The timing of transplantation plums fall to a new location


2018-03-22 04:21:10




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Fruit trees are transplanted for different reasons. Often infield reschedules, and plantings are transplanted to other places, freeing up space for construction. Transplanting a fruit tree is sometimes necessary to transfer plants to another garden. In any case, you should know when and how best to carry out this procedure.

plums in autumn transplant to the new location

The Perfect time to transplant

Many believe that the fall transplanting plum to a new location needs to happen. Experts recommend to perform this procedure prior to beginning the active phase of the plants. In addition to the late autumn, a perfect fit and the period of early spring before the SAP flow.

Used For transplanting young trees up to 5 years. Best root two year old seedlings. But the old trees have an extensive root system, which is easily damaged during extraction from the ground or transport. Roots grow slowly, so wood is hard to settle down in a new place.

Many experts recommend transplantation plums in the autumn to a new place with a clod of earth. This method allows you to save the maximum number of roots.

In regions with a relatively warm climate gardeners sometimes use a winter transplant. For this cut com with the root system and the frozen ground and placed it in a pre-prepared place. After thawing and the beginning of SAP flow in the plant may start to bear fruit next summer.

time to transplant plum in autumn

The Perfect conditions for growing plums

This is a fruit tree picky about the location, moisture and heat. Therefore, the place for the growth of plum should be well-lit, windless area. It is necessary to protect the drain from Northern and Western winds.


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Best site for planting plum will be the Eastern and Western direction. The South side is not necessary to allocate for planting this tree, because it may suffer from severe sunburn.

Should pay attention to the composition and quality of the soil. This plant does not like places with dense soil. It's also good for stagnant moisture. It is better to prefer loamy, friable soils.

If the soil is too acidic, it is necessary to make the ash or dolomite flour.

It is advisable Not to plant plum on a soil with abundant presence of detritus and gravel. In a place like this fruit tree will suffer from excess moisture and drying out.

Prepare the tree for transplanting

Plum Transplant to a new location in the fall requires special training. 20 days before it is necessary to dig a hole. Pit width must be greater than earthen coma 70 see, For example, to plant 2-year plant, prepare a hole 70 x 70 x 70 cm

transplantation of adult plum in autumn

For spring transplant, dig the hole and prepare in the autumn.

At the bottom should be laid a drainage layer of expanded clay or broken bricks. This will prevent water stagnation. Creating drainage is a prerequisite for areas where ground waters are close to the surface.

On Top of the expanded clay is poured a layer of compost. On it pour a small amount of land. Remember that the roots of the plum should not have direct contact with fertilizer.

Should properly prepare to transplant in the fall at a new location sink. Previously under the tree poured about 50 liters of water. Now the plant gently obkapyvayut in a circle. In this step, you carefully cut a clod of earth in the form of a cone with a depth of about 70 cm After it is carefully extracted from the pit.

Technology transplant

Transplantation of adult plum in autumn requires care and caution. This fruit tree is quite demanding. Prepared seedling need to be transported to the transplant location with the maximum preservation of the root system. Sometimes need to transport seedlings over long distances. In this case, the roots of the sapling a few times wrapped in a dense film. If you need to transport an adult tree, the roots of plants are placed in a wooden box.

Transplantation of plums is as follows:

  • Before planting, inspect the roots. Damaged, rotten, and large roots should be cut with shears. Wood ashes sprinkled the cut. If during transport, the roots are dried, they must be moistened with water. This will positively contribute to the rapid recovery of the roots.
  • Together with a clod of earth in the pit is placed the root system of plum. In this case the root collar should be level with the soil
  • Gently poured a pit prepared fertile garden soil. The land is well watered, thoroughly moisten the soil.
  • To protect the root system, the planting site mulch. To these ends around the barrel of the land is covered with peat, earth, and sawdust.

Mulching is very important for a transplant plums in the autumn. It protects the roots from freezing.

transplant seedlings in autumn plum

When planting a sapling should be worried about the proper footing for growth. To do this, on the North side in the pit drive a stake, and tie plants.

Care plum

Regardless of what you chose time to transplant plum (fall or spring), you need to create a comfortable environment for its growth.

After the transplant in the first years of the branches of a young tree to grow unevenly.Therefore, gardeners should prune the shoots to form a correct, beautiful crown.

After the transplant in the first year do not need to fertilize the roots. A layer of compost placed above the drainage, will give all the necessary nutrients for plants. Already in the third year you should make phosphate and potash fertilizers in the autumn. And in the spring make nitrogen fertilizers, which contribute to the increase of the green mass.

In the first half of summer the plant should be watered abundantly. For each tree, you need 50 liters of water.

If the year was fruitful, it is necessary to establish under the branches of a backup.

transplantation of plum in autumn


Many novice growers interested in breeding plums shoots. After all, if there are small branches of a fruit tree, maybe they should leave? Whether to do a stopover shoots of plums in autumn?

If the tree has been grafted, shoots from the root system useless. Planting these sprouts from the root system, you will get ahead with such a sour tree and small fruits.

If this tree is originally good varieties with large fruits (grown from seeds), the growth can be separated and transplanted.


Transplantation of plums are needed in different cases. But knowledge about how to perform this procedure, ensure a good harvest in the coming year after moving to a new location. The plant will be able to quickly restore their root system, and will give you a high yield.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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