The Foundation for a frame house with his own hands. Types of foundations, calculation, construction


2018-10-02 21:00:51




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Home Construction often replaces the purchase of an apartment. For the cost of these types of housing are almost indistinguishable, but in the case of the construction of the frame cottage budget you can save considerably. All work on the device design - from the Foundation to the roof - you can clean knowing technology. Build a Foundation for a frame house with his own hands is not difficult even for a person who has previously not engaged in such Affairs. In this article we consider the types, methods of construction and the feasibility of one or another type of base for each case.

What is a frame house

Construction Technology lightweight modern houses came to us from America. Both their name – canadian. In these countries most suburban buildings are made according to this technology, which is quite justified: a home warm, reliable, last for years, is cheap, built quickly. In Russia, such objects appeared relatively recently (about 15 years ago), but rapidly gaining popularity because of its quality.

Technology of construction of frame and frame-panel houses is as follows:

  1. Hosted by the Foundation to establish vertical frame walls from wooden beams around the perimeter.
  2. Fill the space between the guide walls or panels of OSB and insulation.
  3. Sheathe the walls and facade finishing materials. frame-panel houses the Foundation

Thus, the design of the walls get really easy. What better Foundation for a frame house? Not exactly powerful, it is not necessary. This saves not only the time of construction, but money for materials and labor.


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Is There a single solution?

There is No exact answer to the question, what Foundation is best for a frame house. There are many types of lightweight structures, the use of which is optimal in a particular case. The base can bit:

  • Svinin;
  • Intocmim;
  • Stolbchatym;
  • Melkozaglublenny;
  • Planim.

The materials for the Foundation used different:

  • Concrete;
  • Reinforced concrete;
  • Wood.

Thus, variants of the device of the Foundation under the house can be several. Affect:

  • The size of the house;
  • Floors;
  • Depth of frost penetration;
  • The presence of underground water;
  • Type of soil: movable, moist, viscous, solid;
  • The presence/absence of a basement.

The Best Foundation for a frame house one that takes into account all the nuances of the construction and geological conditions. Correctly chosen base will last long enough and will save you time and money.

Define characteristics of the base

The First thing you need to determine the type of soil at the site of the proposed construction. The best way to do it – order geological engineering. Experts will define:

  • The exact type of soils and their characteristics;
  • The presence of underground waters and their character;
  • Make a plan of the site given the elevation changes and terrain features.

However, this pleasure is expensive and takes a lot of time. Another option – find a neighbor site, which has already asked for this service and has on hand the results of the examination site. Generally, soil characteristics in one location have the same properties.

If the neighbor with the conclusion is not found, you can try to determine the type of soil on their own. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Dig a hole the depth of frost in the region. It can be found using the map.Foundation depth
  2. Parse the slice of soil on the side wall of the pit.
  • Rocky represents rocky and gravel base. They are strong enough to withstand any weight, no water retention (in the absence of the inclusion of a large number of clay).
  • Large Sands and gravelly soils also have a low degree of heaving and sturdy base.
  • Fine-sandy soil-not the best option for construction. They retain water, which freezes in the upper layers and affects the Foundation of the buoyancy and compressive way. This is called heaving.

what Foundation is best for a frame house

  • Loams and clay – the most unfavorable type of soil. Their mobility and deliquescence depends on the height of groundwater. But even in their absence is often enough moisture from rainfall. On the land with such soils are formed large puddles, as water in the ground goes very slowly.

The Type and depth of Foundation for light frame house depends on the geological conditions of the territory.

Take into account the depth of frost penetration

This aspect is relevant for the soils susceptible to heave. The rock in which the water is not retained in any season provide a solid Foundation, unlike sand and clay soils. If you have the latest Foundation depth should be more than the value of freezing, then he will be able to firmly fix the building in the same place and position. This is to prevent uneven settling of the structure, which may lead to violation of the integrity of the house, its destruction or large investments in the repair.

It is Also important to learn about the availability of groundwater. If theythere are, you need to find a way of dealing with them or to arrange the construction in such a way that she was able to stand in a humid environment and heavy heaving. The depth of soil freezing is not involved in the calculation of pile Foundation.

Define structure

On the basis of the work by identifying the type of soil and its depth of freezing can be solved, what is the design of Foundation of frame house best at this place.

  1. On clay soil and sand install pile Foundation. It fixes the structure in the solid layers below the groundwater level.
  2. Zelepukina loam and silty rocks work well slab Foundation with shallow bedding. They play the role of “boat”, able to stay afloat and keep the house in a single plane over the entire area of the structure.
  3. Rock, krupnoblochnye, gravelly soils themselves provide a solid basis and do not require a thorough base-band, low-depth and column will be sufficient.

