Cabbage vegetable: varieties, description, planting and care


2018-03-28 07:12:19




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Cabbage vegetable is one of the major vegetable crops cultivated in suburban areas. The plant is very useful and necessary, and therefore let's talk about how to grow it properly.

A Little history

Cabbage vegetable belongs to the family Cruciferae, which includes mustard, turnips, rutabaga, radish, radish. In Europe, East and Central Asia, the Mediterranean spread out over 50 species of this family.cabbage garden

We Know that eating cabbage was grown by the ancient Egyptians, Romans and Greeks. She was the product of four thousand years ago. Us cabbage vegetable from Western Europe were imported during the heyday of Kievan Rus (XIII century). Interestingly, in the XVIIIth century culture is firmly entrenched in Russian life, even a new tradition to begin together to prepare it for the winter after the Orthodox feast of the exaltation (September 27).

Modern hybrids and better varieties

If you think about it, it becomes obvious that ordinary cabbage is the basis of many of our dishes. We are so used to it that not even notice how often we use it.

It should be noted that there is a constant selection for new, more promising hybrids and varieties. However, do not lose their relevance and good old varieties, long-proven to handle cabbages

All varieties of cabbage are divided into early, mid and late. We want to bring the best, according to experts, today class.


  1. June – ultra-fast variety. Moderately resistant to disease. Delayed harvesting can lead to cracking of heads.
  2. Transfer F1 – Matures in 120 days.
  3. Copenhagen market – maturing in 115 days.
  4. Dimarsky early – technical maturity comes in 115-120 days.
  5. Golden acres-1432. From planting to harvest is 102-110 days.

Middle grades

To Obtain good yields of cabbage, medium-ripening is possible by the cultivation of such varieties:


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  1. Gift. The aging period is 130 days.
  2. Menza F1. Matures in 115 days.
  3. Thank-1305. From planting to harvest is 137 days.
  4. Glory Gribovskaya-231. Matures in 125 days.
  5. Kaporal F1. Matures 90 to 100 days.

Late grades

Late varieties are the most popular for long-term storage and the procurement, preservation,

  1. Amager.
  2. Bun F1.
  3. Valentina F1.
  4. Baraccuda-138.


It is Clear that the quality of the cabbage depends on the seeds. You need to take responsibility for their purchase. But before buying you should decide when and for what purpose you need it. Then you can decide what kind suits you best: late, early or average. As a rule, if the people themselves grown culture, the emphasis is on winter varieties. But the early and the middle can be planted in insignificant quantity. You need to understand that early culture is not suitable for workpieces, they can't lie. Middle-ripening varieties suitable for fresh consumption and for pickling. But for storage in the winter, use the winter varieties.cabbages

Early cabbage sown in early March, but not later than the twentieth day. Medium varieties can be sown after April 25. Late-planted culture from the first days of April. From the moment the seeds are planted, and before planting in the ground is usually 45-50 days.

Cabbage vegetable – this is the culture that is very demanding on the soil composition. So its better to prepare in advance. Mix equal parts of the cespitose earth and humus. The mixture is added to the ash (1 tbsp per 1 kilogram of soil), which will act as an antiseptic and as a source of micronutrients. This will help to prevent a disease like blackleg in young plants.

You can Also prepare the mixture and slightly different composition, for example, on the basis of peat. Cannot be used for planting the seeds land with a vegetable garden, where grew one of the varieties of garden cabbage or other crucifers, because of the high chances of the presence of pathogens that can kill seedlings.cabbage leaves

Before sowing seeds should warm up for twenty minutes in the water. After that they are immersed in cold, ordinary water. This simple technique increases the resistance of seeds to fungal diseases. How to handle the cabbage before planting? It is best to soak the seeds in a growth stimulator ("silk", "EPIN", "HUMATE"). Before planting, the ground should be well watered and not moisturize until, until shoots appear. The seeds are sown no deeper than one centimeter. Then the boxes on top of it is a film to moisture is not too evaporated. Crops must be kept at a temperature of twenty degrees.

Getting seedlings

The First shoots should appear in 4-5 days. After that, the film can be removed and reduce the temperature to ten degrees. In such circumstances, plants must be until the first true leaves of cabbage. Then the seedlings are kept at a temperature of 18 degrees, they should be regularly aired. During this period, it is impossible to pour or dry soil. How to handle the cabbage aftergermination? Plants be sure to water with a weak solution of manganese or copper sulfate.

How to dive seedlings?

