Repair and replacement of locks in metal doors


2018-03-26 22:13:15




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In recent years, great demand for metal doors. Someone sets them up to protect their homes from burglary, and someone- in order to create an aesthetic appearance.

Repair and replacement of locks in a metal door

replacement door lock metal doors

Of Course, it is beautiful and quite secure. But sometimes requires replacement of locks in metal doors. Various reasons can lead to the need for replacement, the most common is a broken lock, the other key loss.

Replace door lock metal door is made by choosing the same type. Unless, of course, will be able to purchase such a model, it is not difficult to disassemble the door and install a new lock. Well, if the same lock could not find, here have some work to do. Locks another model can have a larger size of the larva, and in this regard will have to change the nesting hole, which leads to a small problem. The metal used for the manufacture of metal structures, quite thick and durable, and this creates difficulties during drilling and cutting.

Features when replacing the lock

Replace door lock metal door is made in order to increase protection against break-ins, using protective accessories. Keyhole design to apply according to the thickness of the metal.

replacement of locks in metal doorsIn the manufacture of metal doors, the location of the castle is designed initially, and in connection with this door is sold with the established mechanism, which makes it possible to change the existing model of the castle to another. Typically, locking mechanisms are different and you should change the dimensions for the new design of the lock. In this case, without the expert not to manage, as the alteration of a door - not a job for simpletons.


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The replacement of the lock of the metal door with their hands must be in the following sequence:

- you need to pick the lock, suitable for door model;

- if the lock model is not suitable, you need to make markings for the future of the castle;

- cuts the lock and all the locking mechanisms;

- set handle and trim left and right;

- drilled holes on the box to install the crossbars.

Selecting locking devices

From the whole range available today in specialized stores, for metal doors may be suitable only mortise locks, there are products with the enclosure that mounts directly in the door leaf. Locks with patch case is used very rarely.

repairs metal doors replacement locksAlso, there are electronic locks, but they require additional backup power, which leads to a slight problem.

How to repair locks in a metal door

If you have installed costly mechanism, the replacement of locks in metal doors will cost a lot, and to avoid unnecessary expenses, the smart move is to buy a new one. Repair of such locks is quite a difficult job, as the replacement of individual elements requires an investment of time and money.

For example, replace fittings, cylinder, secret devices and other internal elements will be easier as they can be purchased, but the springs, spacers, and various washers and levers are not subject to replacement because these parts are not sold as separate items. Also do not repair the door that was cracked in a barbaric way, and the mechanism was damaged. Repair of metal doors, replacement of locks in Chinese-produced items, is impossible.


This, of course, will require certain skills. Replacement door lock metal doors with their hands is after its acquisition and horizontal striping. But first and foremost you need to decide with a lock and find out what mechanism is set, also find out the number of turns is closed, is there a latch, and other details.

replacing the lock cylinder metal doorsFor marking end door measure distance the location of the castle. After conducting horizontal lines, enclosing the castle, you need to mark the edge of the mechanism. For precision holding of the layouts used a surface gauge. To grow parts of the marking gauge to the thickness of the castle and are doing still. Then transferred the markings on the front side of the door. It is important not to forget to mark the place where will be located the well, and make a mark between the vertically spaced lines.


Also for the successful replacement of the mechanism chosen is the drill that will allow the spindle hole to freely rotate. Using a drill mounted on the front of the layout, drilled the through hole. The same procedure and do the reverse side. The excavation of the wells is performed the same way. It is important to take note that the replacement of locks in metal doors – is a complex process, as if to prevent even a small mistake can spoil the door.

Next has the recess for the hull, and selects drill bit of the required thickness. To complete a recess of the desired size, measured the size of the castle and on the drill bit using electrical tape is pasted markup. Using the drill, make holes at several points there, which will be the case, andusing a hammer and chisel, do the notch. In the resulting aperture is placed in the housing. Design of the lock attached to the door screws and screwed through the holes. Then you set the spindle, is inserted in place of the pen.

Replacement larvae

If locking design and safety features satisfied owners, it is a quick and inexpensive solution to the problems is to install a new striker. Replacement lock cylinder metal doors can be made for lost keys or theft.

replacement of locks in metal doors reviewsTo Install a new grub will be able to even a layman. To remove the old core, it is sufficient to Unscrew the bolt that is located just below the deadbolt. To find it, it is necessary to examine the end of the open door. After removal of fixing the old core is removed. If she doesn't move, you need to insert the key and turning it, remove the item.

After you have removed the core, installed a new larva. It is inserted so that a hole which is screwed into the bolt located in the center of the end.

Add pen

Also replacement of locks in metal doors includes replacement handles. They have a different modification, depending on the model of the castle can be semi-automatic and a standard. They are subdivided into two types: right and left. The package includes bronicheski, which protects the cylinder against mechanical damage. The principle of operation is to handle a semi-automatic closing doors without the key by lifting its outer side up. If you press it down inside the apartment-the door opens.

The Pens come in the following models:

- placket;

- on a bracket under the lever key.

- split basis.


To install the handle it is necessary to mark the installation location. Then drilled the hole for the latch handle. Apply the bar and mark holes through which screws will attach the handle. After marking drill the required diameter of the drilled hole. Then you need to design to insert into the door and bolts.

replacement of the lock of the metal door with their handsToday, there are firms that produce replacement of locks in metal doors. Reviews have shown that the appeal to professionals people receive quality and quick help, as working with a metal door - no easy task, and it can handle only a highly qualified expert.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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