The battery is boiling while charging: norm and deviation from the norm


2019-11-25 00:00:10




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Battery – an important detail of any car. It is not only a source of energy for the entire on-Board electronics, but also unloads the generator and helps to run the engine. Proper care and timely battery charging – is the key to its successful and continuous operation. However, there are some nuances that can alert the driver. For example, why the battery is boiling while charging?

Battery and its types

the battery is boiling while charging

All batteries are classified into three types:

  1. Accepted. The cheapest type. The battery has special holes for replacement and repair plates. In such batteries need to constantly monitor the level of electrolyte periodically and add distilled water. Similar batteries on the market remained not so much.
  2. Maintenance-free. A relatively new type of battery. Their body is completely sealed. The electrolyte often use helium, which does not evaporate. The battery has a longer life and not too whimsical care. The only drawback – price.
  3. Low maintenance. It is the middle option between the two. In such batteries there is no access plate, but you want to control the electrolyte level. Maloorlivka battery can be purchased both flooded and dry (“big”). The battery has good performance characteristics and reasonable price.

Each of the presented types will be a long time without problems, but with proper care.

How to charge the battery?

The battery state of Charge is produced periodically. If the electrolyte density decreased by 0.08 g/cubic cm – the battery is dead half. On the discharge of the battery can also say the headlights, which quickly goes off; slow starter; change the color of the electrolyte (cloudiness, darkening).

Before you charge the battery, it is necessary to clean from dirt, check the venting openings and fill with water.

battery from boiling when charging

I Charge the battery the current strength which is 1/10 of its capacity. Charging time – 12-16 hours. So, battery capacity of 75 A /h need charge current to 7.5 A.

The Battery is boiling while charging to emit harmful gas. Therefore charging should be done in a well ventilated area, away from the crowds. The battery should stand on a flat surface. After charging the battery, wipe with a dry cloth and install back.


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Why is boiling the battery when charging?

why is boiling the battery when charging

A question of interest to many riders, but more often it is newbies. Boiling can occur for two reasons. You should pay attention to the process itself. If there is a small amount of bubbles – this is normal. So different gas. This happens before the end of charging. If the battery is boiling immediately when charging - this is bad. Perhaps he has already become unusable. You can try to revive it by performing the following steps:

  1. Clean the dirt from the casing and terminals.
  2. Add electrolyte.
  3. The surface of the battery to wipe the alkaline (sodium) solution.

These procedures it is better to make to start charging. Serviceable battery is boiling while charging only a couple of hours in the end (2-3 hours). Any more of his boiling – the symptom. Do not ignore this symptom, because sometimes batteries can explode.

How to properly care for the battery?

the battery when charging should boil

For anybody not a secret that correct and timely care for any thing or item able to extend their life. This also applies to batteries. On average, the battery can last (depending on its type) from 3.5 to 5-7 years. In large measure, on its "longevity" influenced by the conditions of use.


  1. Battery should always be dry and clean, not to have drips of electrolyte. Often the battery is boiling while charging because of it. Pollution also increase the likelihood of self-discharging of the battery.
  2. The density of the electrolyte is necessary to systematically check, and if necessary, add water. To measure the density can be special devices – a hydrometer.
  3. Battery cannot be left to spend the winter in the garage. If in winter the car is not used – the battery needs to be remove and keep warm before the start of operation of the vehicle.
  4. Battery has a shelf life, which on average is 6-7 months. If the battery has not been used more than 8 months, it may become unusable.
  5. Battery need time to charge. Even one complete discharge can negatively affect its work. Needless to recharge the battery. More – does not mean better.
  6. Batteries are better to buy in specialized stores and always check the certificate of conformity.


Rechargeable battery & ndash; an important element of the car that ensures that it is fully operational. Without a battery the machine will not go. No matter what type of battery the driver chooses for their car, extend device life will help the timely care and proper charging.

The Battery when charging should be boiledfor two or three hours before the end. In other cases, the boiling may indicate only a problem with the battery.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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