The Geosphere is part of our life on planet Earth


2018-07-14 08:00:30




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Anyone who went to school knows that the Geosphere is the layer inside and outside of the planet, which may have different composition and properties. There are several such layers. In our article we will try to tell briefly about what are some of the Geosphere, how they differ and what is their function. Such shared information will be of interest not only to people professionally studying the structure of layers of the Earth, but a simple reader for common development.

General concept and types

geosfera itThe Formation of planets occurred through differentiation of the substances with the result that formed layers with different characteristics and purpose. As already mentioned, the Geosphere is just such a layer. It is interesting to consider the planet in perspective. If you start to disassemble the shell of the Geosphere of the Earth from the inside, we can see the following picture:

  1. The innermost layer of the planet is the core.
  2. Located Around the core and the mantle.
  3. The Next layer is the crust directly.
  4. In addition, in the process of formation arose the air and water of a shell. Everything else, the planet has its own magnetic and gravitational field.

Each layer differs from another mainly by the density of the elements which enter into its composition. In the center of the Earth is the most dense layer, and on the distance from the middle density decreases. All layers exist in a clear relationship with each other. One layer penetrates into the other, and we can observe the presence of one layer to another, etc. it is Impossible to talk about the isolation of geospheres because they are closely interrelated. And this relationship we will understand when we consider each layer separately. Many will be surprised, realizing that the Geosphere is what is around us.


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Geosphere of the earthThis layer is the densest education. That is to say, the inner Geosphere of the planet, and it is located in its center. If you evaluate the appearance of the kernel, it is a ball that has a thickness of more than two thousand kilometers. The kernel has a liquid formulation, a part of which is molten iron, Nickel and sulfur. The radius of this layer is approximately three and a half thousand kilometers. Moreover, the core has two parts: internal and external. Their temperature is so large that it is difficult to reproduce this in reality – more than 4 thousand degrees.

Experts explain that the core of the planet plays the role of a Dynamo. How does it happen? Liquid formations inside the Earth is constantly moving in conjunction with rotation around its axis. This movement of the core is the reason for the presence of a magnetic field around the planet. Geologists still continue to explore all features of this hot heart of the Earth.


Discussing the Geosphere of the earth, the following are worth mentioning mantle. This layer takes up most of the planet – almost two-thirds of its entire mass. She also has upper and lower parts. If converted to kilometers, the lower part takes up to two thousand kilometers, and the top – a little less than a thousand kilometers. Geologists have long collected information about what are these two gowns. They took samples from the Earth and from the bottom of the ocean, and came to those conclusions

  • Part of the mantle are silicates and iron;
  • The structure of the mantle is in the form of crystals that are in this condition only due to a great pressure; otherwise, a high temperature (over 2500 degrees) would lead to melting;
  • Upper mantle is in a liquid state, or rather its lower part; this layer is a kind of litter for the lithosphere that floats on the surface of the mantle.

In General, all of the layers to move relative to each other and can change state from hard to plastic depending on the loads.


of the GeosphereThe Following turns the Geosphere is the lithosphere. This layer lies on the mantle and has a thickness of about one hundred kilometers. We know this part of the planet as the crust. It is characterized by great hardness along with excessive fragility. Granites and basalts are it from top to bottom. The topography of the cortex is divided into two parts:

  • Oceanic
  • Continental.

These two types differ from each other and composition and structure. If we consider a continental type lithosphere, the upper layer mainly consists of such elements as oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. We can say that this part consists of granite rocks, but located deeper basaltic magma. The oceanic part has always been below the world ocean level, which means that it is not affected by the changes that underwent the land part in the process of evolution. The closer the oceanic plate to the continent, the more its thickness. Soil – this is what lies on the surface of the lithosphere. It appears after the impact of a number of factors. It is this layer seeks to correct interaction with the environment.


the shell of the Geosphere of the earthThe Geosphere – this is what we called the water of earth. This includes all the water on Earth, in whatever state it may be: solid, liquid, gaseous. It is a continuous layer, as the water forms a cycle. This layer is represented on the planet, seas, oceans, lakes and rivers,groundwater and glaciers. Water has a unique property of the climate on the planet.


And, of course, describing the Geosphere of the Earth, it is impossible to ignore the atmosphere. This is the layer of air that we need for life. It is this layer in recent times so often, say scientists and environmentalists. The composition of this field like this:

  • 78% nitrogen;
  • 21% oxygen;
  • 1% - inert gases, hydrogen, carbon dioxide.

As these numbers change, the climate changes and problems of the inhabitants of the planet. To the right of life on the planet needed just such a balance of numbers.

geosfera internalThe Atmosphere also has several parts that differ in their characteristics. The main defining characteristics are the temperature and pressure in each layer. So there are layers in the composition atmosphere:

  • Troposphere;
  • Stratosfera;
  • Ionosphere;
  • Mesosphere;
  • Thermosphere;
  • Ecosfera.

All layers are interrelated, and all need to care for the benefit of life on our planet. The poor condition of one of the Geosphere will influence the property of another sphere, and in the end the equilibrium will be violated.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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