How to calculate income tax: example. How to calculate income tax?


2018-03-20 00:56:16




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In this article you will learn how to calculate income tax. An example will be given once generally will develop an idea of what we're dealing with. Because the income tax itself is extremely important. It has so many different nuances and features.

So, some citizens have the right to avoidance of the fee either on its reduction. In addition, the calculations are sometimes very confusing. And they have to understand, as mistakes can bring a lot of problems. And no one needs. Let's try to understand all the nuances of this issue. How to calculate income tax? Example, and no one will help to understand to calculate income tax example

Income Tax

But with what are we dealing with? What is income tax? From whom is it collected? As you might guess, this contribution to the state Treasury is nothing more than a payment from the taxpayer for generating income. Applies to anyone present on the territory of the Russian Federation. That is, both residents and non-residents. No matter who it is - just a physical entity, organization or entrepreneur. Importantly, the taxpayer was income.

Income Tax is the most known and widespread in Russia payment. To hide from him will not succeed. Except that citizens who work informally. But they do so at your own risk. How to calculate income tax? How much to pay in a particular case?


Let's Start with the conditions that apply to individuals. After all, they constitute the majority of taxpayers. As we have seen, their income is taxed. But not always. And in different amounts.


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The Thing is that the individual must pay this fee in almost any case. Yes, and 13% of revenues. Any transaction of purchase and sale, as well as the wages they are levied. Prizes and treasures too. There are exceptions, but they are not so much.

For Example, you don't have to pay for the income received in the form of donation from close relatives. Or if the transaction involved property which you have in possession more than three years. In principle, this is all the restrictions that act at the moment. From rental property to rent, paycheck, from the sale of something will take a certain amount of money and transfer it to the state. By the way, treasures and winnings are taxed at to calculate income tax of an organization example


What's next? How to calculate income tax organization? An example will be given later. Instead, while that is to learn at what rate you need to make payments.

The Problem is that here, definitely not. Instead, the tax system of the Russian Federation offers many alternative approaches and solutions. For example, the standard rate for organizations is 20%. In some cases, you may encounter 30%, 15% and 9%.

In addition, income tax exempt companies that have chosen to tax certain regimes - say, USN. No, they will pay income tax, but only on a different system. About her a little later.

Remember: as soon as it comes on the organizations will have to consider that in order to truly answer how to calculate the profit tax (for example on the "trial balance" and without it will be listed below), you must take into account the income and expenses for the tax reporting period. In practice, most often, estimates are produced quarterly.

how to calculate income tax example

For entrepreneurs

Special attention is paid to individual entrepreneurs. Why? The fact that this type of activity is most often chosen by individuals who want to work for themselves. And, as practice shows, they elected a special tax system. Especially when we are talking about some "freelance" or "copywriting". Most types of business activities can be transferred to the simplified system of taxation. Then you don't have much to think about, how to calculate income tax. The example indicated below, I will explain how everything is easy and simple.

Why so? With the appearance of the STS it is possible to rely on taxes to 6% of the profits. That is, no expenses are not included. In fact, this scheme makes life much easier to individual entrepreneurs. No unnecessary papers and reports, no messing around with calculations. Enough to know math at the level of high school or middle school. And all.


How to calculate income tax (for example on the accounts concerned and interested in many)? Was missed one feature associated with individuals. Income tax can be reduced by a certain amount if the employees have minor children. This process is called deduction for children.

So, if income does not exceed 280 000 rubles, and if the citizens have minor children (either full-time students/cadets/interns/residents up to 24 years) you can hope for a reduction of the tax base. This leads to a reduction of payments to the tax to calculate income tax UI example

One and two children relies 1400 rubles deduction. 3 or more, and children with disabilities - 3000. Inin some cases it should be 6 and 12 thousand, respectively, but such phenomena are almost not observed in Russia. Also physical persons are entitled to double tax deduction if the spouse has waived this benefit.

General principle

How to calculate income tax separate division? Here to help single formula, which is understandable even to a schoolboy. That is, it is sufficient to substitute in values to get the amount, due for payment. It applies to all income taxes. It doesn't matter who we are dealing with a physical person, organization or entrepreneur.

