The main job description of cook


2020-06-10 04:20:07




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Job descriptions of all employees – the documents that govern their activities within a certain position, describe specific duties, rights, responsibility and working conditions. In this article we will talk about the duties of a cook.

job descriptions chefsTo Begin with, that is a specialist who is appointed the Manager of the restaurant or chef, and as a result, is subordinate to the employer. To begin working as a cook in any institution, you must meet a number of requirements, including secondary special (professional) education, discharge (not less than third), work experience in the specialty. The applicant for the position needs to know the current in country legislation, to carry out the orders of his superiors, to follow sanitary-epidemiological rules, to comply with recipes and quality requirements for food.

Job description chef: functional responsibilities

job descriptions of all employeesThe Cook is called to perform a number of duties, which in turn is controlled by his boss (the job description of a chef include it). So, what does the cook in your workplace? Such specialist shall:

- carry out the preparation of dishes (to wash food, mix them, fry, bake, boil for a couple, to cook sauces, soups, salads and other dishes provided in the menu);

- to decorate dishes;

- planning the menu.

to study and analyze the requirements of customers to the quality products and dishes;

- conduct a briefing for the waiters;

- to monitor the work of cleaning and sanitary processing of premises;

to investigate the complaints of the visitors and maintain statistics on them.

The list of responsibilities can vary depending on the institution, in which chef is present, its size and clients. So, the cook in the cafe will have a smaller amount of work (and it may be the only assistant to the chef), while the same worker in a large Italian restaurant will work tirelessly, performing additional duties and dividing the major powers with their own kind.


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job description of a chefJob description of a chef: rights

Where There is duty, there is law. Job description the cook provides that he is entitled to be in the know of everything concerning his activities, to make management their proposals for the work of the institution and its operation, requiring replacement of products in case of their unavailability, to notify the user about the shortcomings in the work of the enterprise, as well as to demand the events of the cleansing of the rooms and their sanitary treatment.

The Cook is responsible in case of default or incomplete performance of their duties, the rules that describe the job description of a cook, violations of internal regulations and labor discipline. In such cases it may be dismissed, reduced or eliminated temporarily from carrying out professional activities.

From time to Time the chefs have to take certain courses in order to be promoted and improve their skills.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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