Is it possible and how to become a vampire at home? How to become an energy vampire?


2018-03-20 05:54:16




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Ghouls, vampires… How many mysterious and mystical in these names. About them go chilling legends. I wonder whether there are they really, or is it just a figment of the imagination of writers and artists? Who are the energy vampires? How many of them among us? Let's try to answer these questions. And also find out how to become a vampire. At home to accomplish will be easy.

Who was the first vampire? A little history

how to become a vampire at homeMany of us have probably watched movies about count Dracula, gives a genuine horror and fear. In the Stoker novel, he appears to the readers of the Transylvanian count, to subordinate its unholy desires to drink the blood of living people. His victims also become vampires and begin to lead their unusual lifestyle. Few people know that this character is real double. His name was Vlad Tepes. He was a voivode of Wallachia. Why is this man considered to be the first vampire. Does he really drink the blood of humans? Why Stoker chose the ancestor of your character that's it? This man has many dark mysteries. During the life about him go scary legends. For example, the case when in Wallachia came a merchant and soon found that he had lost the wallet. The thief was found impaled. purse put one extra coin and gave it to the owner. He saw over, said this Governor Tepes. Vlad said with a laugh merchant: “If not admitted, would be sitting now on a coke together with a thief”.

But the Governor had done away with poverty in the city. He gathered in one house all the fools and beggars, fed them their fill, and asked whether they wish to end earthly suffering. They replied in the affirmative. After that Vlad locked all the doors and Windows and set fire to the house. Burned all people. Now Vlad the Impaler in Romania is declared a national hero. There he was known as a valiant warrior who defended his people from Turkish invaders. It is unlikely that he was a real vampire and feeds on the blood of people. But the legends of his cruelty has survived and has pushed Stoker to write his immortal novel. Many teenagers are really impressed by the exploits of count Dracula, seriously think over how to become a real vampire.


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How to calculate ghoul?

how to become a vampire energyI Wonder is there a vampire among humans? And if so, how to recognize them? If you look at the literature, you find out what a real vampire can be distinguished by certain qualities.

  • Conducts nocturnal and daytime sleeps. And it certainly rests in the coffin, which stands in his room.
  • Pale skin, skinny. Individuals with excess weight among vampires is not found.
  • He never smiled, not amused. His constant companions-grief, sorrow, sadness.
  • His fangs were slightly longer than human. This is the main visual hallmark of the ghoul.
  • Goes in black clothes. Colored things for him.
  • Possesses great physical strength. Visually it just to see it fail. He has no big muscles, toned figure. Rather, he looks sickly and thin.

How to become a vampire? Ways for all

how to become a vampire without the biteIt is believed that there are several techniques to help you become a ghoul.

  • Vampire Bite. If a human bites a vampire and tasting his blood, this “lucky” will become your torturer.
  • A Curse. It is believed that people who are in anger and wished bad, are at risk of potential bloodsuckers.
  • Strong desire to be like him. If a girl or a young man trying to imitate the vampire, then, may be, will soon gain some of his qualities. This option is ideal for those people who want to know how to become a vampire without the bite.

How to look like a ghoul?

how to become a vampire nowVampires always attracted people with its mystery and mystical power. About them from a lot of films, written many books… And after the release of the twilight Saga, the interest in these personalities was just enormous. Many teenagers wanted to be like the vampires. What should I do? How to become a vampire at home? First, we need to abandon the Solarium and the beach. You should try not to go outside in the day. This will help to make the skin pale. Secondly, you should wear only black clothes and to use special make-up. White face powder, black and red shadows around the eyes, dark cherry, almost black lipstick – this is what you need. Third, you need to buy a special plug-in "fangs". They are sold in kiosks and toy stores. There is a more radical variant-to go to the dentist and ask him to increase these fangs. To change your appearance is much easier than to start to live a life of a ghoul. I will have to put in place the beds in the room a coffin to sleep during the day, to eat only fresh blood. Next, you will learn about how to become a energy vampire. This is much easier.

Group of energy vampires

Many people seriously believe inthe existence of ghouls, zombies, vampires and so on. But there are a lot of skeptics, claiming that they live only in folk tales and legends. But almost all admit that there are so-called energy vampires. And they are not so little. It turns out that they can even be divided into groups.

