The emergence of the Palestinian problem. The Palestinian problem at the present stage


2018-03-26 16:07:28




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The Palestinian problem is one of the most difficult issues for the world community. It originated in 1947 and formed the basis of the middle East conflict, the development of which has been observed so far.

Brief history of Palestine

The Origins of the Palestinian problem should be sought in ancient times. Then, the area was the scene of acute struggle between Mesopotamia, Egypt and Phoenicia. When king David was established a strong Jewish state centered in Jerusalem. But already in the II century BC Romans invaded here. They looted the state and gave him a new name – Palestine. As a result, the Jewish population was forced to migrate, and soon settled in different areas and mingled with the Christians.

In the VII century Palestine has been the Arab conquest. Their dominance in this territory lasted for almost 1000 years. In the second half of XIII-the beginning of XVI century Palestine was a province of Egypt, which rules at the time of the dynasty of the Mamluks. After this territory became part of the Ottoman Empire. By the end of the XIX century, stands out the region with its centre in Jerusalem, which was under the control directly of Istanbul.

Palestinian problem

Establishment of the British mandate

The Emergence of the Palestinian problem is connected with the policy of England, therefore it is necessary to consider the history of the establishment of the British mandate in the territory.

During the First world war were issued the Balfour Declaration. In accordance with the UK a positive attitude to the establishment of a national home for Jews in Palestine. After that, the conquest of the country was sent to the Legion from volunteers of the Zionists.


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In 1922 the League of Nations gave England the mandate over Palestine. It entered into force since 1923.

In the period from 1919 to 1923 in Palestine, migrated about 35 thousand Jews, and from 1924 to 1929 – 82 thousand

The Situation in Palestine in the period of the British mandate

During the British mandate, Jewish and Arab communities led an independent domestic policy. In 1920 was formed the Hagana (the body responsible for Jewish self-defence). The settlers in Palestine to build housing and roads, they have created a developed economic and social infrastructure. This led to the discontent of the Arabs, the consequence of which was the anti-Jewish pogroms. It was at this time (1929) begins to emerge, the Palestinian problem. The British authorities in this situation have supported the Jewish population. However, the riots led to the need to limit their migration to Palestine and buying land here. The government even published the so-called White book of Passfield. It has significantly limited the migration of Jews to Palestinian land.

The Situation in Palestine before the Second world war

After coming to power of Adolf Hitler in Germany in Palestine immigrated hundreds of thousands of Jews. In this regard, the Royal Commission proposed to divide the mandated territory into two parts. So, you must have created a Jewish and Arab state. It was assumed that both parts of former Palestine would be bound by Treaty obligations with Britain. This proposal was supported by the Jews, but the Arabs opposed. They demanded the formation of a single state guaranteeing equality of all national groups.

In 1937-1938 took place a war between Jews and Arabs. After graduation (in 1939) by the British authorities has developed a White paper MacDonald. It contained a proposal to create in 10 years a single state where Arabs and Jews will take part in the management. The Zionists have condemned the White paper MacDonald. In the day of its publication took place on the Jewish demonstration, the militants of the Haganah committed pogroms most important strategic assets.
the Emergence of the Palestinian problem

World war II

After coming to power, Winston Churchill, the militants of the Haganah actively participated on the side of Britain in military action in Syria. After the vanished threat of invasion by Hitler's forces in Palestine, the Irgun (the underground terrorist organization) revolted against England. After the war, Britain restricted the entry of Jews into the country. In this regard, the Haganah joined the Irgun. They have created a movement called "Jewish resistance". Members of these organizations attacked strategic targets, made an attempt on members of the colonial administration. In 1946, the fighters blew up all the bridges linking Palestine with neighboring States.

Creation of the state of Israel. The emergence of the Palestinian problem

In 1947, the UN presented a plan for partition of Palestine, as Britain said that can not control the situation in the country. A Commission was formed from 11 States. According to the decision of the UN General Assembly, after may 1, 1948, terminated the British mandate, Palestine should be divided into two States (Jewish and Arab). Thus Jerusalem should be under international control. This UN plan was passed by majority vote.

creation of the state of Israel. The emergence of the Palestinian problem

On may 14, 1948 proclaimed the establishment of an independent state of Israel. Exactly one hour before the expiration ofthe British mandate in Palestine, David Ben-Gurion announced the text “Declaration of independence”.

Thus, despite the fact that the background to this conflict was outlined earlier, the emergence of the Palestinian problem associated with the creation of the state of Israel.

