How to do gymnastics with a newborn the first month of life?


2019-09-26 20:20:47




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Since the first month of life allowed gymnastics for newborns. From the first days she develops kid's muscles, motor skills, coordination, balance, and also has a good effect on the circulatory, respiratory, nervous, cardiovascular system infants. Exercises should be done only in a playful way, gently talking at the same time with the baby.

Gymnastics for babies from the first days

Before the procedure, you should ensure that the child is not hungry, healthy and in a good mood. The baby is better to completely undress and do gymnastics at a comfortable temperature. It is important to remember that the crumbs ligaments supple and soft. All movements during the massage, the gymnastics, the newborn must be gentle and soft.

Charging for newborns

You Need to understand how is gymnastics for babies from the first days of life, whether it is necessary. This question should ask themselves mom whose baby was born completely healthy. The child from the first days begins a difficult period of adaptation to the environment. At this age most of the time the crumbs sleep and eat in between. Apart from maternal care and warmth, the child until nothing more is required. Therefore, it is possible to hear the following opinion: the massage and the exercises, don't hurry. But it's up to you.

Gym 1 month

That includes gymnastics for the newborn in 1 month? Exercise in this case is aimed at the development of stabilization and balance in the body, exercise muscles. There should be no active movements. Exercises are performed without power push in a smooth, gentle.

  1. This exercise from gymnastics for babies from month trains the muscles of the neck and back, shape the ability to hold the head. The child is on his stomach. An adult is on the back, leans over and hands grasped the shoulders of the baby. So it helps the child to stay on the elbows. This pose is mastered independently for about three months. You can slightly dilute the shoulders of the crumbs to the side that will cause certain reactions — the baby will begin to raise the head.
  2. The child is in the back, the pelvis is in its free position, it is not necessary to lift or press. Adult rises from the feet of the baby and bend them at a right angle relative to the pelvis. The legs should also be bent at the knees at a right angle. In this situation you need to fix them. It is important to keep the baby's knees were on a common line with the shoulders. Need to clasp the knees of the child's hands so that the thumbs were located on the inner surface of the knee and lower leg. In this position, you must hold down for 3 minutes. In this period you should start from 7 seconds to his knees, then the effect decrease for 10 seconds then again hold tightly to his feet.
  3. The Baby is in the back, the adult is left of it. You need to put under the baby's head the palm of the hand so to hold it in place. And a second hand held the right knee of the child in the same way as in the previous exercise. The baby also needs to hold for 3 minutes, with alternate relaxation and impact. Then go to the second side and do the same exercises.
    Gymnastics for babies from the first days of life

Second month

How to do gymnastics newborn to 2 months? In this age, charging begins with a gentle stroking, at the same time, it must alternate with light massage movements. All of the following exercises are universal. They can be done at any age of a child up to one year. This changes only the intensity and duration of movements.

  1. The Kid on the back. You need to embrace the forearm, and the handles rise up in the area of shoulder girdle, then drop down, pressing a little to the body.
  2. The child is in the back. You need to take the wrists and hands to dissolve in hand, then cross them on your chest like a baby hugging himself, and then return to the starting position. This exercise can be done up to 8 times.
  3. The Baby in the same position. You should embrace the child's forearm and make a few alternate movements up and down with his hands.
  4. The Baby on the back. Need to clasp his wrists and hands forward a few circular motions, then in the opposite direction.
  5. The Baby in the same position. To make circular movements of the hip joints with the breeding side of the knees.
  6. The child lies on the back. Need to clasp his forearm andwrist and follow some Boxing, percussive movements of the arms forward.
  7. The Baby in the same position. You must tap the heel of the left foot on the right knee, then switch legs and perform the exercise the same way.
  8. Position is not changed. You should raise and lower alternating feet, while gently pressing them to the tummy.
  9. The same position. Should baby's feet straighten and unite in the feet and knees, then lift them up and down.
    Gymnastics for babies 1 month

Gymnastics newborn to 3 month

Gymnastics for toddler in 3 month is aimed at building this skill like turning on the stomach. In this case, the need to strengthen the abdominals, back and neck, to develop a balance. At this age you can carry out exercises like two months old, making her a new exercise.

  1. Turns using the hand on your stomach. The child is in the back. You need to take it by the handle and throw it in the opposite direction through the housing. Then this movement should be repeated with the other hand. The body of the baby reflexively starts to reach for the hand. Thus is fulfilled the skill of the coup.
  2. Rise from the abdomen. To do this, the baby palms to put your thumbs and keep the crumbs in the forearm. Track babies need to gently lift Pisareva it, then lower to the starting position. You can make a 3-4 lift.
  3. Extension of the spine. For this exercise, the baby should take caution under your stomach and up a bit. The child reflexively extends the back and raises his head.
  4. Turns with feet on the stomach. The baby is on the back. It is necessary to bend nogkau and gently rotate it in the direction of turn of the body, throwing it into second. The body will start to reflexively move in the direction of rotation of the legs.
    Massage gym babies

My Fourth month

In four months, repeated gymnastics for babies from the first months, but also added new exercises. Which is especially useful to children at this age that they are delighted?

