Debt marriage documents, the reflection in accounting. Causes of marriage


2018-03-22 01:43:24




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As you know, demand for products creates her offer. However, to a manufacturer's product became popular, they must be of high quality. debt marriage

Quality – complex features and properties of the product that determine its suitability for the intended use. Such a definition is present in GOST 15467-79. According to GOST R ISO 9001-2015,Quality   etAbout the degree of compliance with the complex specifications with the requirements.

However, the manufacturer did not seek to conform to standards, some products are released with defects. Such products are called Marriage. Causes His appearance very different: human error, equipment failure, etc. In any case the defective products shall not be delivered to the consumer.

Manufacturing defect

They called parts, components, products, semi-finished goods whose quality does not conform to standards or specifications. These objects cannot be used for other purposes or can be used only after elimination of deficiencies.

The Duty detection Defective parts, products, semi-finished products, etc. assigned to the Department of tekhkontrol (QCD). As a rule, in the passport or on the housing of the finished product shall bear a stamp control. Today in the industrial sector are widely used automated systems. They allow you to identify the marriage with minimal human involvement.


A Manufacturing defect can be:

  • Correctable. This means that the defects identified in production can be eliminated, and the product can be used.
  • Final. In this case, the correction of the defects or is not possible or is not economically feasible.
  • Internal. This type of marriage is found to the direction of products on sale.
  • External. This type of marriage is revealed by the user.

Reflection in accounting

Records of marriage in accounting carried out 28 account. In the debit concentrate all the costs associated with defects found before shipment of goods on sale and after implementation. The loan represent the amount due to be paid by the guilty. Generally withhold from the wages of these individuals, entities forfeit the prize, produced other penalties. writing off defective goods


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Credit also reflected, and other amounts attributed to the reduction of losses. Among them, in particular, the cost of defective products at the price of possible use.

In the formation of the credit and debit turnover is determined by the total amount of losses. Debt marriage is performed at the cost of substandard products out of the 28 accounts in Sch. 20. Part of the losses included the cost of goods of the proper quality of the corresponding type.

Analytical accounting are in separate departments (divisions) of the enterprise, products, items, circumstances under which were committed marriage, subjects, guilty to that.

Correctable flaws

In the case of detection of such defects is Debt marriage from the account 20 and 43 not possible. CQ. 28 reflect only the costs that are associated with deficiencies. These include, in particular, include:

  • The Cost of additional materials, raw materials used for the correction of defects.
  • Earnings of employees involved to rectify the shortcomings. Its calculation is performed with the appropriate withholdings.
  • The Depreciation of machines used in the elimination of deficiencies.

In the costs also include indirect costs of the units (workshops), which corrected the defects of products. The allocation of costs between different types of products that it manufactured and converted products, with Write-off of marriage in transactions 25 close the account.

The detection of the external fixable marriage as a part of the cost of eliminating defects and include transport costs. Speech, in particular, about the cost of delivery of substandard products in the enterprise, the workshop in which they will be remade, the reverse operation is already fixed objects. causes of marriage

Final disadvantages

In this case Write-off of marriage in transactions 28 is debited to the account. It transferred the cost of all defective products that are not subject to correction. The resulting amount is recognized as cost of poor quality goods. If defects are discovered prior to acceptance of the goods to the warehouse, Debt marriage is credit 20 account. The detection of defects in products after the posting (for example, before sending to the buyer), the cost is transferred to the credit Sch. 43. Typically, this account is also used for detecting hidden manufacturing defects (after purchase).

Upon detection of fatal flaws is actually a return of merchandise. This operation is accompanied by the formation of trenirovochny records, through which cancelled the implementation of defective products.

If the goods with defects or items you can use (to pass on the scrap, for example), they are accounted for midrange. Sub-account 10 "materials" at the price of possible use.

Recovery from those responsible

In establishing the specific employees involved in the occurrence of the marriage, the amount you need to pay them, is transferred from the loan account 28 debit Sch. 73 sub-account,reflecting the billing information associated with compensation of property harm. This scheme applies if convicted of the marriage is an employee of the company.

If the defect involved a third-party entity, the amounts transferred to the debit of account 76, the subaccount "Calculations under claims".

1C: scrap

Upon detection of defective products in the warehouse need to issue a "Demand-invoice". If there are uncorrectable Marriage in the document on write-off specified item of costs: "Marriage in production". The system inserts 28 account automatically. The table part The act of writing off the marriage specified item group, which will include analytical accounting.

In the system you can specify what kind of products related marriage up to the series.

If identified is remediable defect, the item can be handed back for revision. To do so, executed the document "Demand-bill" under cost.


Losses from Write-off of defective goods can be reflected in "other costs" that are associated with the manufacture and sale, under sub. 47, clause 1 of article 264 NK. When performing these operations should take into account a number of nuances.

First, it should be noted that the legislation lacks the definition of a manufacturing defect. Therefore, this concept can be used in the sense in which it is disclosed in regulatory documents governing accounting. debt marriage in the trade

So, if The cancellation of a marriage in the trade in costs in the form of loss of the goods with defects can be included the costs of internal marriage, is revealed at the stage of production or sales, and external defects at the customer during Assembly, use, installation of the product.

