Megalithic temples of Malta: description, history and interesting facts


2018-03-24 16:27:17




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The Oldest man-made structures, causing scientists around the world, many questions are located in Malta. Religious objects, which is older than the Egyptian pyramids, since 1980, listed as a world heritage site by UNESCO.

megalithic temples of Malta

Temples and catacombs that were built without cement mortar, were built using stone blocks, partially treated human. Interestingly, the size of some plates exceeds eight meters in length and weigh about 50 tons. Therefore, it is unknown how the islanders with primitive tools created such a large-scale architectural ensemble. However, many believe that the incredible megalithic temples of Malta were built not of the human race, and they participated in the construction of Stonehenge in England.

Mysteries of Malta

It is Difficult to believe that many centuries ago, in Malta there existed a civilization about which the experts argue to this day. Who were the discoverers who landed on the Islands in the fifth century BC, and built the megalithic temples of Malta? Unfortunately, the exciting question remains unanswered, but researchers are sure that these people have nothing in common with the modern inhabitants of the Mediterranean countries do not have. Archaeologists have discovered that the whole island is literally riddled with deep traces that remain from the drive carriages or wagons, but never found any wheel, even wood.

Different versions of the origin of the mysterious traces

So the ufologists are talking about the extraterrestrial origin of the rut, but many believe that the legendary Atlantis was located in the territory of Malta and all cavities left by the mighty titans. Mysterious footprints in some places even go under the water, and hides a thick layer of silt and sand, but most of them disappeared under houses.


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There is another version, according to which the islanders pass on their accumulated knowledge of the most mysterious people in the world – the Sumerians, who made an invaluable contribution to the development of our civilization.

Oldest buildings

Incredibly, the first inhabitants built a gigantic megalithic temples of Malta for a thousand years before the famous pyramids of Cheops. Constructions from stone blocks, the shape of which is similar to the full-blown flower, are the cromlechs-circular tracks of vertically standing plates.

megalithic temples of Malta description history

If we talk about the sanctuaries, it is well established that all the buildings were used to worship. Just found 23 temple, none of which has reached us intact. The main material for building served as coral limestone, and the local farmers often judged the plate for your own construction, turning the well-preserved temples in these ruins. Only four structures can be seen relatively intact. However, they suffered the sad fate of poor-quality renovation was done to increase the tourist flow.

Megalithic temples of Malta: description, history

Every sanctuary state has its own age. Despite the construction of new churches, the old continued to be used as a burial place of people. The researchers found that all the buildings were built on the same principle: the center building housed the tombs, and around the burial ground grew churches at some distance from it.

Ancient sanctuary of Ggantija

As a result of the conducted researches it was established that the most ancient sanctuary is Ggantija. Megalithic temples of Malta, by the same scheme, designed in the same architectural style. The structure was found in the XIX century, has a total back wall that connects two churches with separate entrances.

Located on the island of Gozo of the Maltese archipelago an important archaeological site was built a thousand years before the pharaohs in Egypt. The megalithic ġgantija temples are having the shape of a clover leaf, belongs to the cult of fertility, and this is evidenced by statues found in excavations.


Each of the temples has a slightly concave façade, and before each of them is the monumental platform of stone slabs. The area where is located the religious complex, protect upright blocks. Near the entrance was found a plate with a strange hollow, filled with water and used for ritual ablutions.

megalithic temples and underground sanctuary of Malta

Located close mysterious megalithic sanctuaries of Malta, the history of which is of concern to all scientists in the world, facing South-East. It is believed that the southern temple with a height of about six metres – this is the earliest and largest building, which includes several semicircular parts (apse). Were found the remains of plaster, which was covered with irregular wall structure. Found inside the temple altars with the bones of animals are evidence that there they offered sacrifices.

Hajar kvim

Located 15 kilometers from the capital of Malta is a spacious temple, perched on a hill, consists of three temples surrounded by a fence. Religious object, on top of which was found an oval plate of limestone decorated with an interesting ornamentfigures of animals and of idols made of silicon. Having the shape of a clover, like other megalithic temples, Hagar kvim reached posterity almost intact.

TA 'Cenc

The Three temples of religious ensemble of TA' Cenc is also well preserved. According to scientists, the sanctuary aimed at sunrise during the solstice and equinox. Archaeologists for a long time worked on site, have not found any metal object that is evidence of Neolithic origin of the religious monument.

Temples Islands

A complex consisting of four megalithic objects is recognized as the most difficult of all the others. Badly preserved temple and to this day impresses the tourists. Unusual megalithic architecture of Malta is striking for the extraordinary skill and talent of the architects who created the mysterious cromlechs, where all parts are thoroughly tested and thought through.

Construction of the lower Church complex confirms the awareness of the masters on astronomical phenomena: in September and running through March, the sun's rays annually follow the same trajectory.

megalithic sanctuaries of Malta history

On the ruins of the visible lower part of the statue of the goddess of the Maltese people – can be seen with a pleated skirt and bare feet. Scientists have found that the sculpture was made more than two and a half meters in height. Its original is kept in the Metropolitan Museum, and the sanctuary has installed a replica of statues.

Nearby is a stone altar, lavishly decorated with spiral ornament. The existing hole was tightly scored, and when the archaeologists cleared it of stones, they found animal bones and ritual knife. One of the objects found enormous bowl, carved out of stone slabs. All of this suggests a set of religious beliefs of the Maltese people.

The Hypogeum of Hal-holiday home

The Mysterious megalithic temples and underground sanctuary Malta excavated in the rock, are the main prehistoric monuments of our planet. The Hypogeum of Hal-a holiday home, found in the early XX century, was used as a religious site and place of burial.

Having three floors of the complex is an unusual example of underground architecture. Excavations in the cave bear fruit – were found unique archaeological materials. The remains of bones, ceramics, carved figurines of animals, little figurines and even jewelry women turn our understanding of the ancient life of the islanders.

megalithic ġgantija temples are

Underworld carved into the rock, occupies an area of 500 square meters. More than 30 halls, chambers and niches vary in size and shape. The deepest room in the lower tier goes 10 meters into the interior of the earth. The rooms on the middle level of the wall is so smooth that it seems like it's stone walls.

Scientists are interested in ornament, made of red ochre, all the rooms of the Hypogeum. Spiral patterns are likely symbolize the prosperity and continuation of life. In the underground sanctuary, which can be called a necropolis, found more than 30 thousand human remains. But the excavations of the cave continues to this day, so scientists will make new discoveries.

Ar dalam

There is one More visible view of the Kingdom, where they found traces of human settlement on the Islands, excites the minds of scientists who want to understand what is an extensive network of tunnels. According to one version, this underground city of the legendary order of Malta, and on the other, at the depth is an ancient sewage system.

megalithic temples of Malta ancient riddle

The fact that there is a legend about the knights-the crusaders, who built Malta's underground maze with secret passages. In our days the tradition was confirmed when workers discovered under the city square entrance to the tunnel. Pass through underground corridors with high arches failed, as they were blocked. However, some historians of Malta believe that this is only part of the ancient water system.

Megalithic temples: mystery of the ancient Malta

Scientists are concerned about why archaeological sites there are no roofs. So much effort has been spent on the construction of the megaliths, and none of the builders did not foresee the possibility of privacy in the sanctuary that even the bad weather did not interfere with the communication of man with deity. However, some researchers claim that the roof still was, but eventually collapsed.

The Megalithic temples of Malta – this is a unique phenomenon, and similar structures in the world. For a single wall are disparate areas, and this isolation causes a lot of issues. If people worshipped one deity, that's why the churches were divided? And how many priests – one or a few? Experts argue about the religion of the ancient inhabitants of the state. What gods they worshipped five thousand years before Christ?

Mystery civilization

The first inhabitants of the island clearly separated the dwellings and megalithic temples of Malta, carrying their houses of flimsy materials and erecting the stone circles for eternity. In 2300 BC, a mysterious civilization disappears, and evidence that she died as a result of a disaster, no. After research of the remains of necropolises are no signs of epidemics was found.

Where did the first builders on Earth, and why haven't they showed his remarkable talent remains one of the mysteries of civilization.

Travel Tips

For those who are going to Malta, you should know that trips to the cromlechs are ordered a month before the trip. The oldest sanctuaries allow no more than 80 people, and in the high tourist season, the queue stretched for several months. The approximate cost of the tour per person - $ 120.

Near religious buildings are museums with elements of interactivity, where you can see all of the unusual finds made by archaeologists to get acquainted with the layout of megaliths and learn a lot about the ancient structures on our planet.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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