Parent meeting in grade 3: topics and schedule


2018-03-21 21:42:13




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Parent meeting-important event. For the short time necessary to present moms and dads with academic success and behavior of children, to sum up the past quarter and plan new activities. Affect will have not only organizational, but also the psychological readiness of children for learning. It is in the third grade, students begin to lose interest in school. It is important to explain to adults how to motivate children for further education. Themes of parent-teacher meetings (grade 3) should relate primarily to the desire of children to continue their education.

Additionally we have to discuss also the issues of student behavior outside of school. Parents have to speak on the topic of security. Topics that need to be considered are described below.

Parent meeting in grade 3 on the theme of “Junior high school student on the road”

The purpose of the meeting-to remind parents about accidents that have already happened previously with children of primary school age. Sad theme will have to raise in order to avoid similar situations in the future. Unfortunately, with the rules of the road are not familiar with all the adults. What can you say about the children? Knowledge of basic road signs will help to avoid many unpleasant situations. Parent meeting devoted to the behavior on the roadway, may be held jointly with children.

parent meeting in the 3rd gradeThe Teacher prepares in advance a presentation that draws the card with the signs, prepares leaflets with the traffic rules. The teacher can use the help guys. In the process of training the students will be able to remember certain rules of behavior on the road.


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The Assembly may consist of two parts. Initially, the teacher reads the report. This may include statistical data and information on the main signs, which must know the students. The second part of the event can be devoted to practice. Parents and their children can participate in contests, allowing to reveal level of knowledge of both adults and children.

What should be the report?

Statistics show that more than 40% of road accidents happen through the fault of pedestrians, some of whom were children. Not only that, the kids crossing the road in the wrong place, so they also do not possess the desired reaction, allowing time to avoid a collision with the vehicle. Also, many students, not knowing the rules, go on the road on the bike. Consequences of road accident with participation of children can be devoted to the topics of the parent meetings. 3rd grade: children at this age already can quite understand their actions.

themes of parent-teacher meetings grade 3Basic rules of behavior on the road should be devoted to the second part of the report. It is necessary to tell the audience how and where to cross the road. More kids from pre-school age know what a traffic light. However, pay attention to this device not all. Parents should, where possible, accompany younger students to the educational institutions, as well as to pick them up.

Cycling-a separate topic that is worth discussing. The guys in 3rd grade love to travel on two-wheeled transport. Parents should not allow children to ride on the roadway on their own. For this there are special Cycling paths. On the track little the rider can only be in the presence of adults.

Parent meeting in grade 3 must include and topics related to rules of carriage of Junior schoolchildren in the car. In 8-9 years the child can only be transported in a special chair.

Should I attend the safety lesson at school?

One of the parent meetings is not always enough to convey all the necessary information concerning the safety of children. There are special lessons. The teacher tells the students not only about the rules of conduct on the roadway, but also the medical first pomorscy. Students will learn how to behave in emergency situations. Further discussed fire safety rules.

the protocols of parent-teacher meetings grade 3The Problem is that the lesson of life safety are not always carried out in the framework of a comprehensive program. Therefore, the protocols of parent-teacher meetings (grade 3) may contain a discussion of possible additional lessons in school. Funded by such classes as can parents and the city budget.

Behavior of younger schoolchildren in public places

The Educational program includes visits to the Museum, theaters and other public places. The behavior of children is significant. If the child laughs out loud in the theatre or to touch the exhibits in the Museum, it means that behave differently it's just not taught. The bad behavior of the student negatively characterizes both parents and teachers. To teach students the rules of etiquette – a common task for adults. So the first parent meeting (grade 3) may include a discussion of the readiness of children for entry into public places. The teacher tells what should be children. Parents, in turn, pay attention to the behavioral problems of their children. Any questions can be solved together with the teacher.

themes of parent-teacher meetings grade 3The Teacher before the beginning of the school year is plan parent meetings (3 class). In one of the first events be sure to include a discussion of the behaviour of younger pupils. Well, if this topic will be discussed before the start of the school year. Problem better to prevent than to find a solution to it in the future.

Theme: “the Child is in third grade”

Third grade is a turning point in the life of the school. From this age children begin to consciously learn to show interest in learning new things. But there are negative aspects. If there are problems in child development or in communicating with their peers, 8-9 years may lose interest in learning. The formation of the personality of students can be discussed in a parent meeting in the 3rd grade. Parents should look to the child to pay more attention to him. Any problems easier to resolve at an early stage.

parent meeting grade 3 GEFProtocols of parent-teacher meetings (grade 3) may include a report of a psychologist. Specialist tells the mums and dads about the main problems that occur in children aged 8-9 years. Parents, in turn, can ask questions of the psychologist. Everyone can communicate with the teacher individually. It is important to understand that the child is a reflection of their parents. If the baby is present aggression, it is possible that it exists in the family. Often the children become isolated, cease to learn, if the parents get divorced. All this must be considered when discussing the behavior and learning of younger pupils. Themes of parent-teacher meetings (grade 3) may relate to domestic violence.

The Child must learn self-reliance

Teachers Often have to deal with nine guys, who are not able to independently tie his shoes or use Cutlery. The lack of basic skills – an omission moms and dads. Parent meeting in the 3rd grade may relate to questions of independence of the children. The teacher tells the audience about the main skills that should be possessed by a child of 8-9 years.

parent meeting class 3 developmentAutonomy in the decision of certain questions is also of great importance. A third-grader should know how to behave in non-standard situations and who to contact for help. Discussion of essential services can be devoted to parent-teacher meetings (grade 3). The GEF said that the phones of the police, fire service, ambulance must be indicated on the relevant boards in the school. The child should know where to call in case of emergency situation.

Focus on the regime of the day

The School curriculum can be quite intense. Themes of parent-teacher meetings (grade 3) may relate to issues of organizing children's day. The baby needs to do everything and not be overwhelmed. It often happens that parents give their children in various mugs and sections. Comprehensive development is of great importance. However, to overload the nine-year-olds are not worth it.

first parent meeting class 3It is Important to organize the daily routine of the student so that he was able to keep up with all of the educational program. As for creative development, it also come to the aid of the school. Almost every educational institution has theater, vocal and dance clubs. About them parents the teacher should tell one of the first meetings.

How to instill a love of learning?

The Lack of interest in studies affect almost all parent meetings (3 class). Development of custom lessons that will interest guys, may be held jointly with the parents. The teacher can find out from moms and dads than the kids interested in the most. Based on these data, the teacher can plan extracurricular activities on a particular topic.

Custom lessons – the best way to test the knowledge of children, to motivate them to study core subjects. Interesting ideas for these classes, can offer the parent.


What should be the last PTA meeting? The results of the 3 classes you need to take stock at the beginning of the last quarter. Must remain a little time to resolve the existing problems. The ideal time of the event – in the middle of April.

The Teacher should tell about the achievements of the children over the year, as well as about the unpleasant situations that have had to endure. Constant interaction of parents and teachers – the key to successful education of children in the future.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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