Irrational equations and their solutions


2019-02-02 11:00:39




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When Studying algebra, students are faced with equations of many types. Among those which are most simple, can be called linear, containing one unknown. If a variable in a mathematical expression is elevated in a certain degree, the equation is called a square, cubic, biquadratic and so on. These expressions can contain rational numbers. But there are also equations irrational. They differ from other function where the unknown is under the radical sign (that is superficially variable here you can see written under the square root). The solution of irrational equations has its own characteristics. When calculating the value of a variable to retrieve the correct response to them should be taken into consideration.

irrational Equations


It's No secret that the ancient mathematicians had operated in mainly the rational numbers. These include, as you know, the whole expressed through common and decimal fractions, periodic representatives of this community. However, scientists of the near and Middle East and India, developing trigonometry, astronomy, and algebra, irrational equations is also studied to solve. For example, the Greeks knew of similar magnitude, but couching them in verbal form, used the concept of “alogos” that meant “unspeakable". Later the Europeans, imitating them, called such number of “deaf”. From all the others they differ in that they can only be represented in the form of infinite non-periodic decimals, the final numeric expression which is simply impossible to obtain. So often such representatives of the Kingdom of numbers written as numbers and symbols as an expression under the root of the second or greater degree.


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On the basis of the foregoing we will try to give a definition of irrational equation. Such expressions contain the so-called “unspeakable numbers”, recorded using the square root sign. They can pose all sorts of rather complex options, but in its simplest form, have the same view as in the photo below.

the Solution of irrational equations

Transgress to the solution of irrational equations, first things first, you need to calculate the area of allowable values of the variable.

Does the meaning of the expression?

The Need to check the received values derived from the properties of the arithmetic square root. It is known that such expression is acceptable and has any sense only under certain conditions. In the case of the even degree root of all radical expressions must be positive or zero. If this condition is not satised, then the mathematical record cannot be considered meaningful.

Here is a concrete example of how to solve irrational equations (pictured below).

Irrational equations: how to solve

In this case, it is clear that these conditions for any values taken by the desired value, can no longer have, so how is it that 11 ≤ x ≤ 4. So, the decision can only be Ø.

Method of analysis

From the above it becomes clear how to solve irrational equation. Here an effective way can be a simple analysis.

We Present a number of examples, which again clearly demonstrate (pictured below).

Irrational equations and inequalities

In the first case, after a careful consideration of the expression immediately becomes very clear that it is true can not be. Indeed, in the left side of the equation must be a positive number which cannot be equal to -1.

In the second case, the sum of two positive expressions can be considered equal to zero, only when x - 3 = 0 and x + 3 = 0 at the same time. And this again is impossible. And then in answer again to write Ø.

The Third example is very similar to the previously considered. Indeed, here the conditions of the DHS require that the following absurd inequality: 5 ≤ x ≤ 2. A similar equation similarly can not have common solutions.

Unlimited approach

The irrational Nature most clearly and fully can be explained and known only through an endless series of numbers decimal fractions. A particular vivid example of the members of this family is πI. Not without reason to assume that this mathematical constant has been known since ancient times, being used in the calculation of the lengths of the circumference and area of a circle. But among Europeans it was first applied in practice by the Englishman William Jones and the Swiss Leonhard Euler.

Algebra, Irrational equations

This constant Arises in the following way. If you compare the very different in circumference, then the ratio of their lengths and diameters mandatory equal the same number. This is πI. If to Express it through ordinary fraction, we get approximately 22/7. For the first time did the great Archimedes, whose portrait is presented on the figure above. That is why this number was named after him. But it's not explicit, but approximate value perhaps the most surprising of numbers. A brilliant scientist with an accuracy of up to 0.02 found the optimum value, butfact, this constant has no real meaning, and is expressed as 3,1415926535… It is an infinite series of numbers a lot closer to some mythical value.


But back to irrational equations. To find the unknown, in this case, very often resort to a simple method: erect both parts of the equality existing in a square. This method usually gives good results. But keep in mind the insidiousness of irrational quantities. All resulting roots should be checked, because they may not be appropriate.

But will continue consideration of the examples and will try to find the variables of the newly proposed method.

the Solution of irrational equations and inequalities

A snap, using the vieta theorem, to find the desired values after the result of certain operty we formed a quadratic equation. Here it turns out that among the roots are 2 and -19. However, when checking, substituting the obtained value in the original expression, we can see that none of these roots is not appropriate. This is a common phenomenon in irrational equations. So, our dilemma again is not the solution but the response should indicate an empty set.

Examples of more complicated

In some cases you want to build in square both parts of the expression, not once but several times. Consider examples where you want a specified. You can see them below.

Definition of irrational equations

Having roots, don't forget to check them, as can occur in excess. Should explain why this is possible. The application of such a method is a kind of rationalization of the equation. But getting rid of we evil roots that make it difficult to make arithmetic operations, we expand the existing range of values, resulting in (as you can tell) effects. Anticipating this, we produced and tested. In this case there is the chance to make sure that only one of the roots: x = 0.

What to do in cases where required to carry out the solution of systems of irrational equations, and we have not one but two unknown? Here go the same way as in ordinary cases, but given the above properties of these mathematical expressions. And in each new task, of course, you should be creative in their approach. But, again, it is better to consider all in a specific example below. It is not just required to find the variables x and y, but to indicate in the response of their sum. So, there is a system that contains an irrational quantity (see photo below).

Solution of systems of irrational equations

As you can see, this task is nothing supernaturally complicated. You only need to show the ingenuity and guess, what the left side of the first equation represents the square of the sum. These tasks found in the exam.

Irrational in mathematics

Every time the need to create new types of numbers emerged in humanity when he lacked “space” to solve some equations. Irrational numbers are no exception. As evidenced by the facts of history, for the first time the great sages paid attention to it before our era, in the century VII. Did this mathematician from India known under the name Manawa. He clearly understood that some natural numbers are impossible to extract the root. For example, these include 2; 17 or 61, and many others.

One of the Pythagoreans, a thinker by the name of Hippus, came to the same conclusion, trying to perform calculations on numeric expressions of the parties of the pentagram. Opening the mathematical elements that cannot be expressed as numerical values and do not have the properties of ordinary numbers, he so angered his colleagues that were thrown overboard, into the sea. The fact that other Pythagoreans considered his reasoning rebellion against the laws of the universe.

Sign radical evolution

The root for the expression of numerical values “deaf” numbers were used for solving irrational inequalities and equations is not immediately. For the first time about the radical began to think European, in particular Italian, mathematics around the thirteenth century. At the same time to refer to invented to use Latin But German R. mathematics in their work received differently. They liked the letter V. In Germany soon spread symbol V(2) V(3), which was intended to Express the square root of 2, 3 and so on. Later intervened in the case of the Dutch and changed the sign of the radical. And completed the evolution of Rene Descartes, bringing the square root sign to modern perfection.

Irrational equations

Freedom from irrational

Irrational equations and inequalities can include not only a variable under the sign of the square root. It can be any degree. The most common way to get rid of it is the ability to build both parts of the equality in the appropriate degree. This is the main action that helps when dealing with the irrational. Actions in the even cases is not particularly different from those that have already been demolished earlier. Here consideration must be given to conditions for the nonnegativity radical expressions, and at the end decisions needed to make screenings of foreign valuesvariables thus, as shown in the discussed examples.

Additional changes that help to find the correct answer, often using multiplication expression for the paired and often requires the introduction of a new variable that facilitates the solution. In some cases, to find the value is unknown, it is advisable to use graphics.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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