A week and a half after the emergence of this leaf vegetable cabbage piconets because plants need larger area for normal development. Before transplanting the soil is well watered. Next, each seedling is removed with a lump of soil and pruned by a third root. Then drop into the glass with the mixture. You can initially sow the seeds in an individual pot, then there is no need to dive seedlings. Plants from individual containers easier then transplanted in the open ground, they are less traumatized.vegetable cabbage

Before planting cabbage in the open ground is necessary for two weeks to harden. For this the room is aired, and then begin to make the plants on the balcony.

Kale: planting, fertilizing

Seedlings Planted in open ground in the period when she already has five to seven leaflets, and reaches a height of 12-20 inches. These indicators are different varieties reach at different times. For example, early ready in early may, whereas middle and late – by the end of the month or by mid-June.

Before you plant cabbage in the open ground, prepare for her a nice stretch. He must be Sunny. Early varieties prefer sandy soil and loam, and late and medium-suitable clayey soil and loam. It should be remembered that the plants are not suitable strongly acidic earth. In addition, the cultivation of culture may not be carried out on land that is infected by bacteriosis (eight years). It is also desirable to plant cabbage in those areas where recently grew other crucifers (turnips, radish, turnip, radish).one of the varieties of vegetable sprouts

The Soil is prepared in advance, starting in the fall. Land perekidyvaetsya of bayonet spade and left to spend the winter. Its surface is level, the roughness has a positive influence on the process of retention of moisture. In early spring, when the snow melts, the soil is leveled with a rake, the weeds are removed first.

Early varieties are planted at a distance of 50 to 60 centimeters, and the late and secondary - at a distance of 60 to 70. Too thick, the plants cannot be placed because they need lots of light and space.

The Holes need to do more than the roots of seedlings. In every hole, you have to put a handful of peat, sand, humus, and fifty grams of the ash and ½ teaspoon of nitrophoska. All this is abundantly watered. Then the plants are planted so that the lower leaves were on the same level with the ground.

Cabbage vegetable: care

After landing in a cabbage it is necessary first to see how it will fit in. You might need it slightly to make a shade temporarily. During the week best of all each evening to water the plants. In the future, care for the seedlings is not so complicated. He will be weeding, loosening the soil, watering, treatment against diseases and pests, regular fertilizing.cabbage planting fertilizing

After three weeks after planting in open ground need Spud. Ten days later the procedure is repeated.


To grow a good crop of cabbage should comply with the irrigation regime. She needs plenty of water. It's best to water plants in the evening. At low temperature enough to do it once a week, but in hot weather, hydration should be performed every two to three days.

Ideally, after each watering must loosen the soil. Professionals generally recommend mulching with peat (thickness up to five centimeters), which helps to retain moisture in the soil and feeds the plants at the same time.

How to feeding?

The First fertilizing is carried out ten days after transplanting the plants. To do this, dissolve in water a mixture of 2 grams of potash fertilizer, 4 grams of superphosphate and two grams of ammonium nitrate. This amount of substances dissolved in one liter of water. This liquid will be enough to feed 50-60 plants.cabbage garden care

The Following fertilizers shall be made in two weeks. This uses the same composition. If you notice yellowing of the young plants they should be watered with liquid manure (1:10). Another fertilizing is done before planting sprouts in the soil. For her, using ammonium nitrate (3 grams), super phosphate (5 grams) and potassium fertilizer (8 grams). The components are dissolved in a liter of water. Potassium fertilizers help to settle down the cabbage in the open ground. Not to Potter with preparation of a solution, you can buy a fertilizer under the name "Kemira Suite."

Feeding plants in the phase of seedlings will give a more intensive growth in the future.

Processing culture

After planting in the ground the cabbage sprinkled with ash mixed with tobacco dust. This will help protect the young plants from flea beetles and slugs. Pesticides are not very good to use since cabbage is food. There are simple methods of protection from pests without using chemicals.

Caterpillars and aphids are destroyed by spraying the following extract: tomato leaves (2 kg) filled with water (5 liters) and infused for four hours. Then the resulting liquidboil for three hours, after which it should cool down. Before use it is diluted with water (ratio - 1:2). The solution is better used for plants, not just dripping, you can add grated lye soap.

In the fight against caterpillars and aphids, you can apply the onion peel, from which the prepared tincture. For this a quart jar of peel pour 2 liters of boiling water and insist two days. The solution is filtered, added two more quarts of water and liquid soap.

Professionals recommend as the insect is placed next to cabbage planting sage, marigolds, cilantro, rosemary, Basil. These plants repel flea beetles, butterflies, aphids.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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