The presence of groundwater choose particular types of water-resistant concrete and use additional waterproofing of the Foundation walls. If groundwater table is high, should be abandoned basement. In addition, it is expedient to arrange the drainage system throughout the site or directly at the house: along the perimeter, dig a trench on it, and the excess fluid goes in a given direction.

The basic steps figured out. Next, consider in detail the principles of the different designs of foundations and their installation.

Combined piled-raft Foundation

This is a widespread type, universal application. Since Russia is not rich hard rocks, most of the territory is dominated by heaving soils with different degrees of freezing for the construction of buildings for different purposes and the number of storeys use pile Foundation. The columns penetrate deep into the soil and tie the bottom ends in the dense layers. Due to this design, based on them, is securely fixed relative to the surface of the earth. pile Foundation

To make a pile Foundation for a frame house with his own hands, the first step is to calculate the number of posts under construction. To do this:

  1. Look at the project, if any. If not, see below.
  2. Draw the perimeter of the future house on paper to scale. Mark the points of installation of piles (in the corners, places the pair of walls along the perimeter with a step of 1.5-2 meters). Since the frame house has a low weight, structural reinforcement, most likely, will not need, so it is enough to do a simple alignment.
  3. Count the number of marked points.

The Next step will be deciding which piles to use: precast concrete or screw products from the factory or filled in prepared wells on his own land.

  1. Ready to bury the posts with the help of a special installation. Their score to the desired level in the designated places, then cut the remaining ends on the level. For lightweight building enough to buy a pile with a minimum cross-section.
  2. Screw-down metal support spin with a special device.
  3. If you decide to self-piling, first produce the drilling of wells, which need to make wider for stability. The depth depends on the geological conditions of the area. Need to get to a solid Foundation. Then the cavity set waterproofing material, for example, hollow tube or rolled roofing material. After that give the framework and produce concrete. To optimally use the solution mark M300-M400. Well, if it consists of special additives that give the stone its water resistant properties.

Piles are installed, you now need to make a raft. Then he will build a wall frame.

The Raft Foundation may be a monolithic or. The difference lies in the method of installation:

  1. Mounted on Precast concrete piles topped with a cap.
  2. Monolithic arrange for a construction site set formwork, as required at the bottom of the raft Foundation placed a pillow of PGS, gidroizolirovat roofing and ready to put the frame, which is associated with the reinforcement of the pile of posts. Then produce a fill of concrete.

The Foundation is ready. It should be noted that this design does not imply the presence of a basement.

Pile Foundation

Optimum for smooth terrain in relatively stable soils. Similar to the pile, but buried less than.

Pier Foundation with his own hands to frame house can be built on such technology:

  1. Make a markup on the plan. The supports are located in the corners, intersections of walls, around the perimeter with a step of 2-3 meters. Next, transfer these points to the plot.
  2. Digging holes for posts. If the Foundation of the asbestos pipe or monolithic pillars, grooves produce rented for a day by Motorola. Stand under the stone pits are dug with a shovel. The size of the recesses is 60 × 80 cm and the depth should be 20-30 cm below the level of soil freezing.
  3. Waterproofing of a monolithic element is performed immediately – into the pit is laid on roofing felt. For stone, brick or rubble pillars pleased with the finished product.
  4. For concrete option set reinforcement cage.
  5. Assemble the formwork above ground level to desired height(minimum 40 cm).
  6. Pour the solution.pier Foundation with his own hands for a frame house

Ready to arrange columns raft Foundation. This is done on the same principle as in pile foundations. It may not be, then at the top of the uprights is placed a wooden beam that will serve as a support for the frame.

Final stage – the device zabirki walls, filling the space between the pillars. Between them, dig a trench to a depth of 20-30 cm, pour the concrete after its solidification lay out the wall. If this is not done, then additional insulation will require a lower ceiling, to the floor of the house was not cold.

Pier Foundation with his own hands for the frame house is not difficult to do. It is important to remember that the installation of a basement with such a structure – activity is very problematic, because this idea should be abandoned. On the other hand, the Foundation is being built fast and much cheaper pile or tape.

Wooden Foundation

A sort of hybrid pile-supported. Wooden Foundation suitable for the device under a small frame house, but because of the comparative fragility for residential cottages it is used rarely. It is optimal for country houses: the effects of the minimum loads on the basis, low installation cost and material, high speed device. In addition, wood has a natural elasticity that allows it to acquire original shape after minor deformations of frost heaving of soils.

