Breeds of pigs


2020-07-03 00:52:07




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The Pig is the second animal after the dog was domesticated by man. It began to breed them, not only because of the delicious meat, but also hair, bones and skinning.

It occurred about seven thousand years ago in Egypt.

In our country in the pre-revolutionary years, the pig was standing at the most primitive level of development was not carried out virtually no breeding work with these Pets. In some landlords ' estates were carried out breeding imported fully while ignoring local breeds of pigs.

Only since 1918 breeding pig farming has moved from a dead point. Since 1923 from England began to be imported breed of pigs, which played a fundamental role in the formation of the domestic pig. They were mostly animals large white varieties. Began large-scale breeding work.

Experts sought to create such pigs breed, which in their biological characteristics, productivity, useful economic qualities and adaptability to the data feed and natural conditions superior to those animals that already existed in the region.

A New breed of pigs had to meet the following requirements:

  • Have more vitality and have a strong Constitution;
  • Compete on all economic indicators with farmed in this area;
  • To have a stable heredity, which, when unrelated inbreeding breeding will give an opportunity to a large number of breeding stock – the families and lines.

Breeders know that within each breed there are different types of animals, and conducting a selection between the types, it is possible to achieve changes in the desired direction.


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Today, worldwide there are more than 100 types of pigs. In Russia the most common are: large white, Lithuanian white, white lapchinskaya, Bela Ukrainian steppe, Livny, Mirgorod, Landrace, kalinkinskogo, etc.

Domestic breeds of pigs in their biological characteristics – resistance to disease, strength of Constitution, adaptation to local climate and food - far superior to the foreign.

According to its production type breeds of pigs are divided into meat, tallow, tallow and bacon.

Meat breed of pigs – Duroc, Landrace, Tamworth, Estonian bacon, urzhumskaya - up to 6 months are growing very actively, they have nutritious and tender meat. It is because they cook the bacon so popular.

Unlike bacon, meat-fat breeds – Ukrainian steppe, Latvian white, Livny, Polish-Chinese, breytovo, North-Caucasian – have a high average daily gain.

Sebaceous same breed – Mirgorodsky, large black, Berkshire and mangalitsa – complete growth of muscle tissue at a young age, and then they begin enhanced saloobrazovanie. During the year the owner may have from the sow to the offspring, giving after feeding to two or three tons of meat.

- rock formation pigs continues today. Based on the requirements of buyers, breeders change the productivity of different species, creating new. For example, due to the fact that the demand for tender pork meat is increasing, at present, work is underway not only to improve the meat qualities of local breeds, but also to create brand new varieties.

Pigs are quite intelligent animals, sometimes they are taught even better than cats and dogs. That's why in recent years have become extremely popular dwarf breeds – mini-piggies, which it is possible to keep at home. And the French with the help of specially trained individuals looking for such an expensive mushroom like truffle.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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