature on the order does not mean that the employee can stop working. As we have already mentioned, he is obliged to continue meeting production targets within the time allotted by law for the notification (i.e. for at least a month). significant change in employment conditions labour code


The Dismissal of an employee is only allowed at the end of the month allowed for notice. The employee may insist on earlier termination of the agreement. In the case of non-compliance by the tenant of the procedure for the change of essential working conditions, the court may adjust the date of dismissal so that relationship was terminated at the end of the month. This provision applies if the employee is not subject to restoration. In some cases, the employee was notified of changes, but he was fired before the end of the month. In such a situation, the court may adjust the date of termination of the agreement taking into account the period left until the end of the month. Lost earnings shall be recovered from the employer. Established by legislation the powers of the court allow, thus, to restore the broken order and to protect the employee's right to advance notice.

The Dismissal of the employee before the end of the month

According to some experts, the supervisor should be sensitive to the desire of the employee to leave the company before the expiration of the month allowed for notification of changes in key working conditions. The reasons for this situation may be different. For example, employee has reached retirement age, wants to transfer to another company, etc. the order of change of essential working conditions sample

Specific situation

For refusing to continue working in the changed conditions of the employee be subjected to disciplinary punishment, because the law gives him that right. In some cases, employers forced the staff to continue working after the expiry of one month notice and dissent, employees are laid off. As grounds for termination in such situations, the employers called the absence or systematic violation of discipline. What the courts do in such cases? Instance, to understand the controversy, I believe that in the case of consideration of issues relating to the recovery of the employee, reveals that the absenteeism is related to his refusal to work in altered conditions, and the citizen does not want to continue, you can change the wording of the dismissal. Accordingly, the order about the termination of legal relations is executed on the basis of the actual circumstances of the case.


Illegal changes of key working conditions has negative consequences for management. The legislation sets forth various provisions to ensure the protection of the interests of workers. For violation of rights employees can expect to receive financial compensation.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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