Choose rolling machines for toddler


2019-09-24 04:20:24




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The Kid grows up and he wants to move as much as possible. Stroller already rather tired and want something new. The time has come to choose a transport for the crumbs, which he can manage himself. Today the choice of such funds is very high. These include of wheeled machines, cars, battery, bicycles, and even imitation of the real tractors!rolling machines

Why the need For cars-vans?

The Kid is still too young to ride a bike? So he needs like transport. This vehicle resembles a scooter. The child does not need to pedal – he needed to sit down and just push off with your legs. Many children love to ride on such a machine, but also to drive her. These toys look like a beautiful fruit or funny animals, a train, a plane or a real motorcycle. To ride them can not only at home but also outside.wheelchair machine for kids

Choose the right

Despite its simplicity, of wheeled machines can have many features and additional accessories. They help kids just enough to get the skills that will be needed after to control your bike. Parents can just roll the child on a string, if there is a footrest. The simplest models – plastic products, which the kid himself moving, pushing down. Russian motorcycle “Light” is simple and comfortable. His German counterparts BIG and KETTLER will be much more expensive.

There are of wheeled machines that not only carry the kids but also entertain them. Children with enthusiasm perceive the train, which emits the real sound of the wheels, or the car with the sound of the motor. The young musician will undoubtedly be happy for more piano during stops. And many will be delighted by the fun squeakers that are on the wheel. Some machines attached trailer. A child will put their favorite toys.


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There are wheelchairs with the function of the stroller. First, parents will roll kid with a pen, and then he will be able to control your car. Italian firm Biemme offers a wonderful machine-winders “a Wonderful lemon”. A child sits inside a bright car, which is reminiscent of the citrus, and rests on legs in the bottom. First, the mother carries the baby for the handle, and with the little time the driver begins to operate independently. Fisher-Price offers the car in combination with a Walker. They are equipped with lights that flicker while driving, and wonderful melodies. This model is also equipped with colorful balls-accounts that the movement was not boring.

There are special cars-vans for boys, made in the form of racing cars. To ride on these vehicles only under the supervision of parents. Some cars are not intended for the carriage of children. They are created in order that the child just drove them away. It is not necessary to put them as their kids.rolling machines for boys

Recommendations for purchase

Machine accessible to children must be high. The kid should easily push off with your legs, not bending to the steering wheel and not resting his knees. A great addition would be a knob that will help to move the car yourself. The seat should be equipped with a backrest, which will not allow the driver to fall back. The chair should not wobble. It's supposed to be limiters that will not let to overturn the toy. Look at the cars Biemme Italian manufacturers and CHICCO. High quality of different Spanish Chicos and Injusa, Rolly Toys German , Turkish Pilsan. Quality are also products of Russian and Polish manufacturers.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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