Organize proper nutrition before and after exercise


2018-04-04 05:40:18




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You have come together and decided to start to lead a sporty lifestyle? This is a praiseworthy initiative, and the main thing now – observe the regularity of the chosen training. If training in the gym, then a set of exercises to achieve specific goals will help you to choose a personal trainer. If it's group lessons, your task – to perform the movement on the conscience and not to Skive. However, in addition to the sports process is of great importance to food before exercise and after it. After all, you have to "build" a beautiful body, right?

nutrition before training

First – eat, then – run... or drag the bar!

Food & ndash; building material of our body. It can become our friend and ally on the path to ideal figure or be an enemy standing in the way. Let's see how the workout affects the results that we show in class.

The First thing is to provide food that is sufficient energy for physical activity. You don't want to die from exhaustion and lack of strength during training?

Energy give us complex carbohydrates and proteins help to prolong the feeling of satiety for a long time. To not feel hunger, but not to jump-to run with a full stomach, there is a need for 1.5-2 hours before class. This can be porridge on the water with vegetables, scrambled eggs with whole grain bread, pasta, natural yoghurt and fruit – that is rich in carbohydrates and protein foods with minimal fat content.

Planning meals before exercise, and consider the nature of the classes. If you are going to the gym for strength training, a half-hour before they additionally, you can drink a protein shake or eat some cottage cheese. We need this in order to ingested amino acids are immediately used for protein synthesis and muscle growth. Immediately prior to aerobic training is better not to eat anything and only drink a little water. By the way, to replenish the fluid you need during training process.


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after workout

Eat or not to Eat-that is the question!

You are successfully and efficiently trained in the gym and came home and felt a slight feeling of hunger. What to do? Do I need to eat immediately after a workout or should I wait? Again, it all depends on your goals.

Want to build muscle-eat in the first 20-30 minutes after a workout. The fact that this period starts the catabolic process (muscle breakdown) that is contrary to your desires. To work in the gym were not in vain, you need to eat easily digestible protein (egg for example) and fast carbs. The first is clear, but why the carbs? They contribute to the development of anabolic hormone insulin, which prevents the development of destructive processes in muscle. It is also useful to drink milk after a workout, because it contains casein and whey, promotes rapid muscle recovery.

If to increase the mass is not in your plans, but dreams of a slim trim figure, within the first hour after a workout from eating better to give up and then eat something light and non-greasy. It should be slow carbohydrates and protein. A great option – lean fish or white chicken meat and vegetables.

milk after a workout

As you can see, food before and after exercise differs from physical activity, as well as the goals we are pursuing, going to the gym.

To summarize, we can formulate the following rule: the power before training should be in any case, it is desirable for a couple of hours before class. After strenuous exercise there is a need for a half hour (fast digestible proteins + carbohydrates), and after aerobic – no sooner than an hour (low-fat proteins + complex carbs). Eat right and achieve your goals!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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