  1. Charging for the hands. “Okay” – this exercise perfectly develops fine motor skills and also brings a lot of positive emotions. You can do the cross motion with his hands, “sail”, “Boxing” — the same exercises that were done in the first few months.
  2. Charging for the feet. Baby at this age starts all the actions adults take it as a game. Your little one will be an interesting exercise “bike”. In addition, children like “clap” feet. Can the legs be folded to position "frog", and then to rock the baby, to reach the nose fingers stop, etc. in addition, stretching can be carried out in the following way: the left leg and the right arm needs to be tightened towards each other, then an arm and a leg to change.
  3. Abdominal Exercises. Kids this age are already trying to catch up on the hands if in their hands to invest large fingers. In the course of the day several times for a kid to make such climbs. They are well trained abdominal muscles, back, neck, and hands.

Gymnastics in 5 months

What he is most useful and interesting at this age? Gymnastics for a newborn to 5 months of discomfort does not bring, because hypertonicity is. When extension and flexion of the limbs, turning the head and trunk the baby feel more free and relaxed movements.

  1. Bending at the knees and sliding across the surface motion of the feet in the supine position.
  2. Lifting from a prone position behind the handle.
  3. “Flight” with a deflection of the spine on the abdomen (on weight).
  4. Stepping movements in position vertically with the support feet on hard surface (babies need to be kept under the mouse).
  5. Coup from stomach to back and back.
  6. “Flight” on the back – child annoying press and trying the body to keep on weight.

The Sixth month

Gymnastics for a newborn at this age is aimed at formation of skill of crawling, and sitting. 6 months later, the baby can take his first attempts to stand on all fours. It should be encouraged his desire to take this position. If the child does not sit still at this age, perfectly normal. There is no need to sit down too often and boost developmentskills.

  1. Skill of crawling nature, and especially it is not necessary to develop. But infants can push to a crawl, citing his toys, bright, attractive household items, etc. When the baby is on the tummy, it is possible to put a colourful toy that will be a great incentive to move forward. In addition, you can gently help the child, stimulating the foot traffic. To do this, bend them alternately at the knees.
  2. Body Lifting. This exercise should be done lying on the stomach. Should lift the handle of the baby, dissolve slightly to the side and slightly pull up the body. In this position, the child holds head, trying to rise to his knees. If not, the baby is uncomfortable, it is not necessary to repeat it. It is possible to come back later.
  3. Fine motor skills. For kids this age gymnastics develops large and small motor skills. You need to massage her hands and to do exercises of the fingers, to tell when this nursery rhyme. Finger games all kids like, in addition, activate the brain. When breeding hand in hand in the palm of a child can put toys in the form of rings.
    Gymnastics for the newborn's month

Gymnastics in the second half of life

For kids to gymnastics year is divided into 2 phases: active and passive. After six months of intensive gymnastics for a newborn, when the baby is already understands much and can independently perform a number of exercises playing.

  1. Strengthening the abdominal muscles and back. You can lay the baby stomach down on your knees so that the head, shoulders and chest SAG. From this position it is necessary to ask the child to pick up a toy. This task is well performed, and
  2. When the baby is in the supine position. Baby will start to SAG, making the bridge, and then ascend to the starting position.
  3. Promoting crawling. Well, if the child is in no hurry to rise. We need time to get formed and strengthened the back muscles. Crawling can stimulate a variety of toys, all kinds of bright objects. The baby of this situation I will try over time to get to his feet.
  4. Skill walk. After 10-11 months children climb on their own, trying to stand without support, and make your first steps leaning on the arm of father or mother. At this age should encourage the child's desire to walk, to stand, to squat on his haunches.
  5. Sports equipment. You have to understand, the older the baby, the more skills he gets. In the exercises you can already apply sports equipment and the means at hand: balls, skipping ropes, skittles, hoops.

The Basics of dynamic gymnastics

Dynamic gymnastics for a newborn — is a complex of active motor exercises that are always performed in the air, on weight. And it is a controversial topic. It is possible to find a just positive reviews about it. What?

  1. Adjusts the muscle tone of the baby.
  2. Is Perfectly developed muscular system, skeleton, the vestibular apparatus.
  3. In most cases, kids air exercises are positive.
  4. Dynamic gymnastics creates confidence persistent.
    How to do gymnastics newborn

A Negative opinion the first is associated with the view that such exercises can harm the child, lead to the extinction of the natural motor reflexes, instability of the joints, stress. What should I know?

Yes, incorrect, inept exercise baby can cause injury – damage to the cartilage, joints, ligaments. Therefore, parents who have decided to engage with the child gymnastics dynamic, must undergo training from an experienced instructor.


You Need to learn how to make reliable and correct grips of the limbs of the child. You should start with simple exercises, gradually increasing intensity and time. You cannot run from difficult exercises - spins, perebrosa through the head, torsion, etc.

In this gymnastics increased risk of a downs baby. Increases the possibility of getting little injuries, if you do start immediately after 6 months because the ligaments crumbs do not have the training, and body weight increased significantly.


Contraindications are:

  • Hypotonia or hypertonus associated with neurological diseases;
  • Hip dysplasia;
  • Joint mobility;
  • Other orthopedic disorders.
    Gymnastics for babies from the first months

These deviations are not always able to see the parents. Therefore, before the start of classes must consult with an orthopedist and a neurologist.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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