Chrysanthemum perennial garden: photos, planting and care


2018-03-18 23:00:46




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The Garden chrysanthemum-a wonderful representative of the Asteraceae family, came to us from China and Japan. This magnificent plant has won the hearts of Russian gardeners, because it is beautiful, long blooming and, most importantly, unpretentious character.

the Buds of the chrysanthemum garden

Curb chrysanthemum

In the variety of chrysanthemums is easy to get confused, because breeders displayed more than 2 thousand varieties of this magnificent flower. In addition, they vary in shape and size of inflorescences, but Bush height – a parameter by which to classify perennial garden chrysanthemums.

Fillets of the species is particularly prized by landscape designers. Because of culture, reaching up to 30 cm in height, forming a dense flower ball that fits into any song. Popular varieties:

  • Barbarian. Semi-double buds with a diameter of 4–5 cm is painted in purple-pink tones.
  • Mascot. Pink semi-double blossoms with a diameter of 2 cm, densely cover the Bush, turning it into a colorful ball.
  • Lucy. This small-flowered semi-double variety is prized for the unusual color of the buds. In the middle of the yellow stalks, and the edges become rich crimson-purple shade. Buds reach a diameter of 5–6 cm

These varieties of garden chrysanthemums will be the best choice to design flower beds, garden paths and borders. In addition, they differ unpretentious character, and to grow them can, and the novice gardener.

Chrysanthemums in landscape design

Medium shrub chrysanthemum

These perennial garden chrysanthemums reach 30 to 50 cm in height and are used in landscaping for decoration of flower beds and decorating gardens. Besides, they get along with other cultures, so grow them to create floral arrangements. Best classes:


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  • Dune. Terry flower buds reach 7 cm in diameter. Their color is changeable, and varies from pale yellow to Golden-orange.
  • Lelia. Dark crimson buds of the varieties reach 3.5 cm in diameter. But their small size is more than kompensiruet number of inflorescences.
  • Swan song. Flat, fluffy blossoms of the chrysanthemums reach 5–6 cm in diameter. The petals have a white color, but over time, the ends become pale pink color.

This sort is frost resistant, so suitable for cultivation in Northern regions.

varieties of garden chrysanthemums

Tall varieties of perennial garden chrysanthemums

Varieties reach 60-100cm in height. They are grown in most of the cases for cutting. But often they are used in landscaping for zoning of the site.

If you want to grow tall chrysanthemum, pay attention to the following types:

  • Daughter of Rosetta. Flat plush flower buds reach 4 cm in diameter. The petals are painted in a pale pink color. One plant per season consist of up to 50 flowers.
  • Amber Lady. Buds Terry, 6–7 cm in diameter. The petals are painted in Golden orange hues. The variety is hardy and winters in the open ground.
  • Umka. Pompon buds with a diameter of 7 cm painted white with yellow or pink middle.

Choosing this sort, remember that such colors need additional support, as the fragile stems do not bear the weight of the buds.

the Red garden chrysanthemum

Choice of location for the flower garden

Garden chrysanthemums – light-loving plants. Therefore, choose for them the most illuminated portion, because in the shadow of the culture stems will stretch, and the buds will obmelchala. Moreover, because of the lack of light reduced the duration of flowering.

As for the soil, the culture prefer loose, fertile and breathable soil with neutral or slightly acid reaction.

Remember that the plants do not tolerate waterlogging at the roots. So you cannot plant them in the lowlands, or wetlands. It is better to select a plot on the hill. Then your flowers are not exactly rotting from the spring thaw.

Garden chrysanthemums: planting and care

To Plant chrysanthemums is possible in spring and autumn. But experienced growers recommend to start planting in late may-early June. Then the bushes will have time to take root before the cold weather, moreover they will enjoy the blooms this fall. For planting, select a cloudy or rainy day. Or plant flowers in the early morning or evening.

So, how to conduct planting garden chrysanthemums:

  1. Dig the area and remove the weeds. If the soil is clayey and sandy, put on each square meter of a bucket of peat or compost.
  2. Dig a hole with a diameter of 30–40 cm For dwarf and medium varieties, observe the distance between plants 25 cm Tall varieties are planted at a distance of 50 cm.
  3. In each recess pour the solution of potassium permanganate and pour a 10-cm layer of drainage.
  4. Gently remove the mums from the pots and place into the hole with a clod of earth. Don't forget to set the prop next to tall plants.
  5. Fill the void with soil, lightly tighten and moisten with warm water. To accelerate the rooting of flowers, pour «Kornevina” or “Appin”.

After planting, give your plants gentle care. In the first two or three days, better to cover flowers to protect them from extreme temperatures and direct sunlight. In the future, give your plants regular watering and periodic fertilizing, and they will always reward a beautiful and long flowering.

Unusual garden chrysanthemum


Regular and moderate hydration – the basic rule of care. Perennial garden chrysanthemums require frequent watering only during active growth. To further reduce the moisture and water the flowers only after drying of the upper soil layer. But it is desirable to spray the bushes in the evening and the morning.

The day after irrigation don't forget to loosen the soil under the shrubs. Otherwise, the soil crust is formed, which overlaps the access of air to the roots.


Perennial garden chrysanthemum, a photo of which is presented in the material, respond well to fertilizer. So don't forget to feed the flowers. And do so several times per season:

  • In Spring, to flowers increased «green mass», give them nitrogen fertilizer.
  • In mid-summer to feed the flowers rotted infusion of mullein or bird droppings.
  • During development of flower buds to feed shrubs potassium and phosphorus compounds.
  • After the appearance of the colors will cancel all the fertilizer.
  • In the Fall, when digging, add in the peat soil at the rate of 25–30 kg per 1 square meter.

Fertilize the flowers the next day after rain or watering. In doing so, ensure the solutions do not fall on the leaves of plants. Otherwise, culture will get a burn. Remember that it is better for underfeeding chrysanthemum, because the excess nutrients will harm the flower. So fertilize sparingly.

White garden chrysanthemum


Garden chrysanthemums, a photo of which you will find in the article, respond well to mulching. Thanks to this extension you will protect shrubs from weeds, pests and fungal diseases. And will help the plant to retain moisture at the roots. As mulch for carnations, use sawdust, pine needles or shredded bark.

Reproduction by cuttings

This method of reproduction is quite simple, and deal with it, even the inexperienced grower. For cuttings, choose green shoots from the tops of which have 2 voids and 3–4 leaves. Length of branches should reach 6–8 cm

Root cuttings

  1. Mix river sand, humus and leaf mold in a ratio of 2:1:1. Fill this mixture in pots or containers. And on top pour a 3-inch layer of sand.
  2. With a Sharp knife, cut suitable cuttings, departing 1–2 mm from the node. The lower leaves, remove and trim the top one-third.
  3. Zaglubit shoots to 1.5 cm in moist soil. Keep your distance between shoots to 3 cm, the distance between rows – 4 cm
  4. Cover the landing with glass or polythene to cover the material was above the tops of the plants at 30 cm.
  5. Place the greenhouse in a warm, bright place.

The plants have taken root, don't forget 2–3 times a day to aerate and spray the fit of warm water from a spray bottle. Watch what...

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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