Paper from wood: from which it is made


2020-04-06 19:20:13




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Paper consumed by humans in large quantities. Per person per year is one hundred and fifty pounds. How I make paper, read the article.

Historical information

Long ago, in 105 BC, Tsai LUN – the Imperial citizen from China, has produced the paper from mulberry tree. He did a mixture of its timber, hemp, of rags, added wood ash and it all laid out on a sieve to dry. Then stone grind the dried mass.

Paper, wood

Get a paper out of wood, and the Chinese eunuch Tsai LUN was the first author of its technology. So say the Chinese. But people have a different opinion of scientists. This is due to the fact that archaeologists often find in China paper fragments, which date from an earlier period.

Raw materials

Paper made from wood pulp, and other fibers of vegetable origin: reed, rice straw, hemp and rag of the waste, waste paper and other materials. To obtain the pulp using wood of different tree species. Wood pulp can be obtained in several ways.

Paper pulp

The Most economical is considered a mechanical method. In the enterprise of woodworking wood is crushed, it turns out baby. It is mixed with water. Paper from pulp obtained in this way is fragile, it produces Newspapers. High quality paper from cellulose, which is obtained using a chemical method. For this, wood cut into small chips. It is sorted by size. Then dipped in a solution of chemicals and is brewed in a special machine. Then filtered and washed, resulting in unnecessary impurities are removed. So it turns out the paper raw material, which is called wood pulp. It is made of paper for magazines, books, brochures, wrapping materials of great strength.


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Paper from sawdust with your hands

Sawdust of pine or fir filled with water and boil exactly twenty-four hours. Water is added to caustic soda. In the absence of such, you can use the soda. After boiling, the mixture is washed with water and pressed. Then again sawdust poured in a pot of water and put on fire. Once it boils, the pan is removed from heat, its contents crushed with a mixer. It turns out mushy mass of uniform consistency.

While sawdust is cooked, done frame, is placed on the tray, it stretched gauze. The mass is poured on a prepared frame and evenly distributed over the entire surface. Excess water will drain into the pan. But for a quick moisture removal should be DAB absorbent wipes. Then the frame is inverted and the sheet obtained from the mass easily separated from it.

Paper sawdust

A Sheet to cover both sides with paper or newspaper and put between the planks, top, to press with something heavy. Under such pressure it needs to remain for five minutes. After that, the sheet is placed gently on the foil and dried in the sun, in an oven, near a radiator.


Paper made of wood is based on wood pulp obtained by use of mechanical method of production. Sometimes out on the basis of other materials. This paper can be done even at home. But it will have low quality.

In our time the pulp from chemical method using technological processes. To receive a paper of high quality in its composition must be the following ingredients:

  • Sizing hydrophobic, which prevents the spreading of ink on paper. They do not show through on the reverse side of the sheet. As the sizing using the rosin adhesive.
  • Resin, glue or starch. These substances paper, wood becomes more durable and resistant to various influences.
  • Kaolin, talc or chalk, make paper less transparent and increase its density.

Types of wood

It is hard and soft. The first type of wood is obtained from coniferous trees: pine, fir, spruce, Redwood and Hemlock. Soft wood is obtained from deciduous species: beech, maple, poplar, birch, oak. In regions with a tropical climate – teak, black and mahogany.

Paper, wood

A paper from the wood of these species is much appreciated. But they, unfortunately, are slow growing. Them cut down more than reproduce. Therefore, in the tropical forests of trees of valuable species is becoming less.

The Production of paper today

This paper is the one that is produced from mass, the individual fibers which receive, macerating the pulp raw material. The mass is first mixed with water, and then wikipipedia shape, which stretched grid. The excess water flows down, the mass dries, it turns a sheet of paper. So a Chinese citizen Cai LUN received his first piece of paper. During this time, although it has been nearly two thousand years, significant changes have occurred.

Today, the paper production is carried out in modern factories with huge shops, with equipment which performs different operations. After obtaining a wood pulp fiber shape and structure, which paper raw material mixed with adhesives and resins. The glue repels water from paper, and resin prevents spreadingink. Paper from wood in the photo that is presented for review, does not require such processing for printing purposes since the printing ink does not spread.

Paper wood photo

The next step is staining. This paper is placed in a mixer with pigments or dyes. Then the mushy mass is fed into the machine, which is called paper. After all stages of processing in this machine the mass is a paper tape roll, which takes place a lot of cushions: one squeezes the water, the other – dries the tape, the third – Polish.

In the next step the paper is sent to the shop for wet pressing. Here degreased fibers, and more compacted. The result is a dry paper from wood white color, wound into huge rolls that go in the printer. There they are cut to the required size.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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