The study of orfogramm "alternating vowels in the root words"


2019-07-25 11:00:25




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In the Russian language there is orfogramm "alternating vowels". Words, obeying this rule of writing, you can't test with the selection of cognate words, as in the case of unstressed root in the word. Their writing sometimes depends on the consonant that follows orfogramm, from the meaning of the word or the suffix. Such words often cause difficulties for students, so teacher have to study the rules more time.

Roots that have alternating vowels, it is desirable to memorize and be able to distinguish them from other morphemes that are similar in sound or spelling.

The Choice of spelling depends on several factors. In Zor-ZAR - in unstressed position (e.g., dawn) at the root of the letter is indicated by the letter a, and in the opposite case (for example, Zori) - O. an Exception in this case is the word zorianka indicating the name of a bird.

alternating vowels

Alternating vowels in roots of the mountains-, Gar-, clan-, clone-, creative-, crud-: the accent is written As (tan, bow, creature), and in unstressed position O (tan, lean, to do). The exceptions are words utensils, figurki, primary. You also need to pay attention to the roots of floating and plov. In the words with them is written As in the unstressed case (float, fin, etc.). The exception is nouns the swimmer and the swimmer. It is worth considering what the word "quicksand" is written in the root "S" sound, respectively.

Prevalent when the alternating unstressed vowel depends on the consonant that ends the morpheme. These are the words with the roots of the lag-, lie-, rust-, ROS-, Cass-, con-. For example, to assume - to suppose, grow - grew, etc. Here are the words-the exceptions that you want to remember. For example, Rostov, Rostock, canopy, etc.


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alternating unstressed vowels

Some words with alternating vowels are selected depending on the value of the root. So, for example, defined by writing the words with IOC-, Mac-. If parts of speech are used in the sense of "to become wet, flowing liquid", is used IOC (to get wet in the rain, to soak the clothes). When this root means "to plunge into something", then use the Mac (dip in water).

This rule applies to the words, which include such items as smooth - and equally-. The "o" in the unstressed position is recorded if the implied value is "smooth". The root of an equally - used in cases where the meaning "same, equal". For example: to compare the expression of smooth road.

alternating vowels in the root exercises

To the students reinforced orfogramm "alternating vowels in the root", exercises must be chosen so that they included words with different cases of writing. It is important to children to be repeated periodically exception. Not so much for orfogramm why to remember simply. And with periodic pinning material for students should not be too difficult to determine what letter must be in the word.

It is worth mentioning that some of the roots (ber-, bear-, der, deer, etc.) are written depending on the suffix after it is. In this case, if a -a-is inserted a letter And, otherwise E. for Example, gain - takes, will tear - tears, etc.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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