  • “Hunters”. The most dangerous kind. They are deliberately, carefully choosing its victim. They often can be found in churches, cemeteries, public transport, metro, at various public events, discos, where there is a large crowd of people, and people constrained. To ignore them is almost impossible. They blend in with the crowd.
  • “Stored”. The most common group. Act subconsciously. Can meet in public places and at public events. Differ in that I try to pay attention to others gestures and loud conversation.
  • “Hatunu”. They are rare, but very dangerous. For feeding energy from the outside is they need to grab that person by the exposed parts of the body, mainly hands. To influence through clothes, they can not. When you touch the person often loses control of himself. Example - Gypsies at train stations.
  • “Radio”. The most harmless kind. A lot of them. Pagetables energy, transmit it to other people. Mostly at parties, discos. You can see in public transport.

How to become a energy vampire?

how to become a vampire waysHow to learn to drain people of their life energy? What skills you need to have at the same time? It should be noted that most energy vampires do this “black” thing unconsciously. But there is “professionals” who have special knowledge and technology, allowing you to take other people on their energy. How do they do it? Now essentially, to find out how a person become a vampire energy? Remember the physics lessons: if you connect a tube two vessels, one of which is filled with liquid, then after a while it will level they will level out. The same happens with people. From the more energetically powerful human life force will go to the weaker. The easiest way – physical contact. If a person wants to feed on someone's energy, just enough to touch another person and imagine that from “victim” to him are the life force and fill it. Maybe the first time and will not work. But a little practice and it will go uphill. Also often used technique, excluding physical contact, which is based on the juxtaposition of human auras. It is important to understand that each person has some kind of protective aura. It is called aura. As a rule, it's closed. But when a man takes towards anything or anyone of interest, positive or negative emotions, it opens, allowing to enter it a different aura. So the first thing to do for someone wishing to learn the basics of energy vampirism is to learn how to evoke interest, emotions from other people. May it be sympathy, pity, anger, curiosity and so on. The vampire, which received its dose of vitality, later, will determine for themselves what kind of feelings he needs.

Is it Possible vampirism in the family?

as a man to become a vampireFor every person his house is a haven where you can relax from all the life troubles. Favorite family members are always greeted with understanding and tenderness. But this is the ideal. But the reality is not so simple. It is often in your own family people can expect vampires. For example, after a quarrel with her husband the wife feels devastated. She gets in a mood, attacks the spleen. And the husband then feels “riding the wave». He is doing well, the mood is excellent. He took the energy from his wife. The children here are not exceptions. After another of their pranks dad or mom, to punish them, feels bad. The next time the child is looking for any excuse to re-trigger the irritation. Here is the answer to the question "how to become a vampire at home".

Well if life is energominimum?

But do not think that the life of such “vampires” just beautiful. It's a dangerous occupation, and on their way to become not necessary. After all, along with someone else's energy can be collected and all sores of «victim». Over time, you can purchase a “bouquet” diseases, which can not help neither the doctors nor wizards. And yet the person involved in this “black” thing, it lost the ability to benefit from nature. What awaits him? Premature aging and exhaustion. This is a warning for those who are trying to learn how to become a vampire. Now it's easy, when there are a lot of books on this subject, there is at hand the Internet. But would that make you happy and healthy?

Methods of protection from energy vampires

how to become a real vampireAnd now about the main thing. To protect your aura from leakage of vital forces, it is necessary to follow some rules.

  • Try not to stand out in the crowd, bright appearance, bright frilly clothes, causing makeup. “Gray mouse" never impress energy vampire.
  • Always Be modest, not to stand outhis reckless behavior, loud conversations, gestures. Vampires, as a rule, try “drink” energy dramatic strong personalities.
  • Keep away from noisy gatherings and unpleasant places.
  • In all situations to keep calm and tranquility. To avoid scandals and quarrels, not to be offended and not hold a grudge on people. Then the person trying to bring you out of balance, quickly fall behind, as they will not get the desired portions of energy. Victor Hugo said: “If someone hurt you, take your revenge. Stay cool – it will be the beginning of vengeance. Forgive the offender – it will be the end of it”.
  • To Do good for others, to give them their good mood. Here works the law of the cosmos: the more you give, good, the more it is produced. Because, as you know, vampires feed on only a "rotten" negative energy. The positive in the relationship is not for them. Remember how nice and peaceful it was in your heart after you gave alms, was transferred across the road an old lady, helping a friend.
  • Find time for trips outside the city. Communication with nature – the best source of vitality.
  • To Believe in God and in his protection. Then no one can Rob you of energy.

We considered several ways of how to become a vampire in the home. Also figured out how to operate the energy vampires and listed methods of protection against them.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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