How and when in Russia there were baths?


2018-03-21 23:00:14




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For people leading a healthy lifestyle, going to the sauna is one of the most important components of keeping the body in great shape. But not many people know that Russian bath differs from the same institutions in other Nations of the world. Foreigners who visited the steam room, can not easily tolerate high humidity and the whipping birch twigs. "Overseas» guests often ask: when in Russia there were baths? And what makes people so barbaric to torture yourself in a small hot room?

From the nomadic tribes to the Prince of Kiev

Even deep in the study of historical annals, it is impossible to say exactly when the first bath in Russia. After all, even the nomadic tribes of Scythians used a special tent made of wooden poles covered with animal skins and with a hearth in the middle for the ritual cleansing, and just wash in the campaigns.

Before purification on a fire heated hot stones, after which doused with water or decoction of herbs. And Scythian women rubbed on the heated stones, sprigs of cypress and cedar with water. The resulting slurry was applied to the skin and held during the day. Washed off the mask with warm water the next day. This procedure was not only cleansing the skin from dirt and inflammatory diseases, but also betrayed her incredibly fresh flavor.

Wooden house or stone mansion

In Studying the works of Nestor the Chronicler, scientists have found data about in what century in Russia there were baths. Monk writes about that in 5-6 centuries the Slavic tribes used to wash the soap with hot steam and birch brooms.


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Pagan beliefs of the time identified the wash in the steam room with the purification of the soul and body from impurity and unity with the forces of nature: spirits of water, earth, air and fire. All the important events in a person's life at the time, from birth to death, was closely connected with the fever black movni.

when in Russia there were baths

For a Long time bath used to be called black because of the smoke, kupliauskas in the room during firing. Only after in Russia there were baths with a fireplace, they're just soap. The building itself was a wooden house with a furnace, through which was directed the room to the desired temperature.

Due to the fact that this “flimsy” the structure is easily ignited, even Prince Vladimir has issued a decree that commanded to build the baths in the rivers to prevent massive fires. When in Russia there were baths of stone, is not precisely known, but in the mid-17th century there were public steam rooms in major cities.

Female and male

Until the reign of Catherine the great spaces of pairs were common to both women and men. In such institutions could not only wash, but also to communicate with other people, to hear the latest news. In a large room could be members of several families with children of different age, and such behavior was considered the norm.

In what year did the baths in Russia, sex-segregated? In 1743 Senate decree divided the room into two parts: male and female. From this moment on the territory of the male baths allowed individuals of the other sex under the age of seven years, it was the same with the female half.

Luxury or necessity

In Russia the pairs were in almost every yard if I let it. Once a week, most often Saturday, home sauna heated and washed the whole family. For those who didn't have a big backyard and soapy, I had the opportunity to visit total steam rooms.

when the first bath in Russia

These institutions have worked for a small charge, visit could be anyone. Even during the reign of Vladimir the Red Sun baths were used to treat a variety of ailments. And a century later the famous monk-physician and Agape healed the sick, only bath and herbs. Following the Charter of the Holy place, all the suffering visited bath three times a month.

in what year did the baths in Russia

“Our” abroad

When in Russia there were baths, more or less clear. But over time, the Russian pair became fashionable in other countries. It all began with the visit of Peter the Great to France. Accompanied the king, the guards due to the long “idleness” began to lose health. To servicemen do not lose their shape, Peter ordered to build on the banks of the Seine, a real Russian bath.

The Europeans were horrified to see on the river flushed a pair of men rushing into the cold water. What the great king told about the health benefits of such procedures.

what century in Russia there were baths

The Emigration of Russians during the revolution also yielded results: the existence of such health procedures learned America, England and Africa.

Health and longevity

When in Russia there were baths, our ancestors noticed immediately their healing properties. After warm up, the body can easily tolerate various loads, easier recovering after a serious illness.

The Tatars, the French and other Nations have long believed that because of such “wild” method of recovery of the Russian men had good health and incredible stamina, and women were famous for their beauty, youth and a pleasant skin color.

Treatments have a beneficial effect on all organs and systemsbody:

  • Nervous system (soothes and relaxes);
  • Cardiovascular (accelerate blood circulation, improves the functioning of the brain);
  • Breathing;
  • Endocrine.


Until the early 19th century “shopping” soap was a place for washing and collecting gossip. But after the construction of the large stone buildings in the centre of large cities - with a separate room, cosy cupboards - baths have become the main place where he preferred to meet the representatives of the noble families.

The Aristocrats gathered in a small circle for the solution of the important problems of reading and relaxation. After the Russian such a pair of visiting aliens.

as in Russia there were baths

The Most famous “secular” baths can rightly be called Sanduny, which collected the cream of the aristocracy. And today this object is a monument of architecture.

New time, new baths

The history of the emergence of baths in Russia is long and exciting. Today, after several centuries, a real steam room is difficult to find in big cities. Increasingly, residents of big cities prefer foreign counterparts, which do not require the use of a broom, and on the temperature regime are significantly different from a real Russian steam room.

the history of the emergence of baths in Russia

A Finnish sauna, Turkish bath, Roman thermal baths captivated the minds of the people of the twenty-first century. Fads, vaccinated Slavs in pursuit of a healthy lifestyle are contrary to the concepts of the right of existence in harmony with nature. No wonder the Gentiles 5-6 centuries was considered the norm to purify his body using the broom in a hot and humid environment of the bath and drink in the process a large number of herbal infusions.

When you see the city sign "steam room”, you can be sure that nothing to do with the old original one will not find. Such places, settling in apartments or shopping centers, more like a sauna.

But getting to visit a country with steam room, do not give up. That is where you will be able to feel this oneness with nature. Bath, protoplasma wood-burning stove which stands on the Bank of the river, will give pleasure and charge of health, energy for a long time, will make a lasting impression.

History of the Slavic peoples hides a lot of secrets and mysteries. But thanks to Chronicles, scientists have unraveled many of the mysteries. Perhaps the Mongols were right and that bath is the way to maintain a healthy body and spirit of the Russian troops several centuries ago.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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