Education in England. The education system in England


2019-06-04 20:20:23




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The education System in England is developing for many centuries and today is one of the best in the world, meeting the highest quality standards. Streamline the learning has been achieved since the adoption of the first important legal act in this area, namely the education Act 1944. Started with this glorious history.

Education in England is compulsory for all citizens at the age of five to sixteen years. In the structure of the educational system divided into two sectors: public (free education) and private (paid education). Generally in the state, there are two systems underlying the educational process: one of them acts directly in England, Northern Ireland and Wales, and the second – in England

Secondary education

In England, the school is very diverse. Common are boarding schools where pupils not only gain knowledge, but and live. These schools appeared in Britain in the early middle Ages, they mostly were opened at monasteries. But from the twelfth century, the Pope introduced the obligation for all Benedictine monasteries to create a charitable school. After the training they began to charge.

At First, aristocratic families, prevailed the belief that it is better for children to learn at home rather than in monastic schools, but then come to understand that, regardless of origin, to children it is better to gain knowledge with his peers. This view became the Foundation for the formation and development of privileged pensions, some of which operate to this day and for over thousands of years teach and nurture the elite British modern society.the education system in England


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The education System in England includes:

1. Preschool.

2. School of a complete cycle for kids in age from three to eighteen years.

3. Institutions for younger students, who are divided into Junior Schools and Primary Schools.

  • Junior Schools In children aged seven to thirteen. They taught a special initial common cycle of objects, and ends with the training of the exam, successful passing of which is necessary in order to go to high school.
  • In the Primary Schools accept children aged from four to eleven years. In the second and sixth years of training and pass examinations SATs – they are, as in the previous case, we need to enter high school.

preschool education in England

4. Institutions for older students are divided into Senior Schools, Secondary School and Grammar School.

  • Senior Schools designed for children thirteen-eighteen years old. In these schools teenagers learn first two years, then exams GCSE, followed by another two-year training program.
  • Secondary School provides educational opportunities to children from eleven years.
  • In the Grammar School also teaches children from the age of eleven, but there are in-depth programs. In such a school, you can even get a full preparation for entrance to higher education.

5. School preparatory to the universities is intended for older Teens aged sixteen to eighteen years.

In addition, in the United Kingdom, schools are classified according to gender of students. There are separate educational institutions for boys and girls and mixed schools. There are many supporters of single-sex education of children of different sexes, who argue their position by the fact that boys and girls develop differently both physically and emotionally, and in the case of single-sex education they do not have to accommodate each other.higher education in England

Preschool education

You can get It both in private and in public schools. The British often take their children to nurseries and kindergartens at the age of three or four years. Preschool education in England lasts until the child reaches the age of seven and includes the teaching of reading, writing and arithmetic. As a rule, the development of children occurs in games. In many private schools in the country there are preparatory classes for children from five years. After children continue to receive primary and secondary education in these educational institutions.

Primary school

As already mentioned, most parents will take their children to school in five years (in preparatory classes). Generally, primary education in England begins from the age of seven and continues until the children eleven years. After that, the children transfer to secondary school usually within the same institution. In this sense, education in Russia and England is not much different. In elementary school kids learn math, English, music, geography, history, art, and technology industry. Necessary items the parents have in the UK English

Secondary school

It Should be noted that the formation in England in the English language, and for children under the age of sixteen it is required. Secondary schools teaching adolescents inage from eleven to sixteen years and prepare them to receive a General certificate of secondary education (GCSE) or national certificate vocational qualification (GNVQ).

Secondary education in England as one of its key objectives responsible for the formation of an independent, self-confident, creative personalities. In school students learn a special General cycle of training in different subjects followed by exams. In order to successfully pass the examination (for seven to nine items), in order to enter high school, students begin preparation for him for fourteen years.

School for University preparation

Upon completion of compulsory education cycle sixteen-year-old boys and girls can either go to work or to continue their education in the Sixth Form-the school that trains for entry to the University. Those who wish to develop a two-year A-levels, which means take two exams after the first year – AS, after the second year of study A2-levels. In the first year we study four or five subjects, and the second – three or four. Their students are selected from fifteen to twenty-five proposed options, the required courses are not available. Thus young people will determine their future specialization, which in the future will devote three to five years of study in higher education.history of education in England

Foreign students usually start their education in England with a two-year course A-levels.

Vocational and higher education

The UK has more than six hundred private and public universities and colleges, where young people can acquire a profession. In schools offers a variety of training programs. Passing a preparatory course A-levels gives students the opportunity to obtain or professional, or higher education in England. The first is the development of professional training in the chosen specialty, and the second already includes bachelor's, master's, doctorate and MBA.


Education in the UK paid for its citizens and for foreigners, but for the latter, the cost is much higher. Citizens have the opportunity to learn in debt, and the government demands its return only in the case if after graduation the person will be able to get a job with a salary of at least 21 thousand pounds a year. Otherwise return the debt is not necessary. Recently in the British Parliament, the debate continues about whether or not to raise tuition, and many MPs are inclined to believe that it is necessary to in Russia and England

International evaluation of the quality of educational services

The Ongoing international studies show that in the last decade, the quality of secondary education in England has a negative trend regarding the preparation of University graduates. With regard to higher education, international rankings of higher education institutions in the UK is traditionally the second or third position.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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