Bilinguals - who are they? How to become a person fluent in two languages?


2018-08-02 17:00:34




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Today is becoming more and more popular foreign languages. Explains everything pretty simple: the person who equally well speaks and writes, for example, in English or Italian, will find a prestigious job in an international company. In addition, it argued that learning several languages at an early age contributes to the early language development of the child. There are other reasons. As a result, more and more people seek to raise their children bilingual and even polyglot. But who they are and how to learn several languages perfectly?

Who are the learners

Bilingual – people who are equally bilingual. Each of them is native. Such people not only talk and understand two languages at the same level, but think on them. It is noteworthy that depending on the environment or the place the person is automatically switched to a particular speech (and not only in the process of verbal communication, but also mentally), sometimes without even noticing it.

Bilingual can be both translators and children of mixed ethnic marriages or educated in another country.

bilinguals is

In the pre-revolutionary period, the wealthy families tried to hire for nurturing offspring governesses from France or Germany. Thus, many nobles from childhood studied a foreign language, subsequently becoming bilingual.

Bilingual or bilingual?

It Is necessary to note that along with the term "bilingual" there is paraliminal him – "bilingual". Despite the similar sound, meaning they have different. So, bilingual – books, written records, created simultaneously in two languages. This is often presented in parallel texts.


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Types of bilinguals

There are two main types of bilinguals – pure and mixed.

Clean & ndash; people who use languages in isolation: at work – single, at home – other. Or, for example, some people speak the same language, with the other – on the other. Quite often it is observed in a situation with translators or people who have moved for permanent residence abroad.

The Second type-mixed bilinguals. It's the people who can speak two languages, but not consciously separates them. In conversation they go from one to another, transition can even occur within a single sentence. A rather striking example of such bilingualism – mixing in the speech of Russian and Ukrainian languages. The so-called surzhik. If a bilingual is unable to find the right words in Russian, instead he uses the Ukrainian equivalent, and Vice versa.

children bilinguals

How to become bilingual?

There are several ways of occurrence of this phenomenon.

One of the main reasons mixed marriages. Children-bilinguals in international families are not uncommon. So, if one parent is a carrier of the Russian language, and the second is English, in the course of development the child learns equally well and that and the other. The reason is simple: communication is every parent's native language. In this case, linguistic perception in children develops in the same way.

The Second reason – the emigration of the parents of the same nationality before or after the baby is born. Passive bilinguals-people who grew up either in countries with two official languages, or in migrant families. In this case, learning a second language in school or kindergarten. First instilled by parents in the process of education.

A Vivid example of countries where the most frequent bilinguals of this type, – Canada, Ukraine, and Belarus.

There are also people, especially who have mastered a second language. This usually occurs if the person immigrated to another country, started a family with a foreigner.

bilingual books

In addition, almost every translator in the process of learning becomes bilingual. This is a full-fledged and high-quality translation, particularly synchronous.

Most often you can find bilingual, English language which is native along with Russian, German or, say, Spanish.


What are the advantages of this phenomenon? Of course, the main advantage – knowledge of two languages, which will further help to find a decent job or successfully immigrate. But this is only an indirect benefit.

According to the researchers, bilinguals are more receptive to other people and cultures of other countries. Have broad horizons. This is due to the fact that each language is a reflection of the life and traditions of particular people. It has specific terms reflects the rituals, beliefs. Studying a foreign child also gets acquainted with the culture of its speakers, examines idioms and their meaning. Long been known that certain phrases cannot be literally translated into another language. So, English is quite difficult to translate the name of the holidays, Maslenitsa, Ivan Kupala, as they do not exist in English culture. They can only describe.

The brains of people who can speak multiple languages, more advanced, mind bending. It is known that children-bilinguals outperform their classmates, they are equally tough for both humanitarian and exact Sciences. In more Mature age they take faster decisions, do not think in stereotypes.

bilingual English

Another definite plus is more developed metalinguistically perception. Such people are often seeing mistakes in speech, understand its grammar and structure. In the future, they will learn a third, fourth, fifth languages, using existing knowledge of the linguistic models.

Three periods of study

The Degree of proficiency depends on the age at which work was initiated. And bilingual children be in early infancy, and in later periods. They are only three.

The First – infant bilingualism, age limit which is from 0 to 5 years. It is believed that at this age it is best to start learning a second language. At this time, neural connections are formed faster, which affects the quality of assimilation of new linguistic models. To instill in the second language should be already in the period when the child learned the basics first. At this time, physiologically-developed organs of speech, fine motor skills, attention and memory. The approximate age of 1.5-2 years. In this case, the child will speak both languages without an accent.

Children's bilingualism from 5 to 12 years. At this time, the child is consciously studying the language adds to your passive and active vocabulary stocks. The second study linguistic model at this age provides clear speech and lack of accent. Although in this period the child has a clear grasp of what language is his first, native.

The Third stage-adolescence, from 12 to 17 years. Learning a second language in this situation often affects the school. Bilingual start to bring in middle school, in special classes with learning a foreign language. It should be noted that the formation associated with a number of problems. In the first place - with a continued emphasis. Second, the child has to be adjusted specially on the study of a foreign him of speech.

Strategy of bilingualism

There are three main strategies in the study of bilingualism.

bilingual language

1. One parent-one language. With such a strategy in the family from talking in two languages. So, for example, a mother talks to son/daughter exclusively in Russian, the father-in Italian. The child equally well speak both languages. It should be noted that with such a strategy as they grow up bilingual can cause problems. The most common is when the child realizes that the parents understand his speech regardless of what language he speaks. However, he chooses a convenient language and begins to communicate mainly on it.

2. The time and place. Under this strategy, parents are allocated a specific time or place where the child will communicate with others exclusively in a foreign language. For example, on Saturdays, the family communicates in English and German, attending a language club, where communication takes place exclusively on foreign.

This option is useful for the child's upbringing, native language which is Russian. Bilingual in this case, you can raise, even if both parents are Russian-speaking.

3. Home language. So, in one language the child speaks only of the house, the second – in the kindergarten, school, on the street. Often used in the case where the parents immigrated to another country together with your child and yourself very ill speak foreign.


How much you want to learn a foreign language to become bilingual? The exact answer to this question is no. It is believed that in mastering a foreign language in the age of you need to spend at least 25 hours a week, that is about 4 hours a day. Thus it is necessary to carry out exercises on development of speech and understanding, but also writing, reading. In General, the duration of employment shall be calculated on the basis of selected teaching strategies and goals and the time during which you plan to learn certain knowledge.

Russian bilingual

Helpful tips

So how do you raise bilingual? We offer eight recommendations that will help you to properly organize sessions with the child.

  1. Select one, the most convenient strategy and consistently follow it.
  2. Try to put the child in the cultural environment of the language you are learning. To do this, connect it with the traditions of the people selected.
  3. As much As possible, talk with your child in a foreign.
  4. First, do not focus the child's attention on errors. Correct it, but don't delve into the details. To begin work on vocabulary, and then teach the rules.
  5. Try to send your child to camps, play groups, visit with him language clubs.
  6. Use for teaching audio and video materials, books. Bilinguals in English can read adapted and original literature.
  7. Don't forget to praise your child for his successes, encourage him.
  8. Be Sure to explain why you learn a foreign language that he will give in the future. Engage the child in learning and you will succeed.

Potential problems

What difficulties can arise in the course of language learning? Here are the main ones:

  1. Limited vocabulary in both languages due to the different fields of consumption. So, if the child uses a foreign exclusively in school, in his vocabulary may not be a token intendedto refer to everyday concepts, and Vice versa.
  2. Inability to read and write in one of the languages. Often by the wrong attitude of parents to education of the child is bilingual. Language that has received the greatest attention, become the main.
  3. The Average character of the pronunciation. Both one and the second language may be the focus.

    book bilinguals English

  4. A Wrong accent in certain words. Especially if the languages meet the same lexeme with different emphasis.
  5. The Strategy of mixing languages in that case, if the person understands both. In General, this problem is eliminated itself in the process of growing up.


Bilingual – it's the people, equally bilingual. Become so they are still in infancy because of the language environment, by fostering the learning of foreign speech. Of course, it is possible to become bilingual at a later age, but it would involve a number of problems.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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