The drug is "joint Flex": instructions for use, description, composition and reviews


2018-03-24 01:46:18




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"joint Flex" – the capsules and the cream of the Russian company «Art-life”. This firm is known that produces dietary supplements for the treatment of various diseases. The cream and capsules “joint Flex”, for example, is designed to eliminate problems associated with musculoskeletal disorders. These funds have become popular not only in Russia but also abroad. Today we learn a lot of important information regarding the capsules and the cream “joint Flex”. Instruction manual, composition, cost will be described below. Also find out what people think about the products of this Russian company.

About the ‘Art-life”

This organisation is a leading in the market of dietary Supplements (biologically active supplements) in Russia. The company has its own strong manufacturing base. The company produces cosmetics, dietary Supplements, according to the international certificates of quality. A large number of patents for inventions in the field of production technologies, many with diploma and medals for participation in international exhibitions – all proud of the company «Art life”. "Joint Flex" – a dietary Supplement produced by this firm, which has long conquered the Russian market and is already out in the world. By the way, partners of the company are various companies from Japan, Korea, Germany and other life joint Flex

Brief description of the drug “joint Flex”

This tool is recommended for the improvement of the musculoskeletal system and prevention of illnesses related to his work. The drug has anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect, strengthens the cartilage. The formula is unique as it contains only natural ingredients that provide gentle restorative and immunomodulatory effects.


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In some cases, can be used?

The Capsule “joint Flex” can be used in these situations:

- If there is disruption in motor activity of the spine, joints.

- For quick recovery after an injury.

- If a person is observed brittle nails, hair loss.

- If the patient suffers from dry skin, loss of elasticity.

- If the person has greater physical activity (professional athlete).joint Flex active


The Drug “joint Flex” sold in plastic containers, which may contain 90 or 180 capsules. The composition of this dietary Supplement:

- Chondroitin sulfate. Activates the regeneration of the joints.

Vitamin C Has a strengthening effect. Increases the body's resistance.

- Calcium hydroxyapatite. Compacts the bone tissue, normalizes blood pressure, restores the metabolism.

the grape seed Extract.

- Yukka.

- Glucosamine sulfate. This ingredient nourishes joints, supports mobility and eliminates pain.

- Boswellia. Has anti-inflammatory effect, helping the joints to recover faster.

Cat's claw (bark extract). Has a tonic effect on the immune system.

- Bromelain. Properties similar to those characteristic of boswelia.joint Flex manual

Dosage. Retention rules

The Capsule “joint Flex”, instructions for use which accompanies each package, assigned adults should take 1 thing, 3 times a day during meals. This Supplement it is advisable to take long courses for 3–4 months.

Store the capsules “joint Flex” in a dark, dry place, away from children. Life saving drug is 3 years. If after this time the capsule left, they must be got rid of in order to avoid poisoning.joint Flex reviews

What people think about the drug?

Dietary Supplement “joint Flex” reviews gets different. Some people praise the drug, others criticize him. Those users who like the tool note that after a course of taking capsules of the musculoskeletal system, improves: stop hurting and whining back, knees and elbows in the bend no longer crunch. In General, health is improved.

But on the other hand, there are negative evaluations. So, some people say that these capsules – simple pumping of money that they can not cope with their tasks. Negative feedback is understandable. So, if people drink the drug for a short time, of course, that any effect will not. Also if the patient used the tool not the user, then also the result will be zero. So the effect really came, need to drink capsule to the number and the duration, which is specified on the package.

Ointment of the same name

"joint Flex Asset" – cream, which, together with capsules are able to exert a complex influence on the musculoskeletal system of man.

- the Tool has analgesic effect.

the Cream provides the activation of blood flow in the area of inflammation.

- the Preparation cools the skin, which facilitates the human condition.

Cream “joint Flex" is recommended in such cases:

- With sciatica and low back pain, caused by muscle and joint pain.

- When aching joints when the weather changes.

- Iffatigue and swelling of extremities.

- If muscle tension.

- For tissue repair after sprains, fractures, bruises.

- For the prevention of salt deposits in the joints.joint Flex

Rules applying to

  1. At the first sign of pain, apply a small amount on the painful area. Evenly distribute the cream and massaged for 3 minutes.
  2. To Use the tool 2 to 3 times a day. Wash off the ointment impossible. Effect of the drug within 6 hours.
  3. To enhance the effect after applying the cream is to be applied on the affected area heating bandage. Also within half an hour it is advisable to relax.

The Course of treatment can be from 1 to 4 weeks.


The Effective action of the drug due to the combination of ingredients of natural origin. So, the cream “joint Flex” has the following composition (main ingredients):

- Extract of hot peppers. Increases blood flow to the inflamed place.

- Camphor. Normalizes the nutrition of tissues.

- Fir oil. It has analgesic effect.

- Lecithin. Relieves stiffness in the joints.

- the birch Extract. Reduces puffiness.

- Extract of cinquefoil. Relieve the problem area.

- willow bark Extract.

- Extract of wormwood.

- Extract of burdock. Has an analgesic effect.

- lavender Essential oil.

- Menthol. Cools the problem area.

- Turpentine, purified. It has a warming effect.joint Flex application instructions

Caveats in using a cream

- do not apply product on damaged areas of the body, to open wounds.

- it is Impossible to avoid falling cream on the mucous membranes. If the drug gets into the eyes, immediate rinse with plenty of running water.

- Before use, you should always consult with a physician.

The Rules for storing cream

The shelf Life is 18 months from the date of manufacture. To preserve the cream in a cool place, preferably in refrigerator. The drug should be stored away from direct sunlight. It is also necessary to protect it from freezing.joint Flex composition

People's Reviews about a cream

This means local actions are not as popular as the capsules from the same manufacturer, so the number of responses about it is small. However, those people who tried the cream for yourself, write on forums about what is the perfect drug. Means, they feel, has an excellent a warming and analgesic effect. I use this cream both athletes and those people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. And helps drug in both cases. Due to the excellent natural composition, the drug quickly relieves pain in back, neck, lower back and in the joints and muscles. People write that at the beginning of use there is a chill in the application. Then the problem starts to warm up and will soon stop hurting. And the final effect of the drug – eliminating swelling. People say that this cream does not smell, unlike other means such actions. On the contrary, it has a pleasant flavor and good consistency (apply the medication very easily).


The Price of capsule depends on the volume of the jar, and also a distributor that sells this BAD. The average cost for 1 package, consisting of 90 capsules is about 700 € If you purchase a container of 180 capsules, then you will have to pay about 1300 rubles.

Cream “joint Flex” costs about 400 rubles for a tube of 100 g.


The Products of the company «Art life” – biologically active additives, which help people cope with various ailments. The cream and capsules “joint Flex” are proof of that. These drugs have a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system, relieve muscle and joint pain, and return people to normal life. Despite the small number of reviews about these products, in recent years, people increasingly began to buy such funds. If you use cream and capsules simultaneously, then the effect will come much faster.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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