Income Tax

Debt marriage, as above, include in the other costs related to the issuance and sale of the products. The rules NC there are no special restrictions on the accounting of these costs. Accordingly, under the General principles of recognition of expenses for the taxation according to Chapter 25 NK, documentary evidence, economic viability, non-reimbursable losses from defective items may be considered manufacturer in the costs. This position is shared by the controlling Agency.

Depending on the rules of accounting policy for taxation of costs associated with the issuance and sale of the products can be classified as indirect and direct costs. The relevant provisions are fixed in paragraphs 1, 2 of article 318 of the tax code.

Indirect costs in full are included in the cost of the current period. Direct costs constitute the tax base at realization of products in the value which they have taken into account.

Accordingly, the accounting policies for taxation purposes it is necessary to fix the rules of cost accounting to the marriage. In particular, it is advisable to develop a methodology for determining the cost of the defective products.


In the point 3 of article 170 NK present an exhaustive list of situations in which input tax is lawfully received deduction, must be restored.

It is Worth noting that in this rule there is no such basis as Debt marriage, not suitable for later use (without the guilty). However, in the opinion of the control agencies, input tax in this case should be restored in the period the write-down of products. After all, they will not be used for transactions that are recognized in the tax code object of taxation. fault

As for jurisprudence, it is in favor of enterprises. As indicated, in accordance with article 23 of the tax code, the payer is obliged to deduct in the budget of the established taxes. Accordingly, the obligation to pay previously lawfully taken for deduction of VAT must be fixed in legislation.

Meanwhile, considering the explanations of the Ministry of Finance, some analysts believe that the decision not to restore the tax write-off when the marriage may lead to disagreements with the FTS.

Operation to return

Accounting can be done in different ways. For example, the company may recalculate base for tax on profits for the period in which the defective product was implemented. Since the contract between the seller and the purchaser will be terminated, the payer is entitled to reduce the amount of profit by the amount of the proceeds from the sale of marriage. The amount of costs it is possible to reduce the cost of products returned by the buyer.

The Second option – to include costs in the form of the cost of production losses from the identified defect. In this case, the cost will be the amount that must be returned to the buyer poor quality products.

As explained by the Ministry of Finance, the production costs of the defective goods, the company has already taken into account during implementation. Consequently, the price of the returned item should be treated as zero.


When the issue of damages will be the fact of the guilty. They can be not only employees, but also third party entities. For example, there was a stop of the equipment due to a power outage, from a supplier you have received defective materials, etc.

The claims of third-party entities are sent in the manner prescribed by GK. The compensation of the company's employees is carried out according to the rulesfixed TK. As the article 241 of the Code, if the employee has not signed an agreement on the Mat. responsibility to recover from him the amount that does not exceed the amount of the average salary.

Hold is performed on the basis of the order of the Director. The order published within one month from the date of determining the final value of property damage. When you omit this term, and also in case of evasion of the employee from compensation of harm, the employer may apply to the court. the act of cancellation of marriage


When detection of defective products is drawn. Unified form of the document is not approved. Accordingly, the company may develop its own form of the act. The form of the document is fixed in the accounting policy.

The detection of the internal marriage document is filled out by employees of the Department of tekhkontrol. If the detected external defect, the act is the consumer.


In the act of detection of defects must include the following details:

  • The name of the company.
  • Location.
  • Contact information.
  • The name of the document.

The text you specify information about the product, which revealed the defect, the reasons for marriage, the individuals responsible.

The Document must be in 3 copies. The first is passed to the accounting Department, the second-in unit, where he was issued a defective product, the third gets a financially responsible officer. When identifying the appearance of marriage by the act is a consumer complaint.

A Statement of fact of detection of the defects is carried out by a special Commission.

Errors in the quality management

Some growers do not have enough understanding of the purpose of accounting for manufacturing defects. They believe that the occurrence of defective items – this is a natural process, without which there is production activity.

Meanwhile, the creation of efficient accounting system allows to identify the circumstances that lead to the appearance of defects in the goods. Accordingly, based on available data, the Manager can take steps to reduce the number of defective products. marriage in accounting

Quite often, Department heads complain of the moral deterioration of the equipment. This, they explain the emergence of marriage and believe that the purchase of modern machines can improve the situation. However, not every company has the money for it. Of course, to work on old hardware too. The optimal solution would be to modernize or rental machines.

Managers and technicians often suggests that to identify the causes of marriage can be difficult. Of course, the enterprise may occur different situations in which to determine the circumstances of the occurrence of defects really problematic. But in most cases, to identify the causes of production of products with shortcomings, grouping them according to common characteristics. Usually the causes of the defects are violations of technology, negligence, oversight of the responsible persons.

Grouping of the signs of substandard products, of particular importance is the correct recording of production.

Methods of defect removal

They depend on causes of defects in products. If the disadvantages associated with the use of substandard materials, should identify the supplier of such raw materials. In addition, you need to create a control system values entering the facility. In agreement with suppliers should include a paragraph on material liability for supply of defective raw materials.

If the defects are associated with the work of machines, it is necessary, first, to determine the time of their maintenance. In the shops you need to install personal responsibility for the operation of equipment, failure to comply with the rules of operation. It is important to identify what machine is married.

If the release of defective products is associated with the lack of professionalism of the staff, should review the system of motivation of employees. For example, the company may impose additional premiums and incentives for minimizing marriage. To reduce the influence of human factor on production process allows the implementation of automated process control. Currently, such systems are used in all major industrial enterprises.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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