Strong spell for love that can not be removed


2019-01-04 12:00:43




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The Relationship between a man and a woman does not always develop smoothly and harmoniously. In my personal life we are often faced with betrayal, resentment, indifference and even hatred. In such situations, people need to be strong in spirit in order to understand your partner, accept and respect her decision. But man in matters of love is often weak and helpless creature. Unfortunately, some did not manage to overcome passionate feelings, so they decided to do a love spell for love that can not be removed. This way usually girls, but sometimes boys are trying always bind to a loved one and to raise his passion.

Varieties of effective love spells

Unfortunately, the only free cheese is in a mousetrap. This simple truth applies to the spell: those who work “cheers”, often very risky for the life of the object of the love spell and the person who imposes them. Experienced magicians say that it is very hard to fight the action and effects of the rituals performed at the cemetery. The underworld is not a joke, otherwise you may cause trouble not only for himself but for his entire clan to the seventh generation. Is the game worth the candle? Think.

the spell of love which is impossible to removeIn addition, the threat shall be considered as rituals: "Beyond the wedding", "Black matchmaker", "Slave of the cross", "1000 knots", "13 devils" and voodoo magic. Nowadays they are very trendy. People do these omens of love independently, without knowledge of the case, having valuable experience and knowledge. As a result, they often make mistakes that inevitably lead to tragedy. Believe me, even the simplest ritual, done by an Amateur, like a monkey with a grenade: you never know where you will explode and who will suffer.


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Spell on the photo

This ritual is strong enough, so before the vote, once again I appreciate your feelings and emotions. If confidence is like a stone wall, then start. This is the spell for the love of a man. It needs to be done on the growing moon at exactly 12 midnight. All alone in a dark room, light a candle, take a clean white sheet and write on it the name of the object, its habits, basic traits. Specify all details which are essential for you.

spell on a man in loveWritten sheet fold in half, in the middle place a photo of a loved one. The resulting design hold on the left palm, at the same time the right hand clockwise drive around it, saying warm words to the second half. Compliments to combine with man's name, while clearly presenting the image of a coveted man, his eyes, smile, gait. This should be done as much as your soul is required. After you burn the piece of paper over the candle, after taking out of his picture. Ash collect with the left hand and develop through the air.

Mirror rite

This is a spell for love that can not be removed, as is done from time to time to consolidate actions. Will need to start three Church candles and two small mirrors. To do a love spell on any moon besides a full, at least three times with an interval of 3–4 days. It is better to conduct the ritual after midnight (at least after sunset). Two table mirrors put opposite each other, so they formed the so-called gallery. Between them, set a burning candle. It should be covered with a cloth all the other mirrors in the room, turn off appliances and even the phone. Sit in front of the mirrors and, while burning the candle, chant: "(Name) BLK BLK mohori Procer”.

the spell of love girlsWarning: to sit and whisper the spell takes a long time – the candle must completely burn out and die. All this time, can happen strange things: the knocks, squeaks, images arising in the mirror gallery. Don't be afraid and don't back down. Imagine that the two mirrors – you and favorite, and candle – rival or misunderstanding between you. When it burns out, the problem will disappear. We firmly believe in it. After the end of the ceremony the mirror to put the face down and away.

Single men

Special spell for the love of a girl allows the guy to attract to himself the attention of the ladies. For the rite it is necessary to buy new gold ring. First, it will be a wonderful gift to your beloved. Secondly, ensure a long-lasting effect of the ritual, as the woman will be wearing it almost every day.

omens of love independentlySpell on the girls love to do on the growing moon. In the dead of night carefully cut from his head three hairs: preferably before that, long time no haircut, that they were as long as possible. They should be wound on a ring, uttering a special plot for each:

  1. First hair: “(the Name) let it merge with me in heart and thoughts”.
  2. Second: "(Name) will forever stick to me body and soul”.
  3. Third: "(Name) would never cheat on me, will not go to another and not stop”.

Uttering a spell to put into words the full force of the feelings to the woman – the effect will be maximum. As such, the ring store up to the day when we will present it to the beloved. Enchanted hair before the presentation, remove and set asidesecret spot: while they have to neutralize the spell is impossible.


Another spell of love men is also associated with the hair and it works flawlessly. The ritual is necessary to prepare seriously: will need not only your hair but the hair of the second half. Also be two Church candles: it is advisable to buy them after sunset during the evening service. Arriving home, connect candles with hair - one with your, the other – with a lock of the suitor. Strands are easier to wound, heat the wax to the battery, or in the palms.

love spell for love consequencesThen vilaite of candles, two figurines, male and female, tie them with red thread, bought the day before. While prigovarivaya: “How do I life without you not thinking and you, (name), without me can't live”. Repeat this phrase as many times as you tell you heart. Most importantly, invest in the magic phrase, a whole range of feelings to the person. Related doll store in the cache. It's a pretty safe spell for love: to read the plot after the main ritual, periodically on a growing moon, all using the same figures. This will allow you to update the validity of the rite.

Spell for love (the thing)

There are several versions of such rituals. One of the most reliable make with the new towels. Adjust the situation so that come to visit the chosen one is definitely washed my hands and wiped it with the cloth. After you hide the towel so far that no one to him not even touching it. And wait case, when the house will be empty and you will easily complete the rite.

love spell for love to the thingAlone, tie a fabric knot, saying: “Hands on (name) washed – on a towel heritage. I knot tie – heart cute would tie itself to. Towel raw – the soul of (name) whines at me. As it dry and loved for me to dry. The towel will keep – forever it would tie itself to. No one node will not pursue – soul mate love your show”. Then hide the object and forget about it.

A Similar spell for love that can not be removed, can be made using a simple handkerchief. Your second half can wipe them not only hands but also the face. Importantly, in the process of washing a loved one you stared at him, imagining your happy future.

“Apple” ceremony

The Spell of love, which you cannot remove, make also use of this fruit. Before sunrise rip a ripe Apple in the garden and cut into two halves, remove the core and clean from the bones. In the middle you need to put a white piece of paper on which the blood is written the name of the beloved. However, she needs to be tied with a bundle of hairs: three and your three. Then Apple pieces fasten with sharp sticks and give the fruit to completely dry up. After we wrap it in leaves and put under the mattress chosen. Spell is active, while the Apple is not found. So try to securely stash of dried fruit. If necessary, sew it inside the mattress-so your little secret won't be able to detect.

safe spell to love to readThere are other versions of “Apple” love spell, according to which dried fruit can be buried near the house where lives your soul mate. Just before that Apple should be wrapped tightly vacuum film or cellophane, so that rainfall and snow cannot penetrate inside and wet the object. Otherwise all spells will be dispelled, and will have to do the ritual again.

The price paid for love

For any action, committed with magic, have to give mercy. It provides zakalivanie sin in the Church, if the ritual was innocuous enough. In the case where you have resorted to black magic, you need to bring gifts to the devils at the next intersection. Believe me, waving a hand at the mercy of you at risk to suffer: you will come back like a boomerang offense. And well, if only to you personally. But if botched ceremony will be imprinted on the innocent children, grandchildren, old parents?

the spell of love which is impossible to removeWith regard to the coveted object, it is also not particularly happy. The spell of love, the consequences of which will appear first on the behavior that will make him nervous, irritable, angry. Trying to forcibly bind the person to you, you agree to operate on his psyche, making her vulnerable and human – weak-willed. Not realizing what was happening, he on a subconscious level tries to resist: the conflict will escalate into prolonged alcohol binges and suicide attempts. So think carefully: do you need such a man? Perhaps we should try to secure his position with his personality, natural charm and sincere feelings? Good luck to you!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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