The lightweight construction are seasonal in frame-panel houses. The Foundation for them may be the most uncomplicated. In such cases, use wooden poles. While in Venice on the bases, high-rise buildings are more than one hundred years, because of the longevity in this case is debatable.

wood Foundation

For piles fit certain types of wood: beech, larch, oak, pine. For preparations suitable portions of the tree with a minimum diameter of 20 cm the Product can remain round or to buy a rectangular cross section with sides of 20 cm from the Pile treated with special solutions, prolonging life of wood in adverse conditions. Prior to the penetration, you should wrap the post with 1-2 layers of roofing material or other polymeric material, then the soil will not stick to the product. This will allow the pile to slide relative to the base in the vertical direction when the heave of the soil and will retain it for a longer period.

How to mount a wood Foundation for a frame house with his own hands:

  1. Producing a markup on the already known scheme: angles – crossing – a perimeter with a step of 1.5-2 meters.
  2. Transfer the location of the poles on the plot.
  3. In the ground dug pits with a diameter 1.5 times greater than the pile. The depth should exceed the level of freezing of soils and to achieve dense layers. If they are unavailable, you should have a pole below the level of 0.5 m.
  4. Arrange the pillow of stones or wooden crosses.
  5. Pour 15-20 cm of concrete and immersed in her posts. When the solution will seize, it will lock the pile.
  6. Backfill and compaction.

Lightweight strip Foundation

Widely circulated among developers because of its low cost and high speed of installation. Lightweight strip Foundation for timber frame house used on firm grounds where there is no need for a large penetration and massive support.

The Main difference of this design from ordinary – reduced the depth of the sole and the dimensions of the tape itself. It is acceptable for lightweight construction, in particular for residential timber frame houses.


  1. Dig a trench or pit (to affect the presence of basement). In any case, the width of the recess must be greater than the specified perimeter 0.5 m for ease of carrying works. The depth depends on the groundwater table, the average – 0,8-1,5 meters (with regards to the construction of the pillow).
  2. Mark the perimeter of the Foundation wall. It is important to measure all angles and to check the parallelism of the sides.
  3. Set formwork. Its height is determined by the presence and size of the cap, but not below 40 cm above ground level. The future of the tape width is calculated as wall thickness + 100 mm For frame light house can make 200-300 mm.
  4. Sleep pillow from PGS (10-20 cm).
  5. Install the frame.
  6. Pour a concrete solution M300-M400. easiest Foundation for a frame house

Light Foundation for a frame house is convenient because does not require special training, and installation of additional structures for the construction of the walls.


Soils are Not always conducive to standard solutions for construction. In Russia a lot of areas with clayey and strongly heaving soils. But that is no reason for them to be empty. Even for such cases there are solutions.

If you happened to purchase a plot with floating soil, for construction it is expedient to arrange the monolithic slab Foundation for a frame house. With his hands it's possible to do. The technology is similar to creating a lightweight tape:

  1. In the ground makes excavation to a depth of fertile soil layer and seal the opened upper layer.
  2. Next, arrange the gravel-sand cushion thickness of about 20 cm
  3. Unroll 2-3 layer of polymeric waterproofing.
  4. Pour the preparatory layer of concrete to 5 cm
  5. Mounted frame. It needs to be solid,because the stove takes the heavy loads of soil. For grids, take a thick rebar with a diameter of 12-16 mm, placed her in increments of not more than 40 cm in both directions. The rods tie wire. Make 2 planes and connect them with each other at a distance equal to the height of the plate (10-15 cm), minus the protective layer of concrete (up to 5 cm).
  6. Pour the solution. It will take a lot, do not choose a concrete low quality to save. The optimal mark-M300-M400. material for foundations

Monolithic slab is ground level, requires the device ground floor and basement (it is floor). More massive and is recessed for a small house is not needed, that's what they use for large buildings.

Heat Insulation and waterproofing

The Foundations of timber-framed houses require special trim. Waterproofing is desired for all constructions below ground level for any material. So the elements are better preserved. This is especially true when a high level of groundwater.

The Insulation of foundations and basement walls will lower costs for insulation of the floor of the first floor. In those houses where there is no basement, the space between the ceiling and the ground can be filled with clay pebbles, sand. These materials prevent the pulling of heat from the bottom of the room. So they are not moistened, to pave them with asphalt sheet on both sides.

Wall strip Foundation and raft Foundation are laid along the outer side plates of polystyrene.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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