The science of fish - ichthyology


2019-06-30 20:20:17




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This section of the science of Zoology studying fish: their origin, structure, habitat, feeding habits and lots more, associated with them. Sistematizirovat and describes various species of these aquatic environments, their movement and reproduction, helping your data in the conduct of fishing and artificial breeding of individual species - all the science about fish. How is this section?science fish

Ancient history

The First attempts of studies have been conducted in deep antiquity. We can say that in China the science that studies fish, of course, in a rudimentary sense, born in the first Millennium before Christ. And in India – in the 6th century BC. Appeared the manuscript, which was conducted a description of some species, their activity, peculiarities of habitat and food.


The scientific study of fishes, has received further development (not yet as an independent discipline, but as a segment of it) in the famous work of the famous philosopher and scholar Aristotle – “the Story of animals" (4th century BC). It should be noted that the data on species was described in the book were so fundamental that was very nearly the knowledge about the fish until the 15th century. And then the science of fish completely relied on them.

Independence and prosperity

From the 15th to the 19th century, scientists of different countries hoarded knowledge about the inhabitants of the seas and oceans. And in the 19th finally the science of the fish becomes self-discipline – an aquatic science. She stood in the service of humanity, developing an active fisheries in those years. Powerful flowering of the science of fish gets in the 20th century, when the development of science and technology has an opportunity for a more thorough study of the deep sea using underwater submarines, submersibles, scuba and sonar equipment. Knowledge significantly advanced by direct observation of marine life.the science of studying fishes


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The Science of fish: what is and what is studying?

So, ichthyology nowadays represents one of the sections of Zoology of beings with the spine – fish. She studies their structure, basic and advanced functions of the organs, their habitat and way of life, distribution, and reproduction evolutionary development of these marine animals, classifying species and subspecies.

One of the most productive areas – the study of fish behavior depending on changes in the environment where they live. Her condition reduces or sharpens the instincts, affects nutrition and reproduction.the science of the fish called

Another promising area – forage research. Its presence or absence depending on various reasons (one of which, for example, human activities) determines the behavior and even leads to the existence of a certain type.

According to the proposed classification there are several types of aquatic vertebrates of the inhabitants – cold-blooded. Benthophage feed on organisms inhabiting the near-bottom and bottom part of the reservoir. The detritus feeders – remains and dead bacteria. Prey – of their own kind, i.e. fish. Phytophages – plant food in the water.

Practical application

But the science about fish – is not just a theory. A knowledge has a direct practical application for fisheries: catch and breeding. They are used in industry and manufacturing, in the environmental forecasts, the study of the seas and oceans. After all, most of our planet is covered by water, and all land animals came from the oceans – this is not to forget! And among the most urgent problems to be solved by modern aquatic science – the organization viable, and sustainable, reproducing and intensive fisheries, can permanently solve the problem of protein supply worldwide.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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