The structure of the neuron and its morphological functions


2018-03-18 19:00:42




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The Neuron as a structural and functional unit of the nervous system is a highly specialized cell that is able to generate and conduct electrical impulses. During the evolutionary process, the neurons have lost the ability to divide, and therefore can't reproduce. Hence, there was a widely known expression in the people “nerve cells do not regenerate”.

The Neuron, structure and functions of which are very different, also has different shapes and sizes, depending on the localization of the cells. The largest neurons – large pyramidal cells – located in the brain in the cerebral cortex and in the cerebellum. Obviously, the large size of these cells is due to the complexity of their functions.

The Main function of nerve cells is to ensure adaptation of living organism to changing conditions of the external environment, and with their help, gained the ability to think.

The structure of the neuron only at first glance seems simple. Each cell consists of a body or soma and processes-dendrites and axons. Axon – this is a long unbranched process whose function is to transmit nerve impulse from one cell to another. Moreover, from the body of a single cell can move only one such process, this is one of the morphological features of the axon. But the number of dendrites extending from the soma of one nerve cell, perhaps, on the contrary, large. They are interacting with a nerve or with other dendrites, taking a nervous impulse. However, the main of the receptive field of a neuron are the dendrites. Aksonnogo the end is able to allocate the special substances-mediators, responds to the membrane of the dendrite. Typically, each neuron has multiple dendrites that are heavily branched, providing, thus, a large number of information inputs. The information in the cell flows through specialized contacts called “thorns”. They allow neurons to perceive the neural signal.


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The structure of a neuron also includes aksonnogo hill – the area of the soma of the cell, which performs the integrative function of the laminated membrane. She's covering the cell body, provides for the formation, dissemination and transmission of electrotonic potential from the soma to aksonnogo the mound. Function of the soma mainly informational, but it still fulfills a trophic function, which is to ensure the growth and development processes during ontogenesis of the organism.

The number of processes of neurons are odourisation (unipolar), dutrochet (bipolar) and mehotrexate (multipolar). True unipolar can be called only by the neurons of the brain, which are located in the trigeminal nucleus and control the proprioception of masticatory muscles. In other respects, the structure of a neuron determines its functional purpose. Bipolar neurons form the basis of the peripheral nerves auditory, visual and olfactory systems.

The Special structure of a neuron allows us to carry out his most important – information function due to the special properties of the membrane. She's having a remarkably small thickness 6 nm consists of two layers of lipid molecules. In it are embedded proteins that perform a variety of functions: moves in the cell of molecules and ions against the concentration gradient, ensuring selective permeability of membranes, the recognition of alien molecules, and the provision of chemical reactions on the membrane surface.

The Complex structure of the neuron and the variety of functions allows you to classify nerve cells in many ways:

  • The type of the chemical structure to highlight their nerve substances;
  • The type of sensitivity to the different stimuli;
  • The type of functional activity.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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