Seraphim of Sarov: a biography of the Russian Wonderworker


2018-03-26 03:13:07




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Seraphim of Sarov, whose biography is known to all Orthodox Christians, was born in 1754 in the family of a famous merchant Isidor and his wife Agatha. Three years later, became his father engaged in the construction of the temple in honor of St. Sergius. Works husband continued agathia. Four years later the temple was ready, and the young Seraphim went with her mother to inspect the construction. Climbing to the top of the bell tower, the boy slipped and fell. To the delight of his mother, he received no damage, she saw God's special care for her son.

First vision

At the age of 10 years, Seraphim of Sarov, whose biography is a role model, became very ill and was dying. In the dream he saw the Heavenly Queen, and promised to heal. At that time, through their city in procession carrying the wonderworking icon of the Mother of God. When the procession drew level with the house of Agatha, the rain started and the icon was carried through the yard. It made a sick son, and the Seraphim came to venerate the icon. From this day the boy went to the amendment.

Seraphim biography

Start service

In 17 years, Seraphim of Sarov, whose biography is covered in religious books, decided to leave home and devote himself to a life of monk. Two years he spent on a pilgrimage to the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Then, local recluse Dositheus, seeing the young ascetic of Christ, sent him to the Sarov Hermitage. In his free obedience of the time he regularly went to the forest. Such strictness of life attracted the attention of the brethren, who admired the strength of his exploits, most of which the reader will tell the life of St. Seraphim of Sarov. For example, as a monk for 3 years eating only grass. Or like during the 1000 days he was standing on a rock in the forest, descending only for meals.


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St. Seraphim of Sarov


After three years of standing on the stone Seraphim returned to the monastery on a new feat – 17 years of seclusion. The first 5 years he did not see anybody of the monks, even a monk that brought the elder scarce food. After the expiration of the term of Sarov sometimes opened the door of his cell and took the willing, but the questions are not answered as took a vow of silence. In the cell were only the icon of the mother of God with the lectern and the stump that served as Reverend chair. In the hall was the oak coffin, near which St. Seraphim prayed in preparation for the departure into eternal life. Even after 5 years the doors of the cells opened since the beginning of the morning Liturgy and don't close until 8 PM. At the end of 1825 in a dream to the elder, the mother of God appeared and was allowed to leave the cell. Thus ended his seclusion.

the life of St. Seraphim of Sarov

The End of the earthly journey

Almost two years before his death, St. Seraphim of Sarov once again saw the mother of God, which foreshadowed him a blessed death and waiting for his imperishable fame. 1 Jan 1833 Saint went to Church and lit candles for all images. After the Liturgy, he bade farewell to the worshippers, who noticed that the Holy almost exhausted. But the spirit of the old man was happy, cheerful and calm. In the evening of this day, the Seraphim sang Easter songs. The next day the brethren came to his cell and found the Reverend on his knees in front of the lectern. While his head was lying on my folded arms. They began to Wake him up and found that the old man was dead. Seventy years later, St. Seraphim of Sarov, whose biography was contained in this article, was canonized by the Holy Synod canonized.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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