That will calculate the required payable amount? The formula, which consists of only 2 elements. The first is the tax rate. It is, as we have seen earlier, is established in a particular case specifically. The second is the so - called base. If you multiply these two components together, you get the size of income tax.

About the database

Many questions arise even here. How to calculate income tax? An example cannot be given and understood fully until we figure out what the tax base. If the bet is a well-known component, here with the second item, the situation is more difficult.

The Tax base is nothing like the amount subject to income tax. It'll have to start the calculations. It may be reduced in certain cases. The incorrect definition leads to incorrect estimates and problems with the tax to calculate income tax example the bills

The Tax base for individuals is simply their income. When it comes to companies and entrepreneurship, we can say that it consists of income and expenses. That is, the basis in this case will be called the sum received after deduction of losses and cost. Also, speaking about individuals, it is worth noting the tax deductions for children in the database will be considered mandatory. Now that you know the intricacies of the process, one can wonder how to calculate the tax on the profit for the month, quarter or year in a particular case.

For individuals

Let's Start with individuals. With them the least. For example, the company you work for and the salary you 19 000. During this year the profits will be 228 000 rubles. There are three children - 5, 11 and 25, and the second parent does not work.

In this situation, the per month get the following picture:

(19 000 - 1400 x 2) x 0,13 = 2106.

Without deductions for children, if they were not, you would have to pay:

19 000 x 13% = 2 470.

A year in both cases, accumulates tax amount 25 275 29 640 rubles, respectively. Nothing difficult, right? No problems at this time.


But with organizations much more complicated. Right here you need to know exactly what data will be included in the cost, revenue, loss, profit and so on. Many people are scared and panic, as just thinking about it. So how to calculate income tax? An example would be very simple.

how to calculate income tax in the trial balance example

So firm that received for the quarter 4 200 000 rubles of profit. For the employees, VAT, depreciation and the raw material was spent 1 million, and in the past reporting period, tax loss amounted to 200,000. The thing we have with the usual organization in Russia, not foreign.

Then it turns out that the tax rate we will have 20%. Thus base is defined as:

(4 200 000 - 1 000 000 - 200 000) = 3 000 000 rubles.

Of this amount, we will make all calculations. Now all that remains is to multiply the base by the rate. Happens:

3 000 000 x 0.2 = 600 000 rubles.

This amount will be calculated tax on the profit of the organization.


To Calculate the required payments personally not so difficult. But to specify them on the trial balance is already not so simple task. After all, there are a variety of codes and components. Each item reflects a certain revenue, income, losses and expenses. Will have to take them into account and prescribe.

Here you must consider only the most basic codes. This:

  • 90.01 - revenue;
  • 90.03 - VAT;
  • 91.01 - vnerealizatsionnyh income;
  • 90.02 - production costs.

In principle, most people try only to read carefully the compliance of the accounts and match them with the checkbook. Everything is easy when you know what info to refer to. Reference in the respective programs for reporting are available. All comments listed opposite accounts.


The Last thing that you need to consider is entrepreneurship. How to calculate income tax entrepreneur? The example in this case would be even easier than in the case of individuals. Has been said that entrepreneurs are more likely to work for USN. So, they will take the tax rate of 6%. With the base to define is also extremely easy - all you've got in this case, is taxable.

So, you just need to take the income for the year and multiply it by 6%. For example, in the year of income is 269 000 rubles. Then you have to pay accordingly to the tax authorities:

269 000 x 0.06 = 16 140 rubles.

Plus, to transfer a certain amount of Pension Fund contributions and health insurance. But that's another to calculate the tax on the profit for the month

As you can see, anything difficult in this matter. It is because of these features of the tax system in Russia is boomingenterprise in the USN. No extra statements, trial balances the huge volume, multiple accounts and so on.

In General, the income tax can be calculated by using a special online calculators. This is not the best option, but it takes place. There are services that constitute a parallel statement for the report. You can use them, but abuse all the same is not necessary.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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