Ancient Greek architecture: elements and features


2018-03-21 14:49:25




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Ancient Greek Architecture has had a huge impact on the architecture of subsequent ages. Its basic concept and philosophy for a long time entrenched in the traditions of Europe. What is interesting about ancient Greek architecture? The order system, the principles of urban design and the creation of the theatres mentioned later in the article.


Ancient Greece - ancient civilization, which consisted of many isolated city-States. It covered the Western coast of Asia Minor, the southern Balkans, the Aegean Islands and southern Italy, black sea and Sicily.

ancient Greek architecture

The Architecture of the ancient Greek gave rise to many styles, and became the basis of the architecture of the Renaissance. In the history of its development usually distinguish several stages.

  • The Homeric period (mid-twelfth to mid - VIII century BC) – new forms and features based on the old Mycenaean tradition. The main buildings were the first houses and temples, made out of clay, unburnt brick and wood. There were the first ceramic details in the decor.
  • Archaic (VIII — the beginning of the fifth century, 480-ies BC). With the formation of policies there are new public buildings. The temple and the square become the center of urban life. In construction, often used the stone: limestone and marble, Terra-cotta veneer. There are various types of temples. Dominated by the Doric order.
  • Classic (480 – 330 BC) - a period of prosperity. All types of orders in Greek architecture, are actively developing and even composition are connected to each other. The first theatres and music halls (Odeion), houses with porticoes. Formed the theory of layout of streets and neighborhoods.
  • Hellenistic (330-180 BCE). Build theatres and public buildings. Ancient Greek architecture is complemented by Oriental touches. Is dominated by the decorative, luxury and splendour. Often used the Corinthian order.

In the year 180 Greece was under the influence of Rome. Empire lured to his capital the best scientists and masters of art, borrowing from the Greeks some of the traditions of the culture. Therefore, the ancient Greek and Roman architecture have many similarities, for example, in the construction of theatres or in the order system.


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Philosophy of architecture

Every aspect of the life of the ancient Greeks sought to achieve harmony. The idea of it was vague and purely theoretical. In Ancient Greece, harmony was defined as the combination of precise proportions.

They were Used for in the human body. Beauty is measured not only "by eye", but also concrete figures. So, the sculptor Polyclitus in a treatise “Canon” presented clear options ideal men and women. Beauty is directly associated with physical and even spiritual health and integrity of the individual.

The Body of a man was seen as the design, the details of which are flawlessly customized to each other. Ancient Greek architecture and sculpture, in turn, sought to correspond to the concept of harmony.

The Sizes and shapes of the statues correspond to the notion of “correct” the body and its parameters. The form of sculptures usually promoted the ideal of the person: spirituality, healthy and athletic. In the architecture of anthropomorphism is manifested in the names of the measures (elbow, hand) and in the proportions that were derived from the proportions of the shape.

The Display of the individual was of the column. The Foundation or base is identified with the feet, the trunk-with the trunk, kapitel – with his head. Vertical grooves or flutes on the shaft of the column was represented by the folds of clothing.

Main orders of ancient Greek architecture

About the great achievements of engineering thought in Ancient Greece to speak of. Complex designs and solutions didn't work. The temple at the time can be compared to the megalith, where the stone lies stone support beam. The greatness and features of ancient Greek architecture are, above all, in its aesthetics and decoration.

The Artistry and philosophy of the building helped to bring his warrant, or post-and-beam arrangement of elements in a certain style and manner. There were three main types of orders in Greek architecture:

  • Doric;
  • Ionic;
  • Corinthian.

They All had a common set of elements, but differed in their location, shape and ornament. So, in the Greek order was part of stereobate, stylobate, entablature and cornice. Stereobit represented a stepped base on the Foundation. Then followed the stylobate or column.

The Entablature was carried by the part located on the columns. Bottom beam on which rested the whole of the entablature is called the architrave. It was Friz – medium decorative piece. The upper part of the entablature-cornice, he loomed over the other parts.

At First, the elements of ancient Greek architecture did not mix. The ionic entablature was left on ionic column, the Corinthian-the Corinthian. One style-one building. After the construction of Iktinos and Kallikrates the Parthenon in the fifth century BC the orders were combined and put on top of each other. This was done in a specific order: first the Doric, then ionic, then Corinthian.

Doric order

The Doric and ionic orders of Greek architecture were the main. The Doric system was distributed mainly on the mainland and was succeeded by the Mycenaeanculture. It is characterized by monumentality and somewhat cumbersome. Appearance order expresses an air of calm grandeur and brevity.

A Doric column is low. They have no base, and the trunk is powerful and tapers. Abaka, the upper part of the pillars is square and rests on a rounded backwater (achine). Flutes, as a rule, was twenty. The architect Vitruvius compared the columns of the orders with man – strong and restrained.

