The most nutritious porridge. Types of cereals


2018-03-20 07:58:10




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Nutritious porridge allows without overloading the digestive system and injury and to gain the necessary weight, and to restore metabolism. The main advantage of cereals is their easy digestibility, so the person feels great. You only need to know what the most nutritious porridge, and as will be discussed in the article.

Types of cereals

Cereals – high content of carbohydrates necessary for the normal functioning of the body. If they eat in large quantity, and the energy will be consumed, the weight is typed in quickly. It is believed that Kashi cereal improve metabolism, but not all grains is ideal for weight loss, because many of them are high in calories and have high glycemic index. Buckwheat has a score of 40, and brown rice – 50. They are the diet to use for weight gain impossible.

This applies to the oatmeal, where the glycemic index is 40. Calories in foods a bit. Buckwheat will contain 90 calories, oatmeal – 88, and the rice – 78. These products are suitable for weight loss, but for weight they are not suitable.

What is the most nutritious cereal? Such products several. The list includes the following types cash:

  • Perlova;
  • Jachnevaja;
  • Risova;
  • Gorohova;
  • Pszenna;
  • Pshenichnaya.

Each of these products is high-calorie. In addition, it contains many valuable elements necessary for human health. If you eat porridge with butter, sugar or fatty meat sauce, then weight gain will happen in a few weeks. The weight is distributed evenly and with exercise will allow you to get the desired shapes.


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This cereal is included in the list of “the Most nutritious porridge". Barley is delicious and nutritious, it has fiber, carbohydrates, fats, proteins. Because the carbs in the cereal will be 66%, with regular use, you gain weight.

the most nutritious porridge

If you want to get better, you must have a product with butter, cheese, meat. Also grits cooked with milk and sugar. 100 grams of cereals on the water will be 109 kcal, and milk-150 calories. Barley should be included as a side dish for dinner, since carbohydrates in the evening time go to fat, so weight is faster.


The Most nutritious porridge for children will increase the weight of the baby, if he does not reach the standards. It will be helpful to consume millet. This cereal is very tasty, especially with milk and jam or sugar. Useful millet porridge with pumpkin, which is nutritious and hearty. One serving of the food on offer includes 103 calories. Than more likely to use it, the faster you will gain weight.

the most nutritious porridge for children

Fat grain contains 4%, which is 2 times higher compared to other cereals. This dish adds energy, so people will be tough. For a set of muscle mass it is advisable to eat cereal after a workout to regain energy and satisfy your hunger. The dish is ideal for athletes, as it has a regenerative effect. If training is accomplished at least 2 times a week, the nutritious porridge must be included in the diet. In addition, it strengthens the heart and blood vessels.


The Most nutritious porridge for weight gain – rice. This is due to the starch that is in the rump. He, along with other carbohydrates is 70%. The glycemic index of rice is 64, and after consumption of the product sugar in the blood increases, which contributes to fat storage.

what a mess is the caloric

Figure includes a large number of minerals and vitamins. Therefore, this weight gain would be helpful. It is advisable to use crisp rice and cook it with milk (98 calories) or beef broth (124 kcal). Cereal is tastier when it is added to the oil, sugar, fruits, dried fruits.

Rice is easily digestible grains what any difficulties with digestion will not. Therefore, it is useful to use before exercise. But keep in mind that in a large number of the product is impossible, because it can appear constipation. With the consumption of rice should drink plenty of water.


What a mess – the most calories? This pea. It is based did not include grains, and legumes. Peas includes high in protein, so weight gain happens quickly. Athletes this product is also recommended, as it quickly restores strength, gives energy. In pea porridge contains amino acids and proteins that build new cells, build muscle mass.

the most nutritious porridge for weight gain

That the product was nutritious, it is mixed with vegetable oil. This dish is useful, as it contains vitamins A, b and C. In the end, the person is protected from diseases, he has no problems with heart and blood vessels. The brain works much better, improves endurance. The caloric value of cereals increases with potatoes, sunflower oil, vegetables.


Weight gain is great barley porridge. Its caloric value is equal to 310 kcal. If you cook the product on the water, the calorie value will be 76 kcal per 100 g and milk – 111. It contains a minimum of fat-1.3 g , so it is desirable to add butter or vegetable oil. Itwill increase the caloric and the digestion will be performed easily.


High calorie has a wheat porridge. It has a lot of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. If consumed frequently, it can become a cause of superiority, as it is hearty and delicious. The menu was varied, the product prepared with milk and sugar, and add fruit, a pumpkin. Wheat is suitable as a side dish to meat or fish.

the less nutritious porridge

If there is a problem of insufficient weight it is necessary to include in the menu this product. Water cereal has calories 105 calories, and with sugar and milk – 140. With the addition of oil figure increases to 210. With this food for a few days will gain weight. The product is rich in vitamins and minerals that allow the body to recover.

What is the most less calories porridge? Is buckwheat. It's the number of calories does not reach 100. It is prepared as on milk and water. This product allows you to lose weight. People useful calories and lean cereal, but in any case, it is necessary to remember about the measure.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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