Furniture. Their features and operation


2019-05-23 17:20:23




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Currently, the furniture is considered one of the most reliable means of protection against intrusion of unauthorized persons into the garage, warehouse, hangar, production facilities.

Roll-up gate got its name due to the fact that fold into a roll. Their main purpose — protection of door and gate openings from unauthorized access inside the premises. In fact, they are a kind of blinds-shutters. Furniture consist of slats in the folding and nakatyvayas on the shaft, which is located in the protective casing.

This type of gate comfort and practicality has no competitors. They can block the openings having a relatively large size – 5 meters or more in width and height.


Key features

Furniture — this movable slats, nakatyvayas when opening on the shaft of the roll. The shaft itself is located in a special protective box. Installation is carried out in two ways:

  1. Exterior.
  2. Inside. This type of installation allows for maximum safety, as has no access to the outside.

Automatic roller gates are typically used in private garages, trading pavilions, warehouses, to protect the Windows.

roll-up door for garage

The Main advantages of the gate roller

  • The Gate does not occupy space. The Canvas is folded in a box, which is at the top of the door opening.
  • Furniture - a good protection for the premises from prying eyes, sunlight and external factors such as precipitation and wind. In addition, they save area, because it does not need space to open (they open upwards). These gates have a relatively low cost and long life service.
  • Fire security systems can easily tolerate fluctuations in temperature, various precipitation and even significant mechanical impact.

However, the main advantage of roller shutters is their cost-effectiveness, provide due to the simple design, minimum number of elements, easy installation and a reliable guarantee.


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Roll-up doors for garage have the disadvantage – travel is restricted in height. However, if installation invoice, the height and width limits of travel.


rolling shutters price

Color roller doors can be very different. On request they can be painted in one of the available colors which will allow gate to fit any interior or exterior.

Manage door

Roller gates are often equipped with electric drive. For remote control you can use a special remote.

fire furniture

How the roller gates

Roll-up doors with simple, but very practical system. The door consists of rather narrow plates. This design allows the gate to be both durable and flexible. Movement of the web occurs at both sides of the opening guides. Above the opening is a shaft, which is driven by a special motor. Roll-up door to the garage open and close automatically. You can manage using the remote control, the size of which is same as the fobs car alarm. To open and close the gates without leaving the car with just one press of a button. In cases of emergency (for example, if the electricity is disconnected or refused automatic) you can open them manually.

The door Leaf made of steel or aluminum profile. Inside it can be a special polymer, thermal and sound insulation filler. Therefore, the noise does not penetrate to the outside and outside sounds are not heard inside the garage. The benefit of thermal insulation properties is difficult to overestimate. The height profile may vary. It depends on the size of the roller gates, given the fact that they were very durable and easy to operate.

Steel rolling doors galvanized surface. Compared to aluminum, they are even more durable.

To design the entrance to the store located inside a shopping Mall, usually mounted slatted roll-up door. The web profile of this type with perforations.

The opening of the roller shutters with electric drive occur in 10 to 15 seconds.


The Installation of the roller gates when the possession of certain skills can be acquired on their own, however, mistakes are unacceptable. Any distortions will affect the functioning and reliability of this design. Despite his outwardly seeming fragility, a compact roll-up door is actually quite durable and hardy. Their installation even in an unguarded garage will allow you to be calm for your car. In addition, roll-up door, which price is pleasing (from 20 thousand rubles), will save not only space but also time.

automatic rolling shutter

Rules of operation

To avoid damaging the gate and accidents, is strictly prohibited.

  1. Create any obstacles or standto the movement of the canvas.
  2. Use automatic roll-up gate, which is faulty or incorrectly adjusted equipment.
  3. To Make excessive efforts to secure the gate and hit them, accelerate them opening or moving jerkily.
  4. Open gate remote control without visual control.
  5. Attempts to open the gate when closed, the latch or the lock.
  6. Set up and cleaned equipment and accessories, replace parts of it without prior failures.
  7. To clean equipment to apply various chemically aggressive media.
  8. Use not gate for its intended purpose.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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