War of 1948-1949

The next day after the proclamation of the decision on the establishment of Israel on its territory was invaded by the troops of Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt and Transjordan. The purpose of these Arab countries was the destruction of the newly formed state. The Palestinian problem has become aggravated in connection with the new circumstances. In may 1948 was created the Israel defense forces (IDF). It should be noted that the new state was supported by the United States. Due to this in June, 1948, Israel began a counter-offensive. The fighting ended only in 1949, during the war, under the control of Israel is West Jerusalem and a significant part of the Arab territories.

Origins of the Palestinian problem

The Suez campaign of 1956

After the first war, the issue of Palestinian statehood and recognition by the Arabs of independence of Israel has not disappeared, but has worsened.
In 1956, Egypt nationalized the Suez canal. France and Britain began preparing for operations, the main striking force which was to serve Israel. Hostilities began in Oct 1956 in the Sinai Peninsula. By late November, Israel controlled almost all its territory (including the Sharm El-Sheikh and the Gaza strip). This situation has caused discontent of the USA and the USSR. By early 1957, the troops of Britain and Israel were withdrawn from the region.

In 1964, the President of Egypt took the initiative of creating ‘the Palestine liberation Organization" (PLO). In its policy document said that the partition of Palestine into parts illegal. In addition, the PLO does not recognize Israel.

Palestinian problem in international relations

Six day war

On 5 June 1967 three Arab countries (Egypt, Jordan and Syria) took its troops to the Israeli borders, blocked the way to the Red sea and the Suez canal. The armed forces of these States had a significant advantage. On the same day Israel launched operation "Moked” and sent troops to Egypt. In a few days (from 5 to 10 June) under the control of Israel, the entire Sinai Peninsula, Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the Golan heights. It should be noted that Syria and Egypt accused Britain and the United States involvement in hostilities on the side of Israel. However, this assumption was refuted.

“Yom Kippur War”

The Israeli-Palestinian issue after the six day war escalated. Egypt has repeatedly attempted to regain control of the Sinai Peninsula.
In 1973 he started a new war. Sixth of October (the day of judgment in the Jewish calendar), Egypt sent troops into the Sinai, and the Syrian army occupied the Golan heights. The IDF managed to quickly repel the attack and to expel the Arab units from these territories. The peace agreement was signed on 23 October (to mediate in the talks by the U.S. and the USSR).

In 1979 between Israel and Egypt was signed a new contract. Under the control of the Jewish state remained the Gaza strip, the Sinai Peninsula returned to its previous owner.
the Essence of the Palestinian problem

“Peace for Galilee"

The Main goal of Israel in this war was the elimination of the PLO. By 1982, South Lebanon was established a support base of the PLO. Its territory was constantly shelling the Galilee. June 3 1982 terrorists was an attempt on the Israeli Ambassador in London.

June 5, the IDF carried out a successful operation, during which the Arabic part has been defeated. Israel won the war, but the Palestinian problem has worsened. This was due to the deterioration of the Jewish state in the international arena.

Search for a peaceful settlement of the conflict in 1991

The Palestinian problem in international relations played a significant role. She touched the interests of many countries, including the UK, France, USSR, USA, etc.

In 1991, the Madrid conference, designed to settle the middle East conflict. Its organizers were the USA and the USSR. Their efforts were directed to Arab countries (parties to the conflict) made peace with the Jewish state.

Understanding the essence of the Palestinian problem, the United States and the Soviet Union invited Israel to liberate the occupied territories. They stood for the maintenance of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people and security for the Jewish state. In the Madrid conference for the first time participated all parties to the middle East conflict. In addition, there was worked out a formula for future negotiations: “peace in exchange for territories”.

Talks in Oslo

The Following attempt to resolve the conflict were secret negotiations between the delegations of Israel and the PLO, held in August 1993 in Oslo. As a mediator they were made by the Norwegian Minister of foreign Affairs. Israel and the PLO announced the recognition of each other. In addition, the latter undertook to eliminate the section of the Charter calling for the destruction of the Jewish state. The negotiations resulted in the signing in Washington of the Declaration of principles. The document provided for the introduction of self-government in the Gaza strip for a period of 5 years.

In General, the Oslo talks did not bring substantial results. Was notproclaimed the independence of Palestine, refugees could not return to their ancestral territory has not been determined the status of Jerusalem.

Palestinian problem at the present stage

The Palestinian problem at the present stage

Since the beginning of the two thousandth years the international community repeatedly attempted solution to the Palestinian problem. In 2003 was developed a three-phase plan “Road map”. He assumed full and final settlement of the middle East conflict by 2005. To do this, planned to create a viable democratic state of Palestine. This project was approved by both parties to the conflict and still retains its status as the only officially existing plan of peaceful regulation of the Palestinian problem.

However to this day this region is one of the most “explosive” in the world. The problem not only remains unsolved, but occasionally much worse.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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