Alexander Zharov: the work of Soviet poet


2018-03-21 17:55:11




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Alexander Zharov-Russian Soviet poet, whose poems are widely known to this day. His works were written during the Soviet era, but today they are relevant.

Biography of the poet

Alexander Zharov

Zharov Alexander A. was born on 31 Mar 1904 in Moscow region. The poet's father was a simple innkeeper. Alexander Zharov graduated from the Borodino village school, and then enrolled in the Mozhaisky Academy. In 1917, Alexander became one of the organizers of the educational-cultural group.

In 1918, Alexander Zharov began work on a Secretary of the Komsomol cell. Until 1925 Alexander takes a leadership position in the Komsomol organs, first near his native land-in Mozhaisk, and then he was transferred to Moscow to the Central Committee of Komsomol.

Important dates in the life of the poet

In 1920, Alexander joined the ranks of the Communist party of the Soviet Union.

In 1921, Zharov began teaching at Moscow State University, faculty of social Sciences.

In 1922, Alexander joined the ranks of the founders of the Association of writers “Young Guard".

In 1941, Alexander A. Zharov became the chief correspondent of the magazine “Sailor”.

Poet's works: career of dawn


In the early school age Zharov started to get into poetry. His first school years poems have been published in the journal “Creativity”.

“Alexander Zharov – poet” - so began to speak about Garowe already in 1920. His poetry was very popular in the 1920-1940-ies. Among the admirers of the young poet, the bulk were young people of that time.


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A Central element of his work was the glorification of the Soviet youth. In addition, Alexander A. the main precept for the whole of the USSR thought of partisanship. These attitudes and principles have created the poetic image, which is peculiar to Alexander Zharov.

However, being young and famous, Zharov had detractors. One of them was Vladimir Mayakovsky. His biased opinion is clearly expressed in the statement, which he dedicated to Alexander Zharov: “… often writers write so that the mass or unclear, or if clear, it turns out nonsense”. Such a negative attitude towards creativity Zharova on the part of Mayakovsky is still unknown.

It Is believed that in the novel of Mikhail Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" is an obvious allusion to the song “soar bonfires”. According to this opinion, the critics have concluded that Alexander Zharov became the prototype of the hero of the novel of the poet Riukhin.

In the 1920-ies were very popular County newspaper «the voice of the laborer”. Often poems of Alexander Alekseevich was printed in this newspaper. These poems were very different from late work Zharov his ineptitude, but all the lines were imbued with revolutionary heroism, pathos and sharp youthful maximalism.

The Work of the poet during the great Patriotic warZharov Alexander A.

During the war the poet served in the Navy. Where the poet has to go, whatever he had to see, being creative, yet always wrote about his fellow sailors as brave and strong warriors, capable of any feat.

Poets, songwriters and place Zharov among them

Despite the fact that the opinion of Mayakovsky strongly influenced public opinion about the work of Alexander Alekseevich, the poet found himself in the songwriting. His contribution to the Soviet mass song was great. Alexander, like other poets-songwriters of this genre, wrote the best musical pieces from 1930 to 1950. The best-known songs were “soar bonfires, blue nights”, “Song of past campaigns” and “Sad willow”.

Special love of the public deserve the song “Squeeze”, which he wrote Mikhail Svetlov, if it "Grenada" and Gerovska “Squeeze” - two sisters who are connected with each other.

The post-war years of the life and work of Alexander Zharova

Alexander Zharov poet

In the postwar years, when the Russian people had to translate the spirit of a just ended war, Zharov wrote the song “We are for peace”, which became a kind of anthem of the post-war years.

As well as in poems, in songs Alexander wrote about his homeland, the native land nature. It should be noted that even after Zharov received a large portion of public approval and recognition, he has not forgotten his native land. He often came to our home, he read and sang his works as a simple worker, people from the farm to the younger generation.

One of the brightest events in the life of Alexander Zharov was the meeting with Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, which he recalled said.

Same as for all Soviet people, most of the emotions the poet had flashbacks about the war. He told his young listeners about war, about the exploits that were brave warriors to save his life and the lives of his people.

September 7, 1984, the poet died at the age of 80 years. Alexander Zharov buried at Kuntsevo cemetery in Moscow.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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