Restaurant Manager: duties


2018-03-22 09:25:17




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The city open a new restaurant chain, cafe, bars and so on. Almost all establishments own menu, variety of drinks, special rules for staff, relations with suppliers and so on. For all the subtleties should be monitored by specially trained people with a certain set of qualities, skills and experience. The name of this position - restaurant Manager. In this article we will discuss what is required from the person in this position.

Who is the "restaurant Manager"?

Each public institution of nutrition and rest is the range of actions that someone must perform. Management positions may be a few people, and one that controls several areas of the business. The owners are not so often interested in current routine, and someone still needs to execute.

For such cases can include relationships with suppliers of products and supplies, relations with personnel discipline and wages, control over the proper execution of labor obligations, primary accounting, review of documentation, personnel business, disputes with clients and more. As can be seen from the list, the official Manager of the restaurant is quite extensive and time consuming. However, this paid activity, respectively.

restaurant Manager

Market Demand

Enough to go on a busy street to see a lot of variety of food service establishments. And each of them needs its own Manager. Of course, the owners of the restaurant business prefer to hire people experienced, sociable and endowed with some useful human qualities. Even education plays a crucial role. But still the demand for this profession is quite high. If you ask for it, much difficulty achieving it does not require. A good restaurant Manager is the Foundation of a successful current Affairs of the establishment.


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the duties of the Manager of the restaurant

Human qualities required for a job

Any position implies a set of specific characteristics in humans. Including and qualities of character. Restaurant Manager - public person, he has a lot to communicate with completely different people (and friendly, and unhappy, and important partners, and unwanted visitors). All you need to find a common language to resolve the conflict or to conclude a lucrative contract (for the supply of products, for example).

That is, the Manager must be open, socially active, sociable person. Also important organizational skills. Closed the celebration, the formation of cooperation in the team, relationship with clients and partners all need to be able to organize at the best level. The sense of time, ability to work in multi-tasking, good memory for the primary to - do lists- all this is not the last in this job traits that should be possessed by the Manager of the restaurant.

job managing a restaurant

Skills and knowledge

Responsibilities of the restaurant Manager is to monitor compliance with regulatory and legal acts, provisions of laws on the functioning of the institutions of power. The Manager must know the regulations for the conduct of business, rules on trade to provide consumers with. The duties of the restaurant Manager include the regulation of cooperation of structural subdivisions of the institution.

The person in this position requires basic knowledge of diet, healthy eating, knowledge of prescription of the components of the dishes on the menu. This is necessary in case when the client is on a special restrictions on certain products for health reasons or had allergic reactions to the components menu. Job "restaurant Manager" in this case is to advise the client on the matters of cooking and it is used in the ingredients.

official Manager of the restaurant


Managing the restaurant Manager - a position of leadership, but because the candidate she placed high enough requirements. In particular, they relate to education. In respectable restaurants and cafes prefer to hire people with basic or complete higher education on direction of preparation "Food industry", "food Technology", "Technology and engineering of food industry" and the like. Person should be well versed in the nuances and intricacies of the restaurant business. Besides, he needed the makings of a good Manager of public relations.

job responsibilities of the restaurant Manager

The appearance of candidates

In the field of trade and catering business of the important role played by the appearance of staff and management positions. Presentable is one of the decisive factors when hiring for the position of "Manager of restaurant". The person will have to represent the whole organization to be, in essence, the face and symbol of the institution. Nice features, well-groomed hair and hands, the sense of style in clothingshould be at the highest level.

In many restaurants give out uniforms for waiters, cooks and other personnel. However, the Manager often chooses the appearance of himself and not burdened by the obligation to wear form. That is why a candidate for office should be aware of their position in the firm and choose the things according to the norms of etiquette.

managing administrator of the restaurant

Responsibilities of the restaurant Manager

Duties of the restaurant Manager include the following items:

  • The implementation of management activities to improve the quality of customer service and characteristics of the dishes, offered in the menu.
  • Ensuring interaction of divisions of the enterprise;
  • Must be able to provide supplies of food, raw materials, consumables, at the request of the departments of the institution;
  • Should check whether correctly completed the documents accompanying goods and services;
  • Prepares the menu, sets prices of food and alcohol;
  • Controls the behavior of the staff and its attitude towards visitors, solve conflicts;
  • Deals with the design of the rooms, considering advertising projects, organizes public relations;
  • Ensures the availability of workers uniform;
  • Supervise the performance of safety;
  • Monitoring the safety commodity-material values;
  • Taking steps to implement the requirements of the owners and senior management;
  • Organizes space and leisure facilities for workers during the break;
  • Read and apply in practice the legal documentation industry activities.

the position of the Manager of the restaurant

The restaurant Manager

For the quality performance of their official duties, each managing a restaurant has the following rights:

  • Has the right to take any action to eliminate and remedy violations and instances of noncompliance to internal regulations;
  • Receives all social guarantees stipulated by legislation;
  • May require help and assistance in the exercise of their rights and their duties;
  • The right to demand the creation of necessary working conditions;
  • Can read any draft documents, which were relevant to his work obligations;
  • Has the right to request any information, materials, and conditions that relate to its activities;
  • Has the right to professional development;
  • Has the right to inform the authorities of any detected violations, nonconformities;
  • Has the right to make proposals for the improvement of working conditions and the functioning of the organization as a whole.

Salary expectations in different cities

For any person the amount of salary is one of the decisive factors determining the desire to get the work. The restaurants and cafes of the middle level Manager salary averages from fifty to eighty thousand rubles. Some large institutions offer a job with a salary of 150 thousand rubles.

In Saint-Petersburg, Volgograd, Rostov-on-don this position has approximately the same amount of pay. It varies in the range from forty to seventy thousand rubles per month. In most jobs provided salary by arrangement. This means that to establish the exact amount of salary will be in the organization for interviews, identifying the level of competence, education, characteristics of the candidate. The better these indicators are, the higher may be fixed salary.

The First months when applying for a job are often trial period and are paid much lower. This period should not last longer than three months under the legislation.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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