The law of monetary circulation


2018-03-21 02:52:07




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In primitive society, before the market relations have got an established character, economic relations were built on the principle of exchange, when some goods are directly exchanged for other. Over time, between products appeared first mediators (type of money), and the exchange began to be carried out not just between them, and according to the formula Commodity-Money-Commodity. But turnover in them was spontaneous, the law of monetary circulation at this stage were not known.

With the advent of modern paper money, new trends have emerged in the exchange of goods and money. The number of banknotes increased, leading to higher prices and the depreciation of the currency. There is a need of constant control over the amount of money that, in fact, were only symbols, not carrying useful values. There was a need to explain the processes that led to the discovery of a new economic law.

The Law of monetary circulation can be explained as follows. Money, in its function of means of circulation and payment are constantly in motion. At each time point in the country is in circulation a certain amount of money depending on the volume of goods on the market, level of prices, the degree of development of cashless payments and credit relations, as well as velocity of circulation of money itself. The greater the rate, the fewer notes at a time is in circulation. Monetary velocity – the average number of revolutions that make money in performing its two major functions-means of payment and treatment.


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Thus, the law of monetary circulation – this is an objective law of economic relations, according to which is determined by the amount of money necessary for circulation in certain conditions and in specific period of time. It was formulated by Marx.

The Amount of money must be equal to the sum of the prices of goods that were sold on credit after deduction of amounts vzaimopomoshi payments, including the amounts of those which the timing is to be paid. The result of these calculations is divided by the average number of turnovers committed by the relevant currency. According to this scheme it is possible to calculate the amount of money that at some point required for treatment.

Formula which obeys the law of money circulation, can be expressed simplistically as follows: D = Mkhts S. O., with M – total weight of the goods; C – the average price; S. O.– the average turnover rate (number per year).

Under the gold standard monetary circulation were governed by a withdrawal of coins from circulation when they declined the demand, and release them in reverse of the picture. Today, in the context of paper-money circulation, often channels the movement of funds overcrowded, which leads to inflation (the depreciation of Bank notes).

The Law of circulation of money explains inflation a fall in the price of money due to redundancy which were issued into circulation. This amount exceeds the required for the normal turnover. Due to this, the rise in prices, which leads to a redistribution of gross product in favor of the monopolists (state-owned enterprises) and the shadow economy. This is possible due to retention at the same level of wages and other incomes.

The Law of monetary circulation, determines the interdependence of the quantities of money and inflation. The issue of excessive money necessarily leads to a fall in production volumes and an imbalance in the development of various sectors of the economy, shortfall in production from the secured payment capacity of demand, budget deficit. Improper policy of the state, banks and enterprises, these imbalances can be further enhanced.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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