The Carpathian bell: growing from seed, planting and care


2018-03-28 12:07:14




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The Carpathian Bell - breathtakingly delicate and extraordinarily beautiful flower. Its unique elegance is used by many gardeners and landscape designers with the aim to beautify your plot. Due to the simplicity of the plant care planting Carpathian bell and the whole process of its cultivation - it is simple and gives only pleasure. Despite this, in this article we will share with you some tips that will help even novice gardeners to easily grow these wonderful flowers.

Site Selection and soils

Choice soils

As Carpathian Bellflower, as mentioned above, a completely undemanding plant plant it on a Sunny plot, and a slight shadow. Soil for planting shall be fertile and well drained. Also when planting the Carpathian bell it is important to consider the acidity of the soil is a valid neutral or slightly acidic soil. If you do not use too much for him to grunt or not to prepare a drainage, stagnant water will lead to rot.

In the absence of the plot is well cultivated fertile soil, especially loamy soils, it is permissible to add peat and some sand. Too loose soil can be "heavier" by adding humus and sod land.

Preparing seedlings

Seeds Carpathian Bellflower

The Most common method of growing the Carpathian bell - from seed. Very small and light seeds (about a thousand pieces weigh less than 0,25 gram) give a high percentage of germination, with one gram rises over 4000 shoots. But despite this, they are quite capricious and require a certain hardening. To begin their preparation for planting is necessary in February. The seeds planted during the month germinated at a temperature of not less than 20 °C subject to the constant humidity and the presence of scattered sunlight. Also be sure to periodically ventilate the seedlings. Since the advent of the first germs (even appearing too early) you need to carry out their transplant.


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After the first month of the growing conditions change dramatically - the air temperature must be within -4 °to +4 °C. it is best to germinate seeds under a layer of snow that protects them from frost, and when temperatures will provide meltwater. This hardening lasts for about a month and a half. Since germination boxes with seedlings are transferred again into a warm room with a temperature of about 15 °C. In open ground the seedlings are transplanted in late may-early June. This method of hardening is quite troublesome, but very effective.

Alternative method of seed preparation

Seedling Carpathian Bellflower

To Carpathian Bellflower from seed can be the other way. Seeds are sown not in the ground, and in damp sand in a plastic bag. The first stage of their warming is done by analogy with the seedling method. But to make the street a package of seeds and it is enough to place it into the refrigerator. After this hardening the planting material is planted into the prepared soil so that seeds remained on the surface. Containers with seedlings are in a room with a temperature from +10 °to +15 °C. In order to avoid erosion of the seeds, watering is done by spraying or podlivaya water in the pan.

Sowing in the open ground

The Cultivation of the Carpathian bell is quite possible when planting directly into the ground, bypassing the stage of seedlings. Such crops are produced either in the fall (October) or spring (mid-may). Seeds are planted in prepared soil, consisting of sand, soil and sod peat. The soil should be well parahina and easy. Additionally fertilize organic fertilizing, this soil is not necessary. Seeds are sown directly into the surface, then lightly sand prosypayutsya. When planting in the spring, the first seedlings can be expected in a few weeks, when autumn planting - one and a half to two weeks after the snow melts. Pick when three full leaves on the sprout. Transplanted material is located at a distance of about 10 centimeters from each other.

Irrigation and fertilizer

Pour the Carpathian bell needed only in very hot and dry weather, normal climate, sufficient natural precipitation. Each watering must be completed with weeding and loosening the soil to provide plants with fresh air.

Introduction of feeding is no more than twice during the entire growing season. The first fertilizing is carried out at the stage before planting the seeds in the soil are made of nitrogen-containing drugs. The second fertilizing is done at the time of formation of flower buds - the plant require mineral fertilizer based on potassium.

Trimming and mulching

Carpathian Bellflower in bloom

In the first year after planting, Carpathian bell does not need pruning. Remove withered parts of the plant need only in the second year of life. This is done not only to improve the appearance of the Bush, but avoid spontaneous samposebe. Indeed, in this case near the mainnew flowers will appear, violating the General appearance. The fruit-capsule are collected before they are fully ripened (Browning and drying). Such pruning also prolongs the flowering period. Moreover, cutting at the base of the flower stalks at the end of flowering, you can achieve its recurrence.

The Carpathian Bell does not tolerate excess soil moisture, but during hot and dry summer to preserve it is needed. To do the mulching of the soil around the Bush. In addition, it will save the flowers from development of weedy plants. Mulching is not possible to implement in the case of planting on a rocky hill.

Diseases and pests

cheesy pennica

One of the advantages of the Carpathian Bellflower is its resistance to various diseases and pests. However, after several years of cultivation in one place accumulates in the soil of different chemical compounds harmful influence on the plant. In order to prevent you can treat the flowers with a weak solution of "Fundazol". The appearance of slavering pennisi used a garlic infusion. With the defeat of the rust plant is treated with preparations containing copper.

Sometimes the green parts of the plant are exposed to slugs or snails. To escape from help them drugs "Thunder" or "Meta".

Reproduction in other ways

Carpathian Bellflower

Along with bell growing from seed there are two more ways of its propagation. We are talking about cuttings and division of the Bush.

Cuttings harvested at a temperature of about +10 °C, that is, in the spring. Length of the cuttings should be at least three inches, and each cutting should have 2 kidneys. Planting material is planted in mixture of soil, sand and humus. Rooting occurs in 3-4 weeks.

To divide is chosen Bush, whose age is not less than three years. The procedure division is made either at the beginning of the vegetative period (may), or upon its completion in August. Have Bush trimmed shoots, the root system is divided into several parts, which are transplanted in the prepared pit. It is easier to divide the hive into 2-3 large pieces, because the smaller bushes have to grow in separate boxes.

Bell in the landscape design

landscape design

As shown in photo, Carpathian bell is an attractive plant type shrub growing to 30 inches in height and has a spherical shape. Heart-shaped leaves of small size collected in the outlet and increase slightly closer to the roots. During flowering the plant is covered with a large number of single flowers blue or violet, which have the form of a funnel. A good combination of turns of the Carpathian bell with daisies and Lobelia.

Very often you can find it in the composition with the periwinkle, saxifrage and molodilo - this combination is perfect for creating Alpine slides. For rockeries Carpathian Bellflower is planted in the background of carnations or Phlox subulate. Especially popular in recent times, the vases with flowers, scattered around the garden site. Gentle Carpathian Bellflower is ideal for such registration.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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