Nubuck - what is it? How to care for nubuck leather?


2019-10-06 08:20:29




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When Choosing shoes, bag, wallet or belt, the buyer often has to face with different materials. Among them is dominated by natural leather and suede, but increasingly to create beautiful things designers use nubuck. What is it and what is it made of, many do not know. Amazing this is nothing. Treat the skin so that it acquired a velvety texture, steel recently.

nubuck it


Many consumers confuse nubuck and suede. Them though there are slight similarities, yet the differences are much greater. Suede is more delicate and gentle. To say about nubuck, which is a durable material, it is impossible. But it is much less affected by moisture and dirt. Used most often for the production of footwear.

The word "nubuck" has English roots, literally it means “new buckskin”.

Perhaps, at first it was made only of buckskin, but now it is produced from the skin of cattle. The unique texture of the material attached by means of grinding of abrasive substances. The leather is slightly rubbed to create a low pile. Due to this, it has a nice velvety surface.


A lot of people think when they see the leather, this material only suitable for sewing demi-season or winter shoes. But skilled craftsmen who work with leather in any form, I do not agree with the majority opinion.

Nubuck leather is a noble material. Its natural shades, delicate flavor, velvety surface and durability (with proper care) allow you to do quality shoes and other accessories.

paint for plastic

The more commonly seen bags, wallets and belts but in the West a very popular furniture upholstered in nubuck: comfortable, cosy sofas. The usual leather few love for home interiors. There are several reasons. Leather winter cold, and in summer, by contrast, is quite able to heat up.


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Whatever it was, boots, shoes, sandals, boots nubuck – this is the most common usage.

Shoes of deerskin

Not every buyer chooses the shoes not in appearance, and by studying the characteristics of the different models. The maximum that the person expects from shoes or boots to keep your feet always dry and warm.

Nubuck leather breathes well. This skin – ideal for sewing demi-season shoes. It will heat up to the first frosts, on a fine autumn or spring day, too comfortable.

nubuck what

Water-Repellent properties of ordinary quality is not very good. Manufacturers warn that it does not need watering. To wear the shoes better in dry weather. If there's no other way, then it can be treated with special water-repellent means.


In addition to products from traditional material, manufacturers offer buyers the shoes, for sewing using synthetic or oil-nubuck. What it is and how these types differ from a simple nappy skin? To impart additional water-repellent properties over a long period of operation it is impregnated with a special fat solution.

After this treatment, the leather slightly changes the appearance. It becomes like wet to the touch and much heavier. In this form it is used for sewing winter shoes for children, adults. Impregnation makes the material very durable and resistant to water, dirt, and various chemicals, which often strew the streets in winter.

care of nubuck

Faux nubuck looks very similar to natural. The resemblance is strong. People not versed in the wisdom, not immediately distinguish a fake.

The properties of it are two completely different materials. Of the downsides are that the artificial nubuck “not breathing". But the resistance to mechanical damage, impermeability, good appearance – big pluses in using this material.

How to care for nubuck shoes

This question refers to the most frequent and painful. Why? What the care of nubuck, you need to know before the shoes came into operation. This rule without exceptions.

That chic exterior is preserved, the product should be carefully looked after. To calm down the owners of the shoes of this wonderful material is to say that the treatment is very simple, with them to handle even a child.

After the purchase of footwear (until the first exit to the street) it needs some time to process spray. This is a special water-repellent spray paint for plastic. It comes in many shades, choose the desired for a particular pair of shoes the spray will not be difficult. This measure of prevention will help to avoid rubbing in places of contact of the skin with pants around the ankles.

boots nubuck

To Tint nubuck need every time after use. But before you handle the material, it must be dried and cleaned from dust, dirt, sand. To do this, use the special brush. They can be several varieties, all of them are good. If the house already has a special sponge or brush for suede – great! It will also cope withits task, it can be used for the care of nubuck. If the brush you need to buy, then there are plenty to choose. They are made of bristle with soft and gentle bristles, foam and rubber.

Heavy soiling on nubuck to gently wipe with a wet cloth, but immediately dry the shoes. This will help to avoid the unpleasant "greasy” appearance.

Important tips

So the answers to the question: “Nubuck - what is the story?” - received, but there are a few important points:

  • Mandatory dry cleaning – wash the Shoe under the tap or rinse in the basin will spoil her forever, to return to a normal state the product will not succeed.
  • Allowed the use of special tools for cleaning – this foam, which is applied on clean skin. After application, it is cleaned with a cloth or sponge, and the shoes dried.
  • Winter shoes or boots need to put in a cardboard box or linen bag. Plastic bag for storing shoes nubuck – not the best option.

Simple tips will help to keep the product in an attractive way longer. Wear your shoes with pleasure!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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