Sauce of tomato and garlic: recipe, cooking techniques and reviews


2019-04-08 13:20:39




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A long time Ago high in the mountains of Abkhazia grazed numerous flocks of shepherds. And every spring before a long hike had given them the owners of the sheep salt. The animals absorb it, increasing the appetite and thirst. And grow faster in a kilogram of pounds. The owners were happy, but feared that shepherds will steal the salt. But it is not so cheap! Decided wealthy owners of flocks to mix in the crystals Cayenne pepper, to teach it. But the cunning shepherds began to add different aromatic herbs and spices, and then with pleasure has used the mixture as a delicious seasoning for different dishes.

sauce of tomato and garlic recipe


This Is the legend about the sauce. Was it really so or not – no one knows for sure. But at least some experts say that it is through the shepherds appeared on our table, the sauce of tomato and garlic, the recipe of which we will tell below. How to cook it does not know today probably only very distant from culinary arts people. At least one simple recipe adzhika of tomato and garlic are in each family in her book. I would like to mention that the main role in the hot sauce takes the pepper, although translated from the Abkhaz word for “salt”, in Turkish – “hot, spicy”.

how to cook sauce of tomato, horseradish and garlic

Tasty pizza without tomato

Traditional adjika says “no” tomatoes, carrots, and apples. And if you haven't tried a real spicy blend, which is enough to add just a tiny pinch, then risk using the following recipe. Take 5 pounds of hot pepper of Cayenne, put in a dark place on a towel and hold him there for 3 days. During this time, the fruit dries out a bit. Coriander should be ground, the result of having a glass powder. Before you start mixing ingredients, hand wipe with vegetable oil and put on top of durable rubber gloves.


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a simple recipe adzhika of tomato and garlic

The Peppers must be cut, remove the entrails and rinse. Prepare the garlic, it to these proportions enough 500 grams. The main components are ready for further procedure. Grind miss peppers along with the garlic, then mix with the coriander and double-scroll. The resulting mass is thoroughly mixed with the salt and place in prepared jars.

It is a tribute and "newly minted" sauce. A decent set of options for every taste, sweet, spicy, horseradish or apples. Some people prefer to add ginger and celery. They say that this part contributes to the process of excess weight.


a simple recipe adzhika for winter tomatoes garlic

Tomatoes with garlic for the winter, adjika is a great food, many Housewives cook different recipes. Let's look at an interesting method of preparation.

The sauce can be made for long term storage or short term use. We turn now to the recipe adzhika from raw tomatoes and garlic. For 3 liters at the outlet, you will need to have a product package. In the list:

• tomatoes - 3 kg;

• garlic - 250-300 g;

• 3-4 medium peppers burning;

• Bulgarian red pepper - 1 kg;

• sugar - one tablespoon;

• rock - salt- three tablespoons;

• vinegar 9 percent five spoons canteens.

recipe adzhika of tomato, horseradish and garlic

Sauce of tomato and garlic recipe

Wash and clean the vegetables. It can be black dots, ponytails, seeds (pepper). The tomatoes quartered and put in a deep bowl. Stand the hour that drained the excess fluid. The next step is noise components through a meat grinder or grater. Continue to scroll through acute the fruit and vegetables together. Finally, leaving only the pungent peppers. They should use separate containers to be able to add a lot of taste. Mix all non-metallic spatula, adding sugar, vinegar and salt. Ready adjika packaged in sterilized dishes, sealed with lids and stored in the refrigerator.

Let's Consider a few secrets. Sharp and sour it becomes when you add grated horseradish root, the acid in this case can not be used. In addition, this ingredient has properties of antiseptic.

recipe for tomatoes with garlic for the winter, adjika

Simple recipe adzhika for the winter

Tomatoes, garlic – the two main ingredients of meals. But to make large amounts of sauce for a long time, you will need more vegetables, which, by the way, it is better to be heat treated.

sauce of tomato, carrots and garlic recipe

How to prepare a sauce from tomatoes, carrots and garlic? The recipe is quite simple. In this dish the apples are also added. Resulting in adjika is like, rather, a vegetable caviar, but also very tasty and popular with gourmets. Purchase a kilogram of sweet pepper and carrot, tomato will need 2.5 kg, and enough hot pepper 6-7 medium fruit. Don't forget the apples, their one kilo. These fruits,together with the remaining vegetables pan out and the resulting mass cook over medium heat for about an hour. Let cool slightly and then add crushed garlic (200 g) Cup of vegetable oil, vinegar, sugar and salt. Then the mass needs a good stir with a spoon, better wood, and lay in the treated containers.

sauce of tomato, carrots and garlic recipe

A Couple of useful recommendations

The Top mass in the jar for a better preservation of the product, pour a little vegetable oil. And if your household will not find a hot pepper in pods, replace it on the ground in the following proportions: 1 pod - 1 tsp.

What will fit adjika?

The Homemade sauce will be an excellent addition to many dishes: filler, aspic, any meat, including traditional kebab of chicken, pork or lamb. Especially nice to open a jar of fragrant ground in the winter. The smell will haunt the memories of the Sunny season.


easiest recipe of adzhika tomato garlic and horseradish

Let's look at the recipe adzhika of tomato, radish and garlic. Good appetite and long shelf life such workpiece. From the consumption of a kilogram of tomatoes, you will need 200 grams of root peeled, a couple of sweet peppers, and stinging 1-3 pod. Garlic will be quite 250 grams.

The brewing Process

For starters, the tomatoes should be treated with boiling water, divided into several large parts. Then you need to Polish the rest of the components. Horseradish root slice it into rings, and the teeth are cut into slices, half a clove. Sweet pepper is also necessary to scalding, to release from the top of the film and seeds, chop in small pieces. Through a meat grinder and mixed together vegetables to miss at least two times, then mix with spices in equal shares, a tablespoon of salt, sure sugar, you can add as much curry or Khmeli-suneli from the market, then pour vegetable oil and vinegar.

When the ready-made sauce of tomato and garlic, the recipe of which we told you, you need to go to twist. Now known two versions. First – water bath, which should be subjected to the resulting mass and then immediately roll. Second – spread vegetable mixture in cans with tightly closed lids two days to stand in refrigerator, to expel extra air. After that can be tightly packaged for long term storage.

Sauce with zucchini for those who love the original dishes

recipe adzhika from raw tomatoes and garlic

Fans of the experiments safely use other vegetables in cooking hot sauce. For example, zucchini.

To prepare you need:

  • A pound of pepper and the same of carrots;
  • Three kilograms of zucchini;
  • Three pounds of tomatoes;
  • Ten cloves of garlic;
  • Two tablespoons pepper (red);
  • Salt (two tablespoons);
  • Vegetable oil (200 ml);
  • 100 grams of sugar.

Cooking delicious adzhika of tomato, garlic and zucchini

  1. First prepare all the vegetables: rinse and dry.
  2. Can be used to grind vegetables in a meat grinder. Start with the tomato, carefully twisted them.
  3. Zucchini peel and mince. Do the same with the sweet peppers and carrots. At the end squeeze in the resulting mass the garlic. Then all the ingredients, combine in a single container, add the sugar.
  4. Then add the salt and oil. Return the dish to cook on slow fire. This process will take approximately forty minutes. All this time, stir the sauce of zucchini, so it does not burnt. Better for cooking use a pan with a thick bottom. At the end of cooking add red pepper and braise the dish for another ten minutes.
  5. Now put the chutney into the prepared jars and roll. Periods of storage in a cool place large. By the way, you can try and fresh mass. We wish you Bon appetite!

sauce with garlic tomatoes recipe without cooking

Wrapping up

Now you know how to prepare a sauce with garlic, tomatoes, recipe without cooking we provided to you. We also considered a number of good ways of cooking. I would like to mention that the sauce of tomato and garlic, the recipe of which we have told you, good for the body. The sharpness gives rise to energy, invigorates and renews strength. Vitamin a helps in strengthening the immune system. But should pay attention to contraindications. Don't get carried away with the sauce, if you are diagnosed with peptic ulcer disease or gastritis, so as not to harm your body.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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