How to remove scratches on laminate at home: effective methods and useful tips


2018-03-26 06:41:15




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Laminate flooring – cleanliness and comfort in the house. But due to the fact that the panels have a layered structure, possible floor damage in the form of scratches or chips. Over time they become more, and the question of how to remove scratches on laminate, may be the edge. So better to take care of a beautiful kind of artificial flooring, to patch up small scratches without delay than to change the floor completely or partially, especially as some types of laminate flooring to be replaced without pain is impossible.

how to remove scratches on laminate flooring

Causes of scratches in laminate flooring

The reasons for the scratches on the floor can highlight the following factors:

  • Quality. The original quality of the coating greatly affects its durability. Cheap floor may be covered with scratches after six months of improper use. As a rule, in the instructions for use specified, to any premises may be used in this product.
  • Humidity. High humidity in the room the top protective layer of laminate flooring may deviate from the basics. This situation leads to big cracks or chips on the surface. To avoid this fate, you must purchase coverage higher quality of production or to monitor the level of humidity in the room.

removing scratches on the laminate in the home

  • Furniture. Move around the furniture without a protective coating automatically damage the entire plane of the floor, and the problem of how to remove scratches from furniture with laminate becomes paramount.
  • Shoes. Walking in shoes with heels in the room can lead not only to scratches, but also to ensure that the coating will become similar to a sieve.
  • Toys. Toys that have sharp parts, can also become one of the causes of damage to the laminate floor.
  • Animals. Long claws of animals, as a rule, leave microscopic damage to the laminate, which will eventually become very noticeable.
  • Incorrectly customized tiles. If you ignore all the rules of laying laminate, in the near future you can expect trouble in the form of damages. Because of the humidity and the operation of the edge, not adjusted correctly, they tend to crumble and crack.

Types of laminate flooring

According to the method of manufacturing a laminate can be divided into specific labeling, which can be found when purchasing the material. Kind of laminate is indicated on the label of the product or on the packaging. But you can always get competent advice of a specialist who will take into account all the factors affecting the use of outdoor material and advise on what brand will work best for this room.


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scratches on laminate flooring how to clean make-shifts

  • HPL – the high-pressure technology.
  • DPR – the technology of printing on the printer.
  • CPL – the technology of continuous pressure.
  • DPL – the technology of high pressure
  • Method caching.

A Certain method of manufacture of flooring involves the use of certain materials, respectively, and certain ways of how to remove scratches on laminate at home.

Marking HPL

The Cost of this material is quite high, but it is justified by its high wear resistance. The laminate of this brand is used for flooring with increased load. Use this brand and for the manufacture of countertops or furniture fronts. The method of manufacturing the product consists of a separate obessolivanija top layer of decorative paper, plastic and Kraft paper, and then press the resulting workpiece is glued to the plate of chips.

is it possible to remove scratches with laminate

How to remove scratches on laminate flooring of this brand? The method is not an easy, simple wax is not the answer. To remove scratches from laminate, you need to use a filler intended for this purpose. Typically, this mixture, which is heated and spread evenly on the damaged area, pre-cleaned of dust and degreased with alcohol, a spatula.

Marking DPR

The Latest production technology of laminate flooring is that the image on the material appears immediately on the slab of wood and shavings. Such flooring can be varied in color, which greatly complicates the task of repairs. Remove minor scratches with a laminate of such production, you can use putty and wax crayons of suitable colors.

remove minor scratches with laminate

Scratches on laminate flooring how to remove with improvised means in this case? Then you can use a special repair kits for laminate flooring, which are sold in any hardware store. They have the whole set of necessary tools to ensure that problem is resolved with a positive result.

Marking CPL

Method of manufacturing of this material is almost similar to the manufacturing coating brand DPL, but because of the extra layers of the paper surface is of great durability.

how to remove scratches from furniture with laminate

How to remove scratches on laminate flooring brand CPL? Canto use wax crayons or a special tool, based mastic.

You can Remove minor scratches with laminate brand CPL is possible and usual wax. The mass has acquired a suitable shade, some artists mix the wax and Shoe Polish. This procedure adds weight moisture resistance and improves its protective properties.

Marking DPL

Plates are made in this method is the cheapest kind of laminate. This coating consists of four layers that are pressed simultaneously:

  • Paper impregnated with melamine and the addition of corundum.
  • Decorative paper.
  • Molded plates of wood chips.
  • Impregnated with phenol resin, the Kraft paper.

How to remove scratches on laminate flooring of this brand? The method differs little from the main ways, but it is worth remembering that this material is contraindicated moisture for use in the manufacturing process of paper. So before how to remove scratches from laminate with their hands, all the surface should be degreased with alcohol and use a conventional wax, painted in the tone of the coverage.

Cache Method

The Production of a laminate by the method of caching consists of gluing paper impregnated with resin, on a chipboard tile. Therefore, the resulting material is the same durability, but very easy to repair. Scratches on laminate flooring how to remove with improvised means in this case? Enough to peel off the old paper and replace it or to disassemble the floor and replace the cover new parts of the laminate. If there are spare tiles, Wallpaper and PVA glue or a suitable color film with self-adhesive base, it is possible to repair a small area of floor. This is the only brand of laminate flooring, which can solve the problem without much monetary investment.

Sets for renovations

Is it Possible to remove scratches from laminate flooring? The answer to this question can be considered in the affirmative with the presence of special kits for repairs. Reliable and universal tools for such purposes can serve the mixture on wax or putty intended for wooden surfaces.

how to remove scratches from laminate with their hands

Set the laminate usually consists of:

  • Tube with putty.
  • Spatula made of plastic or rubber.
  • Pair of elements with paint.
  • Pencils are wax-based.

After applying the ingredients of the composition of repair kit should take care of the presence of colorless nail Polish. He is completely impregnated tiles and does not give cracks and scratches to appear soon again.

Method renovations

Any damage should be removed while they are small. This will allow the wood chip composition of the laminate does not fall apart and will not lead to the complete replacement of the floor covering. If the repair kit is assembled in full number, the repair should be performed in the following order:

  • Clean the area from dust and dirt by any means household chemicals. But it is worth remembering that not all brands cover well in water. Some types of laminate before the repair is simply wiped with a damp cloth.
  • Dry fabric must be degreased with alcohol or a special product for degreasing and wait for the complete evaporation of the alcoholic composition.
  • Putty or wax pencil to carefully wipe the entire surface, followed by cleaning the excess putty.
  • After solidification of the composition is smeared surface lacquering, preferably in several layers. It does not give the surface to crack and will hide all visible defects.

If all the rules are met in accordance with the instructions to repair the set, the scratches will be almost invisible. In the case of substantial damage to the laminate you can always go to replace the part completely.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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