Physiotherapy: exercises for fingers, wrist


2018-03-25 13:09:17




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Our hands are hard at work every day. But we pay very little attention to the state of ligaments and the skin on them. It comes back to us a constant feeling of tension in the hands, the snapping of joints, and deterioration of appearance. These problems will help to solve exercises for the fingers, for hands (therapeutic exercise).exercises for fingers for brushes

The decision of the appeared problems, an excellent prevention of diseases of the joints and ligaments, while for children they are a mechanism for the development of fine motor skills, language, attention and memory. In rehabilitation in the following cases uses exercises for hands and fingers: stroke, traumatic brain injury.

Special conditions for their implementation are not required. Exercises to strengthen hands and fingers to do even sitting at the table. In order to improve efficiency, adhere to simple rules:

  • All systems do at the same pace with both hands;
  • Do the exercises systematically and regularly;
  • Do during the day, a few repetitions of the complex;
  • Holding the breath, breathe freely;
  • Focus on each exercise, do not be distracted.

Tibetan monks every morning started with the fact that doing exercise for hands and fingers. They recognized their miraculous way to restore the flow of energy, in addition, considered maintain the necessary vitality. The large number of reflex points on the palms is scientific confirmation of this fact.

Stress relief

These exercises for the fingers, wrist recommendations are for people who work long at the computer keyboard, or manually fill a lot of papers. Better yet, every day each person to perform these activities for keeping skin young and maintain healthy joints. Consider exercises for the fingers, for hands:


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  1. Physical education begins with that first brush is compressed in a fist. In this form, they need to be turned in each direction 10 times.
  2. Hold much hand in a fist in this position for a few seconds longer. Relax your arm. The same number of repetitions.
  3. Maximum Pull on the brush itself, then from itself. Do this with each hand 5 times.
  4. Pinch fist, pinch and open your fingers one by one, all the rest was motionless.
  5. Brush place on hard surface. Lift alternately each finger, while others are not taking.exercises for hands and fingers

Such light exercises for the fingers, for brushes are excellent prevention of diseases of the joints, and thus relieve fatigue.

Exercises for tendons

As follows:

  1. Starting position: fingers closed, palms open. Bred in hand (“rastopyrivat”) at the same time direct your fingers and close. Need to do 10 repetitions.
  2. Starting position: fingers closed, palms open. Allot from each other's fingers in turn, starting with the little finger and up to index. All together close in one motion. All you need of 10 repetitions.
  3. Starting position: fingers closed, palms open. Close and hold the fingers on 2 — the middle and ring, while the index fits closely to the average, while nameless to the little finger. Need to 10 repetitions.

Extension and flexion of the fingers the phalanges

The Exercises are performed in the following way:

  1. Starting position — fingers bent at the knuckle and closed — the ends are drawn to their grounds. Bend and straighten all the fingers. Exercise should be done as quickly as possible, simultaneously on both hands.
  2. Starting position — the fingers clasped, palms open. Flexion of phalanges, each finger in turn — bend from the forefinger to the little finger, straighten in the opposite direction. For this exercise for the fingers, to brush regular exercise is necessary to achieve clarity of execution. In this case, each finger is able to work separately from brushes, while the other fingers are not “pull”.
  3. Starting position — fingers bent at the knuckle and closed — the tips extend to the grounds. Each finger bend and straighten individually. It is necessary to achieve efficiency of all movements.
  4. Starting position: fingers bent at the knuckle and closed — the tips extend to the grounds. Bend and straighten the fingers in pairs: nameless with the index, middle fingers.exercises to strengthen hands and fingers

The Movement of each finger individually

In General, all these are exercises for the fingers, for hands focused on it. The main problem is the ability to separately move his little finger with the ring — the most difficult. What exercises for the fingers, for brushes effective for testing data points? See below:

  1. Starting position: keeping arms straight, freely. Nominated alternately by one of the fingers perpendicular to the palm.
  2. This exercise is the development of ligament middle and ring fingers. It is very important, as this connection is the slowest of the remaining muscles of the hand. This exercise is performed on each hand alternately. Initial position — keep a free hand and the middle andring fingers make circular gentle movements like “bike” — the same trajectory while pedaling have legs. During the development of the fingers, it is necessary to do the exercise clockwise and counterclockwise. It can cause discomfort, it is quite difficult — can cause unpleasant nagging feeling in the back of the palm. In order to mitigate them, you can free hand to clasp the wrist and just move the top layers of muscles and skin up to the fingers of the back side.

Relaxation of the fingers and hands

For each exercise, it is important to learn to relax all the muscles. You can do it as often as necessary. This you will only benefit. You can apply the following ways:

  1. “Shake”. Imagine that the hand — this is a real whip. Shake hands so that the fingers and hands "weak-willed hanging out”.
  2. “Soap”. RUB with force against each other hands like soap or smear them with something, firmly clasping one hand in another round. At this, the harder it is to do, the more pleasant relaxation following the effort.
  3. Fingers ubiraem into something solid and push a few times it seems to want to twist them in the opposite direction. Here the main thing not to overdo it, otherwise you ligaments simply stretch.wrist exercises hand and finger stroke

Strengthening the wrists and ligaments

Fit the following exercises for the fingers, for hands. Strength training is often necessary for many people. The man forearm and hand must be strong. The ancient Greeks paid great attention because the weapons of those years it was impossible to apply, having weak wrists. Legendary Bruce Lee is the champion by the force of the hands and forearms — his hands exhausting “hell” exercises, thereby they were it is very powerful.

The First way you can highlight – pushups on the fists. Then you can begin to do push-UPS on fingers, in addition to press the expander. This is an affordable simple ways you can relieve pain in the fingers and hands for just a few days. Of course, it is likely that at first your hands will hurt even more. Only it will be the pain of another nature, related to the released lactic acid and muscle growth. She fully goes after a week of regular training.

Carpal expanders

There are various types — spring and rubber rings. Rubber over time, lose elasticity or break. However, they are rather weak.

Push-UPS on fingers

Along with the usual push-UPS on fingers to practice is also more complex, it is very effective for fingers and entire body. For this you need to put feet on the chair, wrung out from the floor.what exercises for the fingers for brushes

Gyroscopic Wrist exerciser

This sly “device” functioning in an astonishing way. He appeared in the sale recently, this has proven effective despite its simplicity of use. It is a sphere with a fairly heavy roller located inside. This movie unwinds sharp jerk with a cord, then it is necessary to feel its inertial rotation inside the sphere, trying to speed up and maintain it.

A Few minutes of this work are not used to score the biceps muscles, forearm and shoulder. He fingers are not coached, it is very effective for forearms and wrists. A great tool to prevent tunnel syndrome.

And Finger Fitness Greg Irwin

This is the man who invented fitness for your fingers. Greg finger exercises turned into art. He plays some “submission” only your fingers of two hands. He has developed a system designed specifically for guitarists, and recorded training videos, has released a book. All this is also great for developing finger.exercises for the fingers for brush recommendations


Summarizing all the above, we note again that for the development of each skill, the main thing — regularity. Water wears away the stone. If you can consider her “purpose”, she always achieves it. Similarly, and workout you will be sure to bring the best result, but only if you do it regularly. Take breaks, relax, but in no case do not give up, coming back with new energy every time to achieve the desired, always make another, albeit small step.

Kids gymnastics

The Development of the child up to 5 years brush helps modeling from plasticine or clay, picking up puzzle, tying knots, playing with a ball. With students due to the large load on the hands when writing, you must do special exercises for your fingers.

  1. “Track”. Put your thumb of the first hand on the thumb of the second hand fingernail down to get 2 steps. Then his tips of all the fingers alternately put on each other, thus simulating walking.
  2. “Rooster”. Palm interlock in the lock. Press the left palm on back of the right. The palm needs to straighten thus to imitate the comb of a Cockerel.
  3. “Elephant”. Ring and index finger, little finger and a large – the elephant's legs. Pull the middle finger as the trunk. Please note that the elephant needs to go slow, stepping, alternately eachleg.
  4. The‘centipede". Put the fingers on the edge of the table. Running up, fingering them, to the second edge of the table.
  5. “Pastry”. The hand simulated kneading dough. This exercise perfectly develops the brush.
  6. “Gadgets”. The fist impact. Palm straighten and spread your fingers, open your them and squeeze.exercises for fingers for hands physiotherapy

In order For these exercises to do for kids interesting lesson follow funny sounds or stories.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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