Greek orders in architecture

The entablature of the order were always a part of the architrave, frieze and cornice. Frieze was separated from the architrave of a shelf and consisted of triglyphs – up of elongated rectangles with the flute, which alternated with metope – slightly recessed square plates with sculpted images or without them. The friezes of the other orders had triglyphs with metodami.

The triglyph was attributed primarily practical functions. The researchers suggest that it represented the ends of the beams, that lay on the walls of the sanctuary. He had a well-calculated parameters, and supports for the eaves and rafters. In some ancient buildings, the space between the ends of the triglyph metope were not filled and remained empty.

Ionic order

The ionic order system was extended to the coast of Asia Minor, in Attica and on the Islands. The impact it has had Phoenicia and Persia hamedina. A striking example of this style was the temple of Artemis at Ephesus and the temple of Hera in Sameee.

Ionika were associated with women. Order was characterized by decorative, ease and finesse. Its main feature was the capital, issued in the form of Molotov-symmetrically placed scrollwork. Abaka and ekhin was decorated with carvings.

architecture of ancient Greek theater

Ionic column is thinner and slimmer than the Doric. Its base rested on a square plate and was decorated with convex and concave elements with ornamental cutting. Sometimes the base was located on a drum decorated with a sculptural composition. In Ionica distance between columns more, which increases the lightness and elegance of the building.

The Entablature consisted of the architrave and the cornice (the Malaysian style) or in three parts, as in Gorica (attic style). The architrave was divided into fascia-horizontal ledges. Between him and the ledge has a small teeth. The gutter on the cornice richly decorated with ornaments.

Corinthian order

The Corinthian order rarely considered to be independent, it is often defined as the variation of the ionic. There are two versions that tell about the origins of this order. More mundane tells about the borrowing of style from Egyptian columns, which were decorated with Lotus leaves. According to another theory, the order was created by the sculptor from Corinth. It was inspired by what he saw basket, which was full of acanthus leaves.

From the Ionian it differs mainly in the height and decoration of the column capitals decorated with stylized acanthus leaves. Two rows of leaves fashioned frame the upper part of the column in a circle. Sides of the abacus concave, and decorated with large and small spiral curls.

ancient Greek architecture

The Corinthian order is filled by the decor more than the other Greek orders in architecture. Of the three styles it was considered the most luxurious, elegant and rich. Its delicacy and finesse associated with the image of a young girl, and acanthus leaves reminiscent of the curls. Because of this order are often called “maiden”.

Ancient temples

The Temple was the main and most important building of Ancient Greece. Its form was simple, the prototype was a rectangular residential house. The architecture of the ancient Greek temple gradually became more sophisticated and supplemented with new elements until, until it acquired a round form. Usually allocate such Stili:

  • Distill;
  • Prostyle;
  • Amphiprostyle;
  • Peripter;
  • Dipter;
  • Pseudodispar;
  • Tolos.

The Temple in Ancient Greece had no Windows. Outside it was surrounded by columns, on which were placed a gable roof and beams. Inside housed a sanctuary with a statue of the deity to whom the temple was dedicated.

 the three main types of orders in Greek architecture

In some buildings, could accommodate a small dressing room – a pronaos. At the rear of the large temples was located in another room. In it were stored the donations of the inhabitants, the sacred implements and the city Treasury.

The First type of temple – distyle – was from the sanctuary, the front of the loggia, which was surrounded by a wall or ants. In the loggia housed the two columns. With the increasing complexity of styles, the number of columns increased. In prostyle four of them, in amphiprostyle - four on the rear and the front facade.

In the temples-perupetro they surround the building on all sides. If the columns lined around the perimeter in two rows, is a style of dipter. The latest style, the Tholos, is also assumed surrounded by columns, but the perimeter had a cylindrical shape. During the Roman Empire Tolosa developed into the type of building «rotunda”.

Device policies

Ancient Greek policies were built mostly at the sea shores. They were developed as a trading a democratic state. In public and political life of the cities was attended by all their full-fledged residents. This leads to the fact that ancient Greek architecture is developing not only in the direction of religious buildings,but in terms of public buildings.

The Upper part of the city was the Acropolis. Usually, he was on a hill and was heavily fortified to keep the enemy in a sudden attack. Within it were situated the temples of the gods who were patrons of the city.

types of orders in Greek architecture

The Center of the Lower city was the Agora - open market square where trade was conducted, to resolve important social and political issues. It housed a school, the building of the Council of elders, Basilica, building for feasts and meetings, and churches. Around the perimeter of the Agora was sometimes put on the statue.

From the outset, the architecture of the ancient Greek imagined that the buildings inside the insurance policies are free. Their placement depended on the local topography. In the V century BC Hippocam carried out a real revolution in urban planning. He offered a clear net-like structure of the streets, which divides the blocks into rectangles or squares.

All the buildings and sites, including the Agora, located in compartment cells, not coming out of the General rhythm. This layout made it easy to build new areas of policy, without disrupting the wholeness and harmony. Project Hippodame was built Miletus, Cnidus, Assos, etc. But Athens, for example, remained at the old “chaotic” form.


At Home in Ancient Greece differed depending on the era, as well as the wealth of owners. Identify several basic types Domov:

  • Makarony;
  • Apically;
  • Postatny;
  • Pristylky.

One of the earliest types of home – Megaron. His plan became the prototype for the first temple of the Homeric era. The building had a rectangular shape, in the middle of which was an open room with a portico. The passage had turned over two pillars and exposed walls. Inside was only one room with a hearth in the middle and a hole in the roof for smoke.

The Apsidal house was built in the early period. It was a rectangle with a rounded end part, which is called the apse. Later came pastelnye peristyle and the types of buildings. The external walls were deaf, and the layout of the buildings is closed.

Pastaga was a passage in the inner part of the yard. On top it was covered and supported by pillars of wood. In the IV century BC, becoming popular peristyle. It retains the old layout, but postatny passage is replaced with covered columns around the perimeter of the yard.

From the street was only smooth walls of the houses. Inside was a courtyard, around which was located the house. Windows as a rule, was not a source of light was the yard. If the window was, it was located on the second floor. The interior was mostly simple, luxuries began to appear only in the Hellenistic period.

 main orders of ancient Greek architecture

The House is clearly divided into women's (gynaeceum) and the men (Andron) half. In the male part, welcomed the guests and arranged the meal. To get to the female half was only possible through her. From gineke was the entrance to the garden. Housing the rich is a kitchen, a bathhouse and a bakery. The second floor is usually rented.

Architecture of ancient Greek theater

The Theatre in Ancient Greece combines not only the entertainment aspect, but also religious. Its origin is connected with the cult of Dionysus. The first theatrical performances were arranged for worship of this deity. About the religious origin of the ideas of the ancient Greek architecture of the theater resembled at least the presence of an altar which was in the orchestra.

On stage were festivals, games and plays. In the IV century BC, they ceased to be relevant to religion. Roles and performances engaged the archon. The main parts were performed a maximum of three people, women were played by men. The drama was performed in the form of a contest, where poets take turns presenting their work.

features of ancient Greek architecture

The Layout of the first theaters were simple. In the center was the orchestra – the round platform that housed the choir. Behind it was a chamber, where, dressed the actors (Schenna). The auditorium (theatron) was of considerable size and was situated on a hill, in a semicircle around the stage.

All the theaters were placed under the open sky. Initially, they were temporary. For every holiday wooden platforms were built again. In the V century BC seats for spectators began carving stone right into the hillside. It created a natural funnel and correct, conducive to good acoustics. To increase the resonance of the sound near the spectators were placed special vessels.

With the improvement of the theater is complicated and the design of the stage. The front part consisted of columns and imitated the front façade of the temples. The sides were the premises – paraskenia. They kept the scenery and theatrical equipment. In Athens the largest theater was the theater of Dionysus.

Athenian Acropolis

Some of the monuments of ancient Greek architecture can be seen today. One of the most coherent structures, extant, is the Acropolis of Athens. It is located on the mountain Pyrgos at a height of 156 meters. Here are the theatre of Dionysus, the temple of the goddess Athena the Parthenon, the sanctuary of Zeus, Artemis, Nike, and other famous buildings.

For the temples of the Acropolis of Athens is characterized by the connection of all three-order systems. Combinationstyles celebrated Parthenon. It is built in the Doric paripatra, the inner frieze of which is made in Ionian style.

In the center surrounded by columns housed the statue of Athena. The Acropolis was assigned an important political role. His view was to emphasize the hegemony of the city, and the composition of the Parthenon were chanting the victory of democracy over the aristocratic system.

Next to the majestic and pretentious building of the Parthenon is the Erechtheion. It is made entirely in the ionic order. Unlike its “neighbor”, he sings of grace and beauty. The temple dedicated to two gods-Poseidon and Athena, and located at the place where, according to legend, they had a dispute.

Due to the topography layout of the Erechtheion asymmetric. It has two sanctuaries – Zell and two entrances. In the southern part of the temple is a portico, which is supported by no columns, and the marble caryatids (statues of women).

In addition, the Acropolis survived the Propylaea-the main entrance, surrounded by columns and porticoes, the sides of which were located the Palace and Park complex. On the hill were also Arrephorion - house for the girls weaving clothes